From janitor to actor

Chapter 209 Continental Examination

Chapter 209 Continental Examination

After a quiet lunch break, Meiying Campus gradually woke up from the sleepiness.

The number of self-study students in the library has decreased slightly. Obviously, some people were still tied to the bed and failed to struggle to escape.

Naturally, Ren Shuai was not among them. He was on his way to the library, mainly because it took him some time to dress up.

At this moment, Ren Shuai was wearing a blue-gray sweater and hoodie, a short black down jacket on the outside, a pair of sneakers on his feet, a pair of black-rimmed eyes on his face, and a black woolen cap covering his forehead, revealing only Some broken hair blocked the eyes.

He really put a lot of thought into this outfit, not to mention anything else, just the pair of black-rimmed glasses on his face, which are the reading glasses that he specially asked for from Old Wang next door after searching through all the stocks but failed.

After the lens is cut off, only the black frame remains.

It is light and stylish to wear.

He also carefully wrapped "Five-Year Continental Examination, Three-Year Simulation" with a book cover, making it impossible to judge from the appearance.

After the disguise was done, Ren Shuai blended perfectly with the students in the library without any sense of disobedience.

He confidently entered the study room of the library, ready to enjoy a quiet and undisturbed review time.

However, however.

Ren Shuai was pleasantly surprised to find that due to his gentlemanly giving up his seat in the morning, he now has no seat.

This is a little embarrassing.

After finally making a good disguise, he found that the root cause of his review was not here.

What defeated Ren Shuai was not the attention, but the packed seats.

Although many people were not there, the books and water glasses still occupied the space, Ren Shuai couldn't occupy other people's space even if he was greedy.

He turned around dejectedly, and was about to return to the dormitory, when at this moment, a voice sounded.

"Student, do you have no seat?"

Ren Shuai turned his head and saw a familiar girl who was the person he gave up his seat in the morning.

It was a coincidence.

"Hmm." He nodded.

The girl smiled and said, "I'm about to leave just now, you go and sit with me."

Ren Shuai nodded immediately when he heard the words, thinking whether he should say thank you at this time, this seat was originally his.

The girl didn't come here this morning for self-study at all, she just wanted to take a photo with Ren Shuai. The reason why she waited until now to leave was because she wanted to squat down, maybe she could wait for Ren Shuai to come back.

It's a pity that noon passed, and she didn't even have time to take a nap, but she still couldn't wait for Ren Shuai. Now she was too sleepy, so she decided to go back to the dormitory to catch up on sleep.

It can only be said that Ren Shuai's disguise was too successful, and the girls met him completely but did not know each other.

"Thank you."

Before she left, Ren Shuai thanked her with a smile for helping her occupy the seat for so long.

"You're welcome." The girl smiled happily.

As the saying goes, if you do a good deed every day, a good person will be rewarded. Giving up your seat to a handsome guy is doing good deeds.

She felt that although she didn't get a group photo with Ren Shuai today, she ran into a handsome guy before leaving, which proved that she was lucky.

Her mood suddenly brightened.

I just don't know if she would shed tears if she knew the truth.

Ren Shuai sat back down to the seat he had occupied in the morning and began to review in an orderly manner.

In the blink of an eye, ten days passed.

Ren Shuai is about to usher in the second important exam in his life.

The state exam in Yezhou is different from the college entrance examination that Ren Shuai took in his previous life. In Yezhou, students usually enter in spring, so the exam will be held in winter.

Thanks to this, Ren Shuai could wrap himself up like a cotton monkey and mix among the candidates instead of being misunderstood as an invigilator.

After several years away from the college entrance examination, Ren Shuai took the exam again. Instead of feeling nervous, he felt a little excited.

Seeing a bunch of high school students taking the college entrance examination together with him, he felt inexplicably a little superior to the younger generation.

In Yezhou, social applicants and fresh graduates take the exam by lottery, and randomly arrange the exam room nearby, so Ren Shuai and the children from the Meiying High School are divided together.

He looked at the teacher outside the examination room who encouraged the children to perform well, and felt a burst of emotion in his heart.

Before he could think about it, the teacher came over and patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't be dazed, go in quickly, relax your mind, and just play normally."

Ren Shuai froze for a moment, then nodded quickly and said, "Thank you teacher."

He walked into the examination room quickly, found his classroom in the list, and walked into the teaching building.

Before entering the classroom, the admission ticket will be carefully checked.

The female teacher standing at the door of the class first asked Ren Shuai's name, then took his admission ticket and began to check the information.

When she saw the age column, the female teacher wondered, "Is the information on your admission ticket printed wrong?"

Ren Shuai looked over and confirmed, "That's right."

The female teacher looked up in surprise, looked at Ren Shuai and said, "Are you 60 years old?"

Ren Shuai took off his scarf and hat, nodded and said, "That's right, it's 60 years old."

Seeing Ren Shuai Lushan's true face, the female teacher was stunned for a while, but instead of handing back the admission ticket to Ren Shuai, she stretched out her other hand and said, "ID card."

She seriously suspected that Ren Shuai hired him to take the exam.

This is cheating.

Ren Shuai is also very helpless, he just looks young.

After taking out the ID card, the female teacher repeatedly compared it with the admission ticket and his own face several times, and then returned the ID card to him hesitantly, and underestimated it in a low voice.

"How do you maintain it?"

Ren Shuai secretly smiled in his heart, and it was born from his heart.

After entering the examination room, Ren Shuai found his seat and began to check the stationery.

After more than ten days of review, Ren Shuai has gained some confidence. Although he may not be able to do well in the exam, it should not be a big problem to pass the score line of Meiying.

Soon the exam began, and the first subject was Chinese.

For Ren Shuai, the difficulty of this course was above average. It was impossible to get a high score, but it was not too low. It was an ordinary subject to get a score.

The two and a half hours were coming to an end. After Ren Shuai finished writing the composition, he briefly checked it.

With a full score of 150, he should be able to get around 70 points. The main reason is that this kind of subject that tends to memorize requires time to accumulate. Ren Shuai can't memorize too much in a short burst.

With this score, he is already very satisfied.

"Remind all candidates that there are still 5 minutes before the end of the exam. Please double-check your name and test number to see if they are complete." The teacher said while pinching the time.

Just when everyone was at the end of answering questions and preparing to check again for the last time, there was a sudden cry of "Wow!" from the last row of the classroom.

The cry resounded through the examination room, and it hurt my heart.

A girl with her hair combed and cut suddenly rubbed her paper hysterically.

"Student, what's wrong with you?"

The teacher took two steps forward and was about to ask about the situation.

But the girl suddenly stood up from her seat, ran towards the window quickly, pushed open the glass of the sliding door, and stepped up.

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(End of this chapter)

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