From janitor to actor

Chapter 208 Study Room

Chapter 208 Study Room

Ren Shuai started a week of concentrating on reviewing and preparing for the exam.

It felt like he hadn't seen it for a long time.

Early in the morning, Ren Shuai went to the library to take a seat, and then started to turn on the water and soak wolfberries.

Since he has the status of an honorary teacher, he has a faculty campus card, which allows him to enter and exit any campus at will.

Ren Shuai was sitting in the library, holding a copy of "Five-Year Continental Examination, Three-Year Simulation", looking out of place with other students.

Not only is it a matter of age, but the main thing is that the book in his hand is also left over from other people's learning.

This is a reference book for the continental exam, so naturally no one in the university reads it.

Besides, Meiying mainly majors in art majors, and students who sit in the library and study are basically reading books on literature such as art history.

And most of them are doing a surprise review for the final exam, or making a final sprint for the postgraduate exam.

Only Ren Shuai was sitting in the library of the university, preparing for the state exam.

Many students are studying in silence, but after occasionally catching a glimpse of Ren Shuai, they will unconsciously look at him a few more times.

Some are watching people, some are reading books.

There were also students who were curious, took out their mobile phones and started secretly taking photos, and sent the photos to the class chat group.

"Everyone, come and see, the teacher was surprised in the library."

After he sent this passage, there were several replies immediately below.

"The teacher also came to the library to study, he is really dedicated!"

"The highlight is in the book. Isn't this the material for the state exam?"

"It is estimated to be a tutor for the children, and I will learn it by myself first."

"It's been two weeks before the exam, and it's too late for tutoring now."

"It looks familiar to me. This photo of yours is a side profile. Give me a frontal photo."

The curious male student saw the message, and was not in the mood to read and study, so he found an angle to take pictures of Ren Shuai's front.

But Ren Shuai was concentrating on his studies, and with his head down, he could only see his full forehead and straight nose.

It doesn't matter to the male classmates, he just pats them casually for fun, it doesn't matter whether they are frontal or not.

After he sent this photo, someone in the group suddenly jumped out and said, "This is not that so-and-so, the one who is very popular recently, the one from our school, just that-and-that-so-so."

The others saw that he had drafted nonsense literature for a long time, and said directly: "Who is that, you said it."

"That's right, our school concierge!"

"Nonsense, how did the concierge get into the library?"

"Wait, what you said, I remembered, it seems that there is a hot search recently."

Afterwards, a link to the draft was sent to the group, the content was exactly the article about Ren Shuai becoming the new season spokesperson of Fendenko Nickey.

People in the class group clicked on the news one after another, and found that the photos of Ren Shuai in it were really handsome.

A girl couldn't sit still, and immediately sent a message asking: "What floor is our library, hurry up and send the coordinates, I'm going to ask for a group photo."

"Third floor, but I feel like he has spotted me and is looking at me."

The boy in the library kept shaking around Ren Shuai and always turned his head to look at him, which finally caught Ren Shuai's attention.

Ren Shuai raised his head and had a brief eye contact with the boy, who happened to be holding up his phone, looking like he was about to take a sneak shot.

Ren Shuai frowned slightly, walked over to the boy and asked, "Where are you taking pictures?"

The boy was a bit wronged. He didn't concentrate on his studies in the library. Instead, he was afraid of others with his mobile phone, and the object was the teacher at the school.

"Well, I'm sorry teacher, I will definitely not..."

Before he finished speaking, Ren Shuai continued: "Remember to P before posting the picture."

When the boy apologized, he choked in his throat.

It never occurred to him that Ren Shuai came over and told him this.

Ren Shuai thought to himself, since he is still carrying the endorsement of Fendenko Nikki, his image should not be too bad. If he was photographed casually in the past, it doesn't matter.

But now you still have to be a little bit responsible, and you can't affect the products you endorse because of your slovenliness.

It seems that when I go to the library for self-study in the future, I need to pay attention to my image.

After he finished his instructions, he ignored the boy and continued to return to his seat to study by himself.

The boy was left alone in a mess in the wind.

An hour later, a girl with light makeup appeared at the door of the library, looking in with her head poking around.

Among the group of self-studying people, she finally found the seat where Ren Shuai was sitting under the guidance of the boy just now.

Ren Shuai was burying his head in the calculations when he suddenly felt that the light in front of him was blocked by a shadow, so he looked up subconsciously.

At this time, there was a girl standing beside him respectfully, holding a mobile phone in her hand.

Ren Shuai looked left and right, and immediately said knowingly: "The chair next to it is occupied by someone, you can go in and look for it."

The girl froze for a moment. She came here to ask for a group photo, not to find a seat. It was so obvious that she was clutching her phone, couldn't she tell?
Ren Shuai lowered his head and began to continue the calculation just now.

Seeing this, the girl hesitated for a moment, feeling that Shuai Ren was serious about the calculations, and didn't dare to make a sound to disturb her, so she could only stand a little farther away, hoping to wait for him to finish the problem before asking for a group photo.

However, after Ren Shuai's calculations, he began to feel dizzy and endless, and it took a full 20 minutes before he stopped writing when he was satisfied.

The girl waited hard, saw the opportunity came, and was about to speak, when she saw Ren Shuai picked up the water glass and books, got up and walked straight in front of her.

The girl raised her head slightly and found that Ren Shuai was smiling warmly at her.

She thought to herself, it was worth waiting here, and finally she could take a photo with Ren Shuai.

The next moment, Ren Shuai said very gently: "Student, your persistent spirit is worthy of encouragement. I'll give you my position. You're welcome."

After speaking, he strode away chicly.

The female classmate was stunned for several seconds before suddenly reacting.

I'm not occupying a seat.

Ren Shuai walked out of the library contentedly, thinking that the girl just stared at his seat for a long time, it's not good to always let other girls stand like that, he should show his gentlemanly demeanor and give up his seat to others.

It just so happened that the content he was going to review in the morning was about the same, so he could take the time to have a meal.

However, the experience of being secretly photographed in the morning gave Ren Shuai a memory, and he had to dress up in disguise when he went to the library in the afternoon.

After all, in the library study room of the per capita college student, it is indeed a bit conspicuous to mix in an overage classmate like him.

If I am stared at or secretly scared again, I always feel a little bit uncomfortable.

It is true that it has affected his review of homework a bit.

After dinner, Ren Shuai returned to the dormitory and began to disguise himself as a great cause.

In fact, Ren Shuai's usual style is based on his mental age, but the loose T-shirts and plaid shirts that men of science and technology often wear do not look young in themselves, and are suitable for all ages.

If Ren Shuai wanted to blend in among the students without being noticed, he had to work hard on his clothes.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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