From janitor to actor

Chapter 22 New Mission Triggered

Chapter 22 New Mission Triggered

The hot pot was boiling and rolling, and the white steam was constantly floating upwards.

Ren Shuai did not quickly respond to Mu Xiaoqing's invitation to meet the group.

His attention has been drawn away by the system prompt.

[Ding, the task is triggered, experience the group process, and reward a charm card]

I didn't expect Mu Xiaoqing's words to trigger the mission again.

Ren Shuai was overjoyed. The first time Mu Xiaoqing invited him to act in a drama, the main task was triggered, and this time a system task was triggered.

Could it be that Mu Xiaoqing is an NPC sent by the system?

Ren Shuai looked curiously at Mu Xiaoqing who was sitting next to her, blushing secretly.

This glance made Mu Xiaoqing blush even more. She wanted to find a topic to attract Ren Shuai's attention, and don't pay attention to the fact that she was caught in someone's bowl.

But it's a bit absurd to ask Uncle Li to go with her to meet the group.

Although Uncle Li is now undercover in the concierge team, he must have been a senior in the entertainment industry before. Even Director Ma personally invited him, so his status should not be low.

This kind of senior has always been waiting for the crew to invite him, so how could he take the initiative to meet the crew?

Besides, she and Mr. Li had only collaborated in a drama, and there was no deeper friendship at all. It seemed a bit rude to make such a request suddenly.

Mu Xiaoqing pursed her lips, she should say sorry to Teacher Li and take back the request.


"Okay, time and place."

The two spoke at the same time, and before Mu Xiaoqing could say anything, Ren Shuai had already agreed decisively.

"Er, too, great."

Mu Xiaoqing hurriedly retracted her words, but she never expected Teacher Li to agree so readily. She is very handsome and has the demeanor of a senior.

"At nine o'clock in the morning this Friday, at the Meijing Art Building, we will see the group of Gongdou Opera "The Concubine's Scheming". Although the company handed me the book, there should be competition." Mu Xiaoqing said hastily.

Ren Shuai thought to himself that he had to interview for a role to complete the task of meeting the group released by the system.

This kind of palace fighting drama, he went to interview either the prince, the emperor, or the old eunuch.

The old eunuch is more likely...

He felt a hint of malice in the system.

"Okay, I see, I will free up time."

Ren Shuai decided to go and have a look first.


After eating hot pot, Ren Shuai returned to work, only to find that many reporters gathered at the school gate.

With the experience of Uncle Li Laifu, these reporters are all from entertainment magazines, guarding the school gate to randomly interview students who come out of it.

When passing by, Ren Shuai listened quietly, paying attention to what they were saying.

"Student, may I ask if a school security guard stopped Cui Zixun outside the school yesterday?" The reporter asked holding his portable microphone.

A girl with short hair nodded and said casually, "I heard."

The reporter asked: "Do you know which security guard stopped him?"

The short-haired girl shook her head, and the classmate next to her interjected, "I heard it was an old security guard who didn't know Cui Zixun at all, so he was kicked out as an idler."

Ren Shuai was taken aback when he heard this, that's how the rumors appeared.

He did not know Cui Zixun, but it was not for this reason that he was rejected.

A sharp-eyed female reporter spotted Ren Shuai walking towards the guard room, and immediately trotted over to interview: "Master, excuse me."

Ren Shuai smiled and nodded, "No time."

"Excuse me, uh..."

The female reporter hit a wall in an instant.

He watched Ren Shuai walk into the guard room and replace the person on duty inside.

She didn't give up, she went outside the doorman, and interviewed through the glass: "Master, we just want to interview you, do you know which colleague drove away Cui Zixun yesterday?"

Ren Shuai stared straight at the air, as if distracted.

In fact, as soon as he sat down, he opened the system panel and was checking the property changes.

Name: Ren Shuai/Li Laifu

Occupation: Concierge/Actor
Achievements: none
Props: Charm Card*2, Makeup Card*1
Skills: Primary Acting (300/1000)
Recognition degree: 501
System functions: shopping mall, lucky turntable

Ren Shuai was a little surprised. He remembered that the approval rating was still 398 last time. Why did it rise to 501 after only one day?

How did the extra 103 points come from?

In fact, after he finished his play, many audiences have already expressed their recognition of his acting skills, but their play is the first one, and many plays will be staged one after another.

Compared with the performances of other actors, it is even more obvious that Ren Shuai's acting skills are good.

People who didn't think Ren Shuai's acting skills were good at first, but when they looked back, they recognized his acting skills again, which quietly increased their recognition by more than one hundred points.

Ren Shuai turned off the system, and suddenly found a reporter with a microphone in his hand standing outside the window, with his face pressed against the glass, staring at him curiously.

Just when the female reporter suspected that Ren Shuai was asleep with his eyes open, he blinked.

The blink of an eye startled the female reporter, and she quickly took a step back.

Ren Shuai was very dissatisfied seeing the other party's expression of hell.

Are you polite?

The female reporter came back to her senses, showed an embarrassed smile, then switched to the gossip state in a second, and asked dutifully, "Master, do you know who kicked Cui Zixun out yesterday?"

Ren Shuai waved his hand and said, "You can't accept interviews at will during working hours, or do you have the school's interview permission?"

The female reporter was slightly stunned, the general concierge was very enthusiastic about answering the interview, why is it so difficult for the concierge of the Film and Television Academy to interview.

When eating at noon, the little security guard sitting in the room kept his head down while eating, indifferent to the interview.

Now that he has finally changed to another uncle, he is unwilling to cooperate with the interview anyway.

In fact, when the school leaders got the news in the morning, they had already expected that there would be an interview from the entertainment reporter, and deliberately explained it to keep everyone silent.

It was really because Cui Zixun was very popular, and the school was afraid that if the answer was not good, fans who didn't know the truth would scold him.

Speaking of it, this is not gossip at all, but the entertainment industry has been very peaceful recently, there are too few entertainment gossips, the reporters have no material, and finally heard some rumors, and they have something to do with the top stream, of course they immediately flocked to them.

Seeing that she couldn't ask any questions, the female reporter simply switched to chat mode, put away the microphone and asked tentatively, "Master, have you heard of Cui Zixun?"

Ren Shuai felt that it would be impolite to pretend he didn't hear it. The reporter was also trying to make a living, so it was not easy, so he said, "You can't chat casually during working hours. You are not from the school. Please stand outside the school gate."

The female reporter was stunned. The old man looked very polite, but no matter what he said, he was so heartbroken.

She has interviewed so many celebrities, but she has never met someone as difficult to talk to as the uncle.

If you say that people ignore her at all, forget it, treat her as aloof, and interview with another target.

Or sternly refusing, she would not stalk someone for an interview.

But somehow, this uncle has a quality that makes people want to interview him, and on the surface he looks kind and easy to talk to.

But it makes people feel helpless, not knowing where to start.

 Please recommend, please recommend!


(End of this chapter)

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