Chapter 211
The incident that happened in the Chinese examination room in the morning, after a noon fermentation, has spread in this examination area.

After the parents learned about it, they quickly told their children not to be stupid. The state exam is just a small step in life, and there is no need to die or live.

The teachers outside the examination room also encouraged the students warmly before they entered the room, trying to let the students relax and face the state examination with a normal mind.

The reporters, who were already squatting nearby, smelled the news and took action one after another.

Holding various hand-held microphones and cameras to carry out random interviews, I want to know the specifics of the incident.

A female reporter with dyed brown hair was lucky enough to meet a parent of a child who was taking the exam in Ren Shuai's exam room, and asked about the jumping incident that happened in the exam room in the morning.

"Hello, can you tell me more about the situation at that time?"

The parent is a lively person. When he met someone interviewing him for the first time, he was very excited and said vividly: "I heard from my child that there was a little girl in the examination room who was about to hand in the papers. She suddenly couldn't think about jumping off the building. The window is closed! Fortunately, there is a martial arts master in the examination room, no, it is a martial arts master, he flies up in the air, turns around in the air for three and a half weeks, kicks, no, he catches the person."

The female reporter heard a black line appear on her forehead, and couldn't help reminding: "Parent, we should try to be as realistic as possible in our report."

The parent was immediately unhappy after hearing this, and exaggeratedly said: "Hey, why don't you believe it, why don't I ask someone else for you, that's what my child said, it's absolutely true."

After finishing speaking, he patted a woman next to him and said, "Mother Xiaole, isn't your child also in the examination room? Tell the reporter whether I have lied or not."

The woman called Xiaole's mother nodded and said: "Yes, I also heard from the child that the examinee who saved people was very skilled and could fly over walls. Pulled from the window to the ground."

The female reporter didn't expect everyone to speak in such a consistent manner, so she doubted: "Then can you describe the appearance of the classmate who saved lives, such as tall, short, fat and thin?"

The first interviewed parent clapped his hands excitedly and said: "You are right on your question. The examinee is not ordinary. He is 60 years old this year, and he is handsome, suave and elegant. He is not a mortal at first glance. .”

When the female reporter heard the words, her face was full of black lines, and she thought that you are making up a novel. How can a 60-year-old take the state exam? ...

In short, she didn't believe a word of what the parent said.

However, Xiao Le's mother next to her echoed: "That's right, my child said the same thing. I didn't believe it at first, but she swears by the results of the college entrance examination. I have always insisted on the state test."

When the female reporter heard the words, her eyes suddenly lit up, thinking that if this was true, it would definitely be the headline news.

Whether it is the deeds, age, skill, or appearance of the rescuer, every point can become a hit news, which is really eye-catching.

However, this incident sounds a bit magical, and it doesn't feel real no matter how you listen.

As a reporter, she must confirm the authenticity of the news before reporting it.

So she began to visit the crowd, constantly collecting relevant information about the candidate jumping off the building, and hoped to interview the brave candidate as soon as possible.

This afternoon is a math test, which can be regarded as Ren Shuai's strong point.

The subject he focused on reviewing in the past few days was mathematics. When he took the college entrance examination in his previous life, Ren Shuai scored 130 points in mathematics.

This time, Ren Shuai feels that he has performed well. Although it is difficult to achieve the same score as in the previous life exam, 90 points are still possible.

After answering the questions, he always felt that the eyes of the people in the examination room drifted towards him unconsciously.

I thought it must be the charm card and the makeup card.

Now that the item card has not expired, his appearance is indeed very attractive, plus the act of saving people during the language test, it is difficult not to attract attention.

Ren Shuai thought to himself, if this continues, it may affect other students' exams. If they distract their attention, even if they get one less point, it will delay their university entrance exams.

So Ren Shuai checked it a bit, handed in the paper ahead of time, and walked out of the classroom.

At this time, the female reporter outside the examination room finally confirmed the authenticity of the information after many visits, and she decided to report the news first.

So the female reporter quickly wrote a brief and sent it to the editor-in-chief of the station for review.

She belongs to a large-scale news-based network platform, and is usually responsible for reporting social news and hot attention content.

The annual continental exam is also a routine interview project of her company. Although there may not be hot spots, there can always be some content.

This time, the female reporter received a call from the editor-in-chief as soon as she posted the briefing.


She picked up the phone with some doubts, thinking that the editor-in-chief would reply at most with a message, why did she call this time?
"Xiao Feng, have you been a reporter for too long?"

The editor-in-chief came up with such a sentence, which confused the female reporter.

She wondered, "No, I've only been in Taili for three years."

"Have you forgotten your professional ethics after only 3 years? You are just like those old fritters, writing some unreasonable content in order to catch people's attention. This is news, news!"

The editor-in-chief scolded her all over her face.

The female reporter was stunned. Just as she was about to explain the situation, the editor's voice came over the phone.

"What a 60-year-old senior candidate, what a martial arts master, what a handsome face, look at what you wrote, is it plausible? Huh?
I asked you to interview about the story of jumping off a building, not to add fuel to the story. If you can’t write the content, you can just say it, but you can’t make it up out of thin air! "

After the editor-in-chief got angry, the female reporter said aggrievedly: "Leader, I also know that this seems unreal, but it is really the truth!"

In order to confirm the news, she stayed up all afternoon.

"Then do you know that there are pictures and there are truths? Who would believe it just because of your empty words?" the editor-in-chief said very dissatisfied.

Just when the female reporter wanted to explain, she suddenly saw an examinee walking out of the school playground.

There are still fifteen minutes before the end of the exam. Usually, the teachers of the school will tell the students that no matter how good they feel, it is best not to hand in the papers in advance, and use all the time to check it again and again.

As a result, Ren Shuai became the focus of Maverick.

The female reporter had originally planned to wait for the heroic candidate who had acted bravely, but now she suddenly saw someone walking out of the examination room with a very unusual temperament and appearance, and immediately became alert.

Two eyes scan the past like radar.

(End of this chapter)

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