From janitor to actor

Chapter 210 Radiant face

Chapter 210 Radiant face
The invigilator was caught off guard by the girl's actions and had no time to stop her.

Seeing that the girl had stretched one leg out of the window, the invigilator shouted: "Don't be impulsive!"

The students in the examination room turned their heads to look, only to find that the girl had already started to take her second leg.

"do not come!"

The girl looked at the teacher while crying, and muttered, "It's over, it's over..."

There are two invigilators in the classroom, one male and one female.

The female teacher standing behind the teacher was very anxious. She had never encountered such a thing before, so she could only keep persuading her: "Student, this is just a small exam, don't be impulsive."

The male teacher in front of the teacher hurried to the back of the classroom, trying to stop it.

Ren Shuai was also a little confused when he saw this. Seeing that the girl was about to jump off, it was too late to wait for the teacher to hold her hand or to persuade her with words.

With an idea, he quickly used the Charm Card plus the Martial Arts Card plus the Makeup Card to create the Card plus the Dubbing Card, using all four cards together, and yelled at the girl.

"Don't jump, let me do it."

The sound was deafening and full of deterrence, and it immediately attracted the attention of the girl who jumped off the building.

She was about to jump down with tears in her eyes, looked at Ren Shuai, and suddenly found a radiant handsome guy in front of her, and her expression was in a daze.

Ren Shuai took aim at this gap, leaped over the desks of the students in the front row, and twisted his body in the air to reach for his hands.

He grabbed the girl from the window.

Before the girl could react, she felt a huge force coming, her whole body was pulled up, and she was pressed to the ground in an instant.

"Ah, wow."

She burst into tears again.

Seeing this, the female invigilator put her heart down, and quickly told Ren Shuai to hold it down and not let go.

Seeing this, the male teacher stopped his forward steps, told the candidates not to move, and immediately turned around and ran into the corridor to call for someone.

Everyone didn't see clearly what happened in the blink of an eye just now. It was only at this time that the students in the examination room noticed Ren Shuai's appearance, and then they all applauded.

The girls looked at Ren Shuai, and felt in their hearts that although this classmate looked a little big, he was very handsome.

The boys looked at Ren Shuai, feeling in their hearts that this classmate's skills were hidden, but he was a bit big.

The female invigilator looked at Ren Shuai, and felt that the examinee was really a savior sent by God, but he was a little ruthless.

The girl lying on the ground looked at Ren Shuai and felt very wronged in her heart. It's fine if I don't let me jump off the building. Why do you hold me like this? The posture is so shameful.

Ren Shuai began to give full play to the effects of various tool cards, looked at the girl and asked, "Why did you jump off the building?"

The girl slowly put away her crying voice, unconsciously attracted by Ren Shuai's voice, choked up and said, "I, I ran away with my composition, and I got off topic, wow."

After speaking, she felt sad again and couldn't help crying.

Ren Shuai felt that she was in a dead end right now, and he had to find a way to help her get out.

"Run, just run away, it's not a big deal." Ren Shuai's voice was free and easy.

The girl stopped crying immediately, and sobbed: "This, this is the state exam. I am only the first subject in Chinese. I will write off-topic. I will definitely pass the exam. I won't be able to pass the university exam."

Her mood was a little more stable at this time, but there was still a strong sense of depression.

Ren Shuai smiled and said, "If you fail the exam, you can take the exam again. As for jumping off the building?"

The girl struggled for a while and found that she couldn't move, so she could only continue to choke up and say, "I, I, have taken the exam three times. This, this is my last chance."

Hearing this, Ren Shuai thought to himself that most of the girls were hit by failing the state exams many times, otherwise they wouldn't say that three times is the last chance.

His mind moved slightly, and he slightly raised his eyebrows and said, "I'm so old, and I still take the state exam, it's too early for you to give up now."

The girl was puzzled, and began to look at Ren Shuai more seriously. Just now, she had too much emotional ups and downs. She just felt that Ren Shuai was a bit handsome, with a good temperament, and a bit of a voice, but she ignored his age.

Looking at it again at this moment, it really doesn't look like a high school student.

"How old are you?"

"60 is old."

Ren Shuai said frankly.

He thought to himself, showing his own experience and taking the state exam at such an old age would definitely give girls a lot of comfort.

As a result, the girl heard the words, and the tears that had been suppressed suddenly poured out again.

"Liar! Woohoo"

The girl cried very sadly. After chatting with Ren Shuai just now, her mood was already a little relieved, but when she found out that Ren Shuai was fooling her, she immediately became sad again.

Seeing this, the female teacher next to him hurriedly said, "I certify that he didn't lie to you. If you don't believe me, look at the admission ticket."

After finishing speaking, the female teacher enthusiastically went to Ren Shuai's place to get the admission ticket and handed it to the girl.

Ren Shuai was speechless. Originally, he wanted to keep a low profile, but now he announced it widely.

The age column clearly shows that Ren Shuai is 60 years old.

"This this……"

The girl didn't speak for a while, her eyes were full of tears and shock.

"bell bell"

At this time, the bell for the end of the exam rang, and the rescuers called by the male teacher also rushed to the scene.

Two youths in uniform walked up to the girl and pulled her up from the ground.

Ren Shuai looked at her and said: "Each of us can be knocked down, but no one can stop us from getting up from the ground. Dear students, adjust your mentality, face your heart and the outside world positively, and regain your life! "

This sentence was originally a good chicken soup sentence prepared by Ren Shuai for his Chinese composition, but he did not expect to use it here.

The girls were greatly encouraged when they heard this.

She nodded vigorously, feeling that her behavior just now was really too impulsive.

She thought to herself that Ren Shuai is already 60 years old, and he is still insisting on taking the state exam. Calculated once a year, he has taken it at least 43 times, and he hasn't given up yet.

She only participated three times, less than one-tenth of Ren Shuai.

The road ahead is long, and there are still many opportunities!
"Thank you, I will keep working hard and never give up!"

The girl bowed to Shuai Ren gratefully, and reluctantly left with the two uniformed youths.

According to the regulations, she was regarded as disrupting the order of the examination room, and her grades would definitely be cancelled.

But fortunately, she has adjusted her mentality, and she should achieve better results next year.

Ren Shuai wiped the sweat from his brow when he saw her go out, feeling that saving people was more tiring than his performance of jumping off a cliff.

After the female invigilator collected the papers, she kept thanking Ren Shuai, thinking that if he hadn't acted in time, something big would happen today.

Ren Shuai smiled and waved his hands, and took out his hat and scarf from his backpack.

The female teacher looked at Ren Shuai with a trace of doubt in her heart.

When checking the documents before the exam, she obviously felt that Ren Shuai was not what he is now, although he was quite young and handsome at that time.

But now it's just radiating light, which makes people unable to take their eyes off.

Could it be that a good test can really make people look radiant?

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(End of this chapter)

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