From janitor to actor

Chapter 206 Bad Memory

Chapter 206 Bad Memory

Now the crew of "Who is the real murderer" are almost regretting their guts. They really didn't expect that Ren Shuai could become so popular in a short period of time.

If I had known earlier, when the contract was drafted, Ren Shuai would definitely be required to cooperate with the crew in promoting it.

After seeing the hot search of Ren Shuai's endorsement of Fenden Ko Niqi, the crew immediately sent an email to the manager Cui Shaoyu.

After Ren Shuai finished his meal, Cui Shaoyu told him about it.

"How to cooperate with the propaganda specifically?" Ren Shuai asked.

"Who's the Murderer" is the first movie he participated in, and he doesn't know much about the specific promotional routines.

"Generally, they participate in variety shows and cooperate with the promotion of pictures and texts on personal accounts." Cui Shaoyu said.

Ren Shuai thought to himself, he still has an exam at the end of the month, if the recent publicity has delayed his studies, but next month, there will be no problem.

After all, this drama is a remake of Su Yu's script, and everyone will be regarded as alumni in the future, so he should give some face.

"You can promise them, but the time is only next month." Ren Shuai said.

Cui Shaoyu nodded, with a rough plan in mind.

After the meal, Ren Shuai returned to the dubbing room with Mai Ran and others to continue dubbing the film.

With the experience in the morning, everyone cooperated more tacitly in the afternoon and discussed more smoothly. Ren Shuai played steadily as always.

By about 9 o'clock in the evening, all the parts of the entire film that need to be dubbed have been completed.

It can be described as rapid progress.

In order to thank Ren Shuai for his great help, Mai Ran specially sent a car to take Ren Shuai and Cui Shaoyu back to the hotel.

When sending them off, Mai Ran and Cui Shaoyu talked for a while. The two of them usually have a good relationship. Although this is a business cooperation, it must be closer than other business cooperation.

After all the post-production of the film was completed, and when it was released, it was agreed that the two of them would be invited to the premiere ceremony.

In the next few days, Ren Shuai officially signed an endorsement contract with Fenden Ko Niqi.

Then I started to cooperate with the brand to shoot the promotional posters.

After a series of tasks were completed, Ren Shuai returned to Meijing City.

He is going to start a surprise review next, and there is only half a month before the national exam.

Cui Shaoyu went to help Su Xin with some post-finishing work of "Silent Business War".

After all, she is the person in charge of the brokerage company, and it is impossible for her to be by Ren Shuai's side all the time. She will only follow him closely during important events.

Before parting, Cui Shaoyu also suggested to Ren Shuai whether to arrange a life assistant for him.

Ren Shuai temporarily vetoed the proposal, thinking that his current work is not too busy, so there is no need to arrange an assistant.

When receiving continuous and high-intensity work in the future, consider the issue of recruiting assistants.

Ren Shuai finally returned to his long-lost dormitory.

After counting, it has been more than a week since he participated in the spring show and returned now.

This is the longest time he has been away from the dormitory.

Ren Shuai briefly cleaned up the toilet, took a salute, and then began to sit on the chair with his eyes closed.

As he expected before, after completing all the endorsement procedures with Fenden Ko Niqi, the system reminded him that the mission was successful.

Reward the Lucky Wheel once.

Ren Shuai has been reluctant to draw the lottery. On the one hand, the filming work was very full in those few days, and he was very tired and not in the mood every day.

On the other hand, he felt that drawing the lucky wheel was a very metaphysical thing, and he would feel more at ease when he returned to his familiar dormitory.

Ren Shuai opened the system panel and entered the fortune wheel interface.

He prayed to God and prayed to Buddha silently for a while, then clicked start.

The red roulette was spinning rapidly, and Ren Shuai wanted to spin it a lot for a while to produce something good, so he didn't stop, and was about to count down to three minutes.

As a result, the big turntable stopped slowly by itself after one minute.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for winning the bonus card (black), click to view the details]

Ren Shuai was still counting down silently in his heart, but the system suddenly reminded him that he had won a bonus card.

Why is there an automatic stop mechanism?
Ren Shuai didn't pay much attention to it. He felt that the bonus card sounded much better than the first fifty chapters of "Cycle Over and Over again".

Ren Shuai looked at the reward, feeling as if he had forgotten something, but at the moment his attention was on the reward, so he didn't think about it.

Ren Shuai clicked on the system list to check the effect of the item card.

[Bonus card (black), has a bonus effect on performances that exaggerate the horror atmosphere, and the time limit is half an hour]

Ren Shuai was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect the addition card to mean so much.

However, he didn't seem to be able to use the fact that there was a bonus in exaggerating the horror atmosphere.

Ren Shuai thought about it, does the system want him to act in a horror movie?
He clicked on the mall to look again, and found that the bonus card (black) was as high as 3000 recognition.

This wave earned.

Not only signed an endorsement contract with Fenden Ko Niqi, but also drew a bonus card worth 3000 recognition, a double harvest.

Ren Shuai was happily shutting down the system and preparing to wash up when something suddenly occurred to his mind.

Exactly what he felt he had forgotten just now.

A horrible thing!

he forgot to update...

Before he went to the island to shoot a movie, "Cycle and Beginning" set an automatic update for seven days.

However, after he got off the island, he forgot about it.

After counting, it's been almost two weeks.

Fortunately, the system requires him to reward the task after completing the work, and there are no more requirements.

However, Ren Shuai felt very sorry for the editor, Jing Ying, and because he completely forgot about writing the novel, he did not tell Cui Shaoyu about it.

Therefore, Jingying can only contact him through the chat software. When the update is over, no matter how anxious he is, he cannot be found in person.

Ren Shuai quickly logged onto the starting line platform.

First click to view the news on the site, and found that the editor really sent him a series of messages, basically two or three a day.

On the first day, I asked him if he was stuck in his mind and if he needed any help.

In the next two days, I began to wonder if Ren Shuai had encountered some unexpected situation, and he couldn't update it in time.

In the last few days, the editor has guessed whether his life was in danger or why he disappeared for so long without saying a word.

Seeing this, Ren Shuai could only tell the truth: "I'm sorry, I've been too busy with work recently, so I forgot about the update."

Ren Shuai sent a message, and Jing Ying replied to him in seconds before he could cut it out.

"Daddy, you finally showed up, woo woo woo, I thought something happened to you."

There are several worried and aggrieved expressions attached to it.

Ren Shuai was stunned when he saw the news. He always thought that Jing Ying was a male editor, but judging by the style of painting, he looked a bit like a girl.

Ren Shuai was very embarrassed and could only reply: "Sorry, I'm getting old and my memory is not very good."

Jing Ying: ...?
 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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