From janitor to actor

Chapter 212 Keep a Low Profile

Chapter 212 Keep a Low Profile
Ren Shuai walked out of the school gate, and found that the parents and teachers guarding outside the examination room were all looking at him with undesirable eyes.

Everyone thought that he was irresponsible for his own future by handing in the papers ahead of time.

As everyone knows, Ren Shuai is only thinking about the people in the same examination room.

In the middle of the group, however, was a young woman with brown hair who looked at him with bright eyes.

The person staring at Ren Shuai was the female reporter. At this moment, she ignored the editor-in-chief's phone call, hung up directly, and focused on Ren Shuai, trying to determine whether he was the life-saving hero.

But if you look left and right, you can see that the age is a little bit wrong. No matter how you walk or dress, you don't look like a 60-year-old uncle, but more like a high school student.

However, if you pass by, you can't miss it. At least he looks like a handsome guy, and he handed in the paper in advance, so it's a bit of a topic.

Before Ren Shuai could react, the female reporter took two steps forward, walked up to him and said with a smile, "Hello, classmate. I'm a reporter. May I have a brief visit?"

Ren Shuai was stunned, remembering that Cui Shaoyu had told him not to accept interviews at will.

He is now a professional actor and has an endorsement contract. If he wants to conduct an interview, he must make an appointment in advance and sign the contract.

So Ren Shuai waved his hand and said tactfully, "No."

The female reporter choked, but being rejected was something she often encountered. Reporters sometimes have the same perseverance as salesmen.

Although Ren Shuai covered him tightly, she still judged from the eyes exposed between the hat and scarf that Ren Shuai was a handsome guy, and he had an indescribable temperament, giving people a very special feeling.

"Student, I am a reporter for a key news network. This is my ID. I just want to briefly visit your exam experience."

The female reporter showed her professional eight teeth and smiled kindly.

Ren Shuai didn't buy it, and turned around and left.

The female reporter followed him and chased after him: "Student, if you don't want to talk about your exam experience, just talk about what happened this morning, do you know..."

As soon as Ren Shuai heard what happened in the morning, he knew it was the girl who jumped off the building. He quickly interrupted: "I don't know, I have to go back to review my homework, so I'm leaving first."

After speaking, he quickened his pace and overcame the female reporter's questioning with his speed.

"Same, classmate..."

The female reporter was panting as she ran, and when she realized that she really couldn't catch up with Ren Shuai, she was unwilling to give up.

I thought to myself why the handsome guy is so cold, she just interviewed a few words, and she didn't eat people.

But according to her keen professional sense, she felt that Ren Shuai was acting very suspicious. Before he said what he wanted to ask, he quickly said that he didn't know, which seemed a little like no money here.

It's a pity that she is not good at running, so she has no way to continue chasing, so she can only retreat to the next best thing and continue to squat.

After the exam is over, I'm sure I'll be able to find out about the person who acted bravely in the morning.

The hard work paid off. Fifteen minutes later, the exam was over, and a large number of exams poured out of the exam room.

The female reporter kept an eye on the two parents who had been interviewed before, and went directly to interview the witnesses of the incident after seeing that they had received their children.

The two female students walked out of the school hand in hand and met their parents.

The female reporter had sharp eyes and quick hands, and politely said: "Hello, can I interview your daughter again?"

The parent who loves to join in the fun didn't hesitate at all, and said directly to his daughter: "Girl, isn't the examinee who rescued someone in your exam room this morning, 60 years old, good at martial arts, and handsome?"

She thought to herself, this reporter didn't believe what she said, now that the girl is here, she can directly prove it.

The girl with the ponytail nodded and smiled, "That's right, that uncle is very handsome, he can jump across two rows of tables to save people."

The reporter quickly looked around and asked, "Did he leave the examination room with you?"

The girl shook her head and said, "No, he came out a long time in advance."

When the female reporter heard this, she was instantly struck by thunder.

In the entire examination room, Ren Shuai was the one who came out early.

She even had the chance to talk to him just now, but she just missed it, missed it...

If she had known that Ren Shuai was the target of the interview, she would have to catch up even if she tried to test the 800-meter test.

However, she couldn't help but wonder in her heart, with Ren Shuai's appearance, he couldn't even look at 60 years old, could he have lied about his age?
Seeing the wonderful change in the expression of the female reporter, the girl with ponytail smiled and said, "By the way, the invigilators are checking his admission ticket. Otherwise, they won't believe that he is 60 years old. In my opinion, he looks like It???s a bit like a star, I feel that my appearance is comparable to my idol, but I???m a little older.???

After hearing what the girl said, the parent immediately raised his eyebrows and said, "I'm not lying. Let's go, girl. When you get home, mom will cook you a big meal. Make up for it and try to do better in the exam tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, she led her daughter away, leaving only the female reporter secretly sad.

She was not reconciled to the fact that the news she got just flew away like this.

At this moment, the phone in his hand rang again, and it was the editor-in-chief calling.

"Why did you hang up on me?"

"Ah, uh, I met the person who jumped off the building just now." The female reporter quickly replied.

When the editor-in-chief heard the words, he immediately changed the subject: "Great, do you have any photos? Send them quickly, and I'll have someone edit them and release them."

"Uh, here, he ran away..."

After the female reporter finished speaking, the editor-in-chief was silent for a while.

"Aren't you fooling me?"

"No, no, leader, I did meet him, but he ran so fast that I really couldn't catch up. Otherwise, give me some more time and continue squatting tomorrow, and I will definitely catch him."

"Oh, okay, then edit the news, change it to interrogative sentences, and publish it first."

After the editor-in-chief finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly, lamenting that his subordinates were not doing well.

The female reporter swore to herself that she would block Ren Shuai tomorrow.

The test arrangement of the state test is three days, the second day is the test of foreign language and optional subjects, and the third day is all optional subjects.

Ren Shuai's foreign language skills are above the standard, especially his listening comprehension. He is not too worried about this, and he feels that he can just review it at will.

As for the optional subjects, he chose Science, Chemistry and Biochemistry without hesitation, because he didn't understand the history and land politics of this world. If he chose these subjects, he would be courting death.

Ren Shuai glanced at the news while he was nervously crouching, and found that there had been news about the incident in the examination room in the morning.

However, the news only briefly described that someone tried to jump off the building and was successfully rescued, and the exam went smoothly without being disturbed. The specific circumstances of the incident and his information were not reported.

Ren Shuai is quite satisfied with this. Although saving people is an honorable thing, he prefers to do good deeds without leaving his name.

Especially since he is an actor and his identity is a bit sensitive, if some conspirator makes reasonable associations and thinks that he deliberately arranges this kind of thing for the sake of becoming famous and gaining attention, it will be terrible.

In order to avoid trouble, Ren Shuai still believes that he should keep a low profile.

However, this news about candidates jumping off a building still received a lot of attention. After all, the state exam itself has its own heat.

Below this piece of news, there was also a small headline link titled "Rescue the candidates who jumped off the building, who is the brave one?"

Ren Shuai has always dismissed this kind of title party.

But it's about him, so he still has to click in and have a look.

???Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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