From janitor to actor

Chapter 205 Mutiny

Chapter 205 Mutiny
Ren Shuai's dubbing work went much smoother than expected.

He immersed himself in it, feeling that the work was more interesting than he had thought.

Many sounds do not have prototypes that can be referred to, and processing requires strong imagination and creativity.

Ren Shuai thinks this part is the most interesting and the place that can best reflect his value.

He was inside the recording room, and Mai Ran and others were outside. When they encountered ambiguities, they would have intense thought collisions and discussions.

Director Qian, who was originally here to find fault, did not consciously participate in it, completely forgetting the purpose of his trip.

Unknowingly, the whole morning passed without any rest in the middle, and Ren Shuai just took a few sips of water when he took the time.

The state of several people did not show fatigue, but became more and more excited.

Even Cui Shaoyu, who was originally on the sidelines, unconsciously joined the discussion and participated in making suggestions.

Ren Shuai can immediately dub the voice they want according to the suggestions given by everyone, which makes Mai Ran and the others outside the dubbing room feel more motivated.

So the dubbing work continued until two o'clock in the afternoon.

It was only because Mai Ran's assistant sent her a message that she suddenly realized that it was time to eat.

Mai Ran suddenly felt very embarrassed, and asked Ren Shuai to come over to help, but he still didn't order food for him.

It is simply squeezing the retired labor force.

So she hurriedly took advantage of the dubbing gap and said: "Mr. Li, I'm really sorry, I've made you work hard here at this hour. Let's go to the cafeteria to eat first?"

As soon as she said this, everyone realized that time had passed so quickly.

Only then did Ren Shuai realize that he was too involved and ignored the feeling of hunger.

"Okay, let's go eat first."

He stepped out of the dubbing room.

Director Qian, who had been highly involved in the discussion, only now remembered his purpose of coming here as if he suddenly woke up.

Too bad, I failed to pick a thorn, and even helped the other party.

He felt annoyed.

However, Ren Shuai's dubbing effect is really against the sky, even if he picks bones from eggs, he can't find any problems.

Director Qian bowed his head in thought for a long time, then raised his head as if he had suddenly figured it out.

Since you can't beat it, join the opponent.

He felt justified for his rebellious behavior.

The rebates given by Mr. Sun are really good, but Ren Shuai's dubbing is too powerful, and he really can't find a place to start.

If you do it forcefully, I'm afraid you might lose your job, and the loss outweighs the gain.

Director Qian made up his mind that this money cannot be earned.

While several people were going to the cafeteria for dinner, Director Qian sneaked outside and sent a message to Mr. Sun.

"Xiao Sun, forget about the dubbing contract, don't force anything."

As soon as he finished sending the message, Mr. Sun chased him after a phone call.

"Brother Qian, what's going on, is this different from what you said?"

Director Qian sighed and said, "There is nothing to do. I went to the dubbing room this morning and listened to Mr. Li's dubbing. How can I describe it? Basically, it's comparable to computer dubbing."

"What? How is this possible? Could it be that he gave you a higher kickback than me?" Mr. Sun asked excitedly.

Director Qian was immediately unhappy.

What is high rebate?
He immediately retorted loudly: "You can eat nonsense, but you can't talk nonsense. You are slandering. My professional ethics have always only allowed me to match high-quality works. Bow down, I only cooperated with you in consideration of enhancing the effect of the film, not because of some rubbish and small money!"

Mr. Sun was overwhelmed by his high-spirited words.

Before he could reply, Director Qian immediately made a concluding speech: "Ms. Li's dubbing effect is not inferior to that of a computer, and the progress is ten times faster than yours. Who do you think the crew will choose? Well, that's all I have to say, goodbye! "

After all, he hung up the phone resolutely, feeling refreshed.

Mr. Sun was completely stunned.

Unexpectedly, Director Qian turned his face when he said that he would turn his face. He wanted to see how strong that Li Laifu was in dubbing, and dared to challenge the computer dubbing.

Mr. Sun turned on his phone and began to search for information about Ren Shuai on the Internet.

As a result, it doesn't matter if you don't read it, but you are shocked when you see it.

He originally thought that Ren Shuai was just an ordinary teacher in the dubbing department of Meiying.

But after some searching, it turned out that Ren Shuai had been on the top of the hot search list for the past two days, and it was also related to the recent popular Fendenko Niqi spring show.

In order to cooperate with the publicity, Alinda reached an agreement with Cui Shaoyu, and released a draft this morning, which is about the introduction of the new season spokesperson of Fenden Ko Niqi.

Among them, the first confirmed spokespersons were Ren Shuai and Shen Luxi.

After seeing these news and trending searches, Mr. Sun discovered that Ren Shuai is not only a dubbing teacher, but also a well-known actor in the entertainment industry.

Judging from his being able to endorse Fenden Ko Niqi, the coffee position is at least first-rate.

Mr. Sun thought to himself, no wonder Mai Ran's crew invited Ren Shuai to dub, and he was so polite.

Inviting an actor like Ren Shuai to dub a sci-fi film, the price will definitely not be much cheaper than their company's computer-synthesized sound effects.

But even if this is the case, Ren Shuai was hired instead of their company.

It must have taken into account the effect of publicity.

A top-notch actor who uses pure human voice to dub a sci-fi movie can earn a lot of attention just for the gimmick.

He could even imagine that with this selling point alone, the movie could attract a lot of traffic before it was broadcast.

He instantly felt that he had not been wronged.

However, Mr. Sun is still not optimistic about the dubbing of human voices. He feels that the film producers are just chasing the basics and disregarding the quality of the film for the sake of publicity.

He wanted to see if the movie's reputation would be bad after it was released.

At this time, Cui Shaoyu browsed the news on the Internet while eating.

She is very satisfied with Ren Shuai's popularity on the Internet at this time.

Cui Shaoyu's work account has received many unread emails, all of which are manufacturers or brands that have identified business opportunities and want to reach an advertising or some other cooperation with Ren Shuai.

Among them was a message from "Who Is the Real Murder" that Ren Shuai had worked with before.

The content is that the film has entered the preparation stage before the release, and I hope that Ren Shuai can be invited to cooperate with the promotion of the film.

Since Cui Shaoyu took over as Ren Shuai's agent, he has collected and sorted out all the contracts he signed in the early stage.

He has an impression of this movie, and the contract usually includes a clause that requires the actors to cooperate with the pre-screening publicity work.

But Ren Shuai is only an easter egg character, and there is no mandatory clause in the contract. He just mentioned that he hopes that actors can squeeze out the schedule as much as possible and cooperate with the promotion.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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