From janitor to actor

Chapter 204 Science

Chapter 204 Science

In the dubbing room, Ren Shuai has already started dubbing.

Although he has little experience in this type of dubbing, he can refer to other works.

According to the experience of his previous life, Ren Shuai recalled the sci-fi movies he had watched before, and made his voice according to the memory in his mind.

Sui Gong and Cui Shaoyu, who were sitting in the dubbing room, opened their lips slightly when they heard Ren Shuai speak.

The two were shocked at this moment, and it was hard to believe that the voice just now came from Ren Shuai's mouth.

Cui Shaoyu has known for a long time that Ren Shuai's dubbing ability is very strong, but it is the first time to witness it with his own eyes at such a close distance.

She never imagined that a voice with such a rich sense of layering could be uttered from one person's mouth.

And these sounds obviously don't seem to be made by humans.

Full of magic and metal texture.

There is a strong surreal atmosphere.

After Ren Shuai dubbed a short section, he waited for Sui Gong to help him confirm the dubbing effect.

However, Sui Gong was a little distracted, and it took a while to react.

He quickly signaled Ren Shuai to wait a moment, then pressed the playback button and listened carefully to the sound effect.

The dubbing content of this paragraph is that the spacecraft accelerates towards the enemy in space.

There needs to be a feeling of revving the engine.

Sui Gong listened to it three times.

No matter how it sounds, it feels very appropriate, as if the spaceship should accelerate like this.

As a sound engineer, Sui Gong has very sensitive ears. He distinguishes very carefully, and he can't hear the flaws in Ren Shuai's dubbing.

And he couldn't pick up any traces of human voices.

He was a little unbelievable, and he couldn't help doubting himself, so he turned to Cui Shaoyu and said, "I'll release it publicly, and you can listen to the replay."

Cui Shaoyu nodded. The dubbing lasted only a few seconds. She was so shocked that she didn't have time to listen carefully.

At this moment, Mai Ran and Director Qian pushed the door open.

Sui Gong immediately smiled and said, "You guys came at a good time, let's listen to the effect of Mr. Li's dubbing together."

Mai Ran was surprised and said, "Has Mr. Li finished a part of the kung fu for a while?"

Sui Gong said: "It's just the first dubbing trial, a small paragraph."

Director Qian urged: "Then release it and listen."

Sui Gong opened the public release, and in line with the changes in the screen, a huge spaceship accelerated forward.

At the same time, a mechanical and energetic voice sounded.

It fits perfectly with the acceleration of the spaceship.

The clip of a few seconds ended quickly, leaving a few stunned people.

"Ah, yes, Teacher Li did it?" Mai Ran asked in surprise.

This kind of sound effect is not inferior to special effects at all.

Sui Gong nodded in affirmation and said, "That's right, you guys also think it's amazing."

Mai Ran's attitude changed from surprise to surprise, she never expected that Ren Shuai would bring her such a huge surprise.

At the beginning, she still felt that even if Ren Shuai was good at dubbing, he would have to go through some sound modification before he could use it.

As a result, when I listen to it now, it is simply the effect of the final product.

That sense of energy and technology is exactly what she wants.

Director Qian's face became tense at this moment. He didn't expect that artificial dubbing could have such an effect.

"Isn't it a coincidence? Why don't you ask Mr. Li to add a few more paragraphs." He immediately suggested.

Mai Ran glanced at him with a cold expression, but she didn't say anything to stop him.

She also wants to continue admiring the magic.

Sui Gong feels that this section does not need to be adjusted at all, and he can go directly to the next section.

This time it was the shot of the aerospaceship igniting and taking off. He put on his earphones and informed Ren Shuai inside through the microphone.

"Mr. Li, continue with the next paragraph."

Ren Shuai nodded, indicating that he could start at any time.

As the screen played, Ren Shuai spoke to the microphone.


There was a vibrating buzzing sound, which seemed to be accompanied by echoes.

The spaceship ejected flames, instantly separated from the ground, and plunged into the sky.

The sound gradually disappeared as the spaceship disappeared.

The four people in the dubbing room were shocked again.

Although I have seen the replay of Ren Shuai's first dubbing just now, it is still not as powerful as seeing it with my own eyes.

Sui Gong still listened to it three times, nodded and said to the three people behind him, "Do you want to listen to the replay?"

The three nodded in unison.

The screen was played again, followed by Ren Shuai's voice.

If they didn't know that the sound came from Ren Shuai, they would definitely think it was a computer sound effect.

Sui Gong has been working as a dubbing artist for many years, and he has never seen a dubbing artist who can pass by just like this.

Usually have to repeat the test several times to be satisfied.

He turned on the microphone, wanting to notify Ren Shuai inside, and continued to the next one.

However, Director Qian suddenly said, "Is there something wrong with this passage?"

Mai Ran turned to look at him, thinking that if this kind of dubbing could be faulted, Director Qian was deliberately finding fault.

Director Qian met her gaze, and said calmly: "The duration of the dubbing does not match the take-off of the spaceship. The spaceship is already in the air, but the start-up sound is still going on. Is it because of the human voice dubbing that the sound cannot be stopped in time? ????

Sui Gong also noticed this, and he smiled and said, "It's okay, just edit the sound later in this case."

Because the microphone was turned on, Ren Shuai also heard the conversation of several people inside.

He coughed lightly and said, "Sorry, let me explain."

When Sui Gong heard Ren Shuai's words, he opened the switch and said, "Say it."

"Just now I heard from Xiaomai that this spaceship is designed for supersonic speed. The acceleration time is close to zero when it starts up. It is designed with a device to reduce the sonic boom when it breaks through the speed of sound. Therefore, it needs to show a strong sense of shock when it takes off, but it is not Very loud."

Upon hearing this, Director Qian moved closer to the microphone and said, "Mr. Li, I didn't question your voice expression, but the ending sounds a bit elongated."

Ren Shuai laughed and said, "I designed this on purpose to be scientific. Since the parameters of the spacecraft designed in your film are very specific, you can't distort such details, right?"

"But the spaceship is gone, why is there still sound."

Director Qian was a little speechless, thinking that if you just admit that the ending is too long and you can't stop it, then there's nothing to argue about.

Mai Ran suddenly said: "Because the propagation speed of sound is not as fast as that of the spaceship, and the speed of light is faster than the speed of sound, we saw the spaceship disappear, but the sound just came back."

Mr. Li thought very rigorously.

Ren Shuai nodded with a smile. He, a man of science and technology, believes that science fiction must at least conform to known scientific laws.

Director Qian's face turned pale, thinking that you guys are bullying me because I'm not good at physics.

He quickly rescued himself and said, "Oh, so that's the case. Teacher Li is very thoughtful. I, who studies literature, really haven't thought about this."

Mai Ran didn't give him any face, and said softly: "I also study literature."

Normally, Mai Ran would never do this, but Director Qian insisted on confronting her, and it would be unjustifiable not to fight back.

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(End of this chapter)

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