From janitor to actor

Chapter 21 Choosing a Script

Chapter 21 Choosing a Script
In the hotpot restaurant, Ren Shuai and Mu Xiaoqing were sitting in the lobby.

Mu Xiaoqing called Su Yu, but unfortunately the other party had fallen into a dead sleep state and didn't answer the phone at all.

Only she and Ren Shuai had dinner together.

With the steam rising from the hot pot, Mu Xiaoqing secretly observed Uncle Li.

In private, she still felt that Uncle Li was an undercover agent in the concierge team. He didn't have the temperament of a concierge at all, but his acting skills were unexpectedly powerful.

Especially the appearance, no matter the figure or appearance, all meet the requirements of an actor, but it is far from that of the concierge.

While adding vegetables to the pot, Mu Xiaoqing tentatively tested Uncle Li.

"I recently received several scripts recommended by the company, but the schedule is a little bit hit, and I don't know how to choose. Can you give me some advice?"


Ren Shuai picked up a piece of beef that was rolling in the pot, and replied vaguely.

At the moment, he is concentrating on enjoying the food, and has no time to take care of other things.

Mu Xiaoqing saw that the uncle was concentrating on eating, as if it was just perfunctory, so she dragged the stool and moved it towards him, trying to get his attention.

"Ms. Li, the themes of these scripts are different. There are two urban idol dramas, one fairy tale drama, and one ancient costume palace drama."

As Mu Xiaoqing said, she helped Ren Shuai get a cup of tea.

Ren Shuai continued to focus on the tumbling beef that was looming in the boiling soup.

Mu Xiaoqing was defeated and decided to continue this topic after dinner.

But Ren Shuai swallowed a piece of meat and said, "Gongdouju."


Mu Xiaoqing was surprised and puzzled at the same time.

Surprisingly, Mr. Li heard her talking, and was puzzled because Uncle Li recommended her to play Gongdouju.

In Yezhou, the most common and popular TV dramas are basically idol dramas, fairy tale dramas, and spy dramas, while the most stable types of TV dramas are bubble dramas and criminal investigation dramas.

These mainstream TV dramas do not include Gongdou drama at all, and few people invest in filming.

Of course Ren Shuai knew the market conditions. Uncle Li had done research before, analyzing which TV dramas would become new hot spots.

But he has the memory of his previous life and knows how big the market for Gongdouju is.

Seeing that Teacher Li started to focus on eating meat again, Mu Xiaoqing said: "The idol dramas and fairy tale dramas in these scripts are produced by big platforms, and the quality is guaranteed. As a newcomer, I should play a role like female No. 6. And that Gongdouju is a team from a small platform, the reason why the company recommended it is because they can let me act as the female No. 2."

Ren Shuai listened silently without making a sound.

Looking at Uncle Li's appearance, do you still recommend Gongdou drama?
She tentatively said: "The ratings of the works on the big platforms are high, and the quality of the works is guaranteed, and there are opportunities to cooperate with seniors in the industry. Let's start, shouldn't we be more safe?"

Ren Shuai, who put a chopstick of meat into the seasoning bowl, nodded, opened his mouth, and put the beef covered in soup into his mouth.

Then, satisfied, she nodded again.

Mu Xiaoqing's expression froze, she didn't want to know whether the uncle nodded in agreement with her opinion or the taste of beef.

Facing Mu Xiaoqing's curious eyes, Ren Shuai picked up the plate and said, "Eat, don't always watch me eat alone."


She took it and mechanically added vegetables to the hot pot.

Let's discuss it after Uncle Li finished his meal...

"Gong fight drama."

Ren Shuai spoke again without warning.

Mu Xiaoqing couldn't bear it anymore, and asked directly: "Why?"

Looking at the reddish beef in the pot, Ren Shuai put down his chopsticks and said seriously: "It can be said that it is experience."


However, the film and television market in Yezhou has been developed for many years, and Gongdou dramas are rarely seen. Where and what kind of experience does Uncle Li have?

Taking advantage of the fact that the beef was not yet cooked, Mu Xiaoqing hurriedly asked, "Can you tell me more about it?"

Ren Shuai is helpless, it cannot be said that it is the experience of the previous life.

He could only give full play to his strengths as a man of science and technology, and began to quantify the indicators, listing them one by one: "From the market analysis in the past five years, idol dramas accounted for 5%, fairy tale dramas accounted for 50%, spy dramas accounted for 20%, and other genres TV plays accounted for 8% of the total, of which Gongdou dramas rarely appeared. This does not prove that there is no market for Gongdou dramas, on the contrary, it proves that the market for such TV dramas has not yet been developed.”

He picked up the teacup to moisten his throat, and continued to say with a serious look: "Let's compare and analyze how many scripts you have received. The market for idol dramas and fairy tale dramas has been saturated, and it is difficult to break out of the siege among many works. Besides, you play the role of female No. 6." , the proportion of shots will not exceed 3% of the entire length of the film, and Gongdouju is a fresh attempt, and it is still No. 2 female, and the proportion of shots should be at least 30%. As a newcomer, your first priority is to let people remember you. Remember your role, the more scenes you appear in, the better, even if the overall ratings are low, the audience can still remember you."

Mu Xiaoqing was stunned for a moment, her mouth half-opened, a little unresponsive.

Ren Shuai saw that she didn't understand, and explained: "If you don't believe my experience, we can build a model and use data to speak, assuming that the ratings of works on large platforms are alpha, and the ratings of works on small platforms are beta. The proportion multiplied by the ratings is the overall exposure, and after converting the character bonus and adding the market saturation parameters, a scientific result can be calculated."

Mu Xiaoqing swallowed gradually, blinked her big eyes, her ears understood, but her brain didn't seem to understand.


She secretly guessed that Uncle Li speaks loudly and confidently, because it involves his real professional field, right?
Uncle Li is really not a real concierge.

Ren Shuai was still waiting for an in-depth introduction, but from the corner of his eyes, he saw that the meat in the pot had turned white, and it would be old after cooking, so he quickly stopped talking, picked up his chopsticks and continued to concentrate on eating meat.

Mu Xiaoqing slowly recollected Ren Shuai's words, and felt that the more she thought about it, the more reasonable it became, especially the model theory behind, which could be written into a graduation thesis.

Uncle Li is really hiding his secrets, but I still found out.

With a hint of joy in her heart, Mu Xiaoqing secretly applauded her piercing eyes, picked up chopsticks and unconsciously picked up a piece of meat from Ren Shuai's bowl and put it into her mouth.

"Well, it's delicious."

She nodded, feeling something was wrong.

She seemed to have caught a piece of meat from Uncle Li's bowl, and her face turned red immediately.

So sorry.

Ren Shuai pretended not to see, and continued to eat by himself.

Mu Xiaoqing quickly took a sip of tea to hide her embarrassment, and felt that the air was too quiet, so she quickly changed the subject and said, "Well, Teacher Li, I'm going to meet the group. I don't have much experience. If you have time, can you go with me? ?”

 Ask for collection, ask for recommendation~

(End of this chapter)

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