From janitor to actor

Chapter 213 New Notice

Chapter 213 New Notice
In the news reports on the Internet, Ren Shuai turned himself into the three-headed and six-armed Nezha, showing off his supernatural powers, and he is almost omnipotent.

Although the press release is speculative in the form of interrogative sentences, it looks very legendary.

Ren Shuai looked at the description in the report and was a little dumbfounded.

Let’s say the news exaggerates the facts, but it’s not true. The age on Ren Shuai’s ID card is 60 years old, but after he was described as an old man in sixties, the sense of age suddenly came up.

Although Ren Shuai's first feeling when he saw his sixtieth birthday was that he was a little hungry, he still felt uncomfortable.

Looking back, the news immediately said that he had a face like a crown of jade and a childlike face with white hair.

Ren Shuai was pulled into the world of martial arts in a second, and felt that he had become an independent hermit master, but the gray hair was too much. What he was most proud of was that he did not have white hair on his head.

The later writing is even more exaggerated, saying that he has high martial arts skills, is as light as a swallow, flies over eaves and walls, and saving people through windows is like picking something out of a bag.

Those who didn't know thought they were reading martial arts novels.

Only Ren Shuai knew that he did not hesitate to spend a whole 1300 approval points in exchange for it, but he didn't have time to take care of these in order to save people.

In addition to the description of age, appearance and martial arts, the news also emphasized that he has the spirit of living and learning.

At the end, we will raise the level. Taking Ren Shuai as an example, we encourage young people not to take the temporary failure of the state exam too seriously, but to learn from Ren Shuai. Even if they fail 43 times, they have never given up their dream of going to college. Instead, they are still studying martial arts. made.

Ren Shuai was a little unhappy when he saw this.

What do you mean, although he took the state exam at the age of 60, it doesn't mean he takes it every year.

If you are 60 years old and have not yet entered university, then you will basically say goodbye to bicycles.

Ren Shuai has reason to suspect that the final conclusion of the news platform is a high-level hacker.

This report did not attract much attention. Many people felt that the content was too nonsense and seriously inconsistent with public perception. It was a sensational and irresponsible report.

In the next two days, Ren Shuai successfully took the remaining exams.

He kept an eye out, and after finding reporters squatting at the door, he changed his outfit, stopped handing in the papers in advance, and left the venue together with the crowd, so that no one could catch Xingzang.

The state exam ended successfully in such a tense and exciting atmosphere. Ren Shuai felt so tired and uncomfortable that he just wanted to lie on the bed and paralyze for a few days.

But the state exam had just ended, and Cui Shaoyu called early the next morning on time.

Ren Shuai thought to himself, he just finished the exam and didn't even get a good night's sleep, so he was going to be picked up by his agent to work?
Simply inhuman.

He felt that Cui Shaoyu's expression on the other end of the phone was like a capitalist with a whip in his hand, staring at him, the donkey of the production team.

In fact, he misunderstood Cui Shaoyu.

Although Ren Shuai told her before that he was going to take the state exam, Cui Shaoyu took it as a joke, so that Ren Shuai claimed that he would not accept work before the end of the month, and Cui Shaoyu thought he had been on vacation.

Now that the vacation time is over, the manager must of course play the role of supervising his artists.

"Mr. Li, are you enjoying the holiday?" Cui Shaoyu asked with a smile.

Ren Shuai lay on the bed, thinking that this joke was not funny at all.

"Well, it's really pleasant." He replied rightly.

When Cui Shaoyu heard this, he immediately smiled and said, "That's great, I just arranged an announcement for you today. Didn't the crew of "Who Is the Real Murder" that you participated in before want to jointly promote it with you? They have already waited for it." You are almost half a month old."

Ren Shuai sighed in his heart, thinking that everything is for the pension, let's fight, young man, uh, old man.

He sat up from the bed and asked seriously: "What is the specific arrangement?"

"It's like this. Since they are a mystery drama, although they are going to be released on the Lunar New Year file, after all, there are some small audiences, so the crew teamed up with the online platform to host a program, which can promote the new movie while serving as a platform for the platform. Variety shows open up a new path."

Cui Shaoyu explained in detail.

When Ren Shuai heard this, his heart suddenly moved. Could it be a variety show like the great detective in his previous life?

No way, this is a blockbuster reservation.

He regained his energy immediately and listened carefully to Cui Shaoyu's introduction.

"This variety show is broadcast on the Qingti platform. Two episodes have been recorded so far, and the first episode was broadcast to test the water. Although there is no splash, it also attracted some young audiences. The crew means that you are invited to record the third episode as a guest. , and the broadcast time is just before the film's release, which can have a good publicity effect."

Ren Shuai himself was a little interested in this program, so he agreed without any hesitation: "That's fine, what preparations do I need to make?"

Cui Shaoyu smiled and said: "I have made all the arrangements. As long as you can pass, it will be in the urban area of ​​Meijing. I will send you the recording time and specific location."

After hanging up the phone, Ren Shuai began to wash and eat to prepare for the afternoon announcement.

It was either by accident or a coincidence that he participated in variety shows before. This is the first time he has officially participated in the show as an invited guest.

However, he always felt that he forgot to ask Cui Shaoyu about something.

When he was about to leave the house, Ren Shuai finally remembered, the notice fee.

Since he received the endorsement of Fendenko Nickey, his value has risen. The announcement fee must be higher than before, right?
Ren Shuai thought and got on the bus silently.

"Drip, old age card."

This reminder woke Ren Shuai from his contemplation.

He walked to the back row and found a seat to sit down. The reason why he didn't take a taxi was because the bus was free.

Although he is considered to have a small income now, that amount of money is not enough for a down payment, so he has to take it easy and continue his good style of thrift.

On the program team, there were already people waiting outside the gate to welcome Ren Shuai. When they communicated with Cui Shaoyu before, they asked if they wanted to report the car number.

Cui Shaoyu knew that Ren Shuai didn't have a car for the time being, so he didn't report the car number, he just said that he would send someone to pick him up at the door.

As for Cui Shaoyu, she couldn't get away from something temporarily today, otherwise she would definitely drive directly with Ren Shuai.

She also thought that the company should really consider arranging a car for Ren Shuai, but they haven't hired a driver for the time being.

Taking over at the door was a new intern choreographer. He was about in his early twenties, with a cropped cut. Judging from his appearance, he looked very smart, with his eyes wandering around, aiming at the luxury cars on the road.

Although the intern director had never heard of the name Li Laifu, nor did he know what Li Laifu looked like, but people in the crew told him that Mr. Li had a unique temperament, and he could spot it at a glance, and he would never admit his mistake.

And recently, this teacher Li also received the endorsement of Fenden Ko Niqi. He heard that the red carpet photos were directly swiped on the screen, and he can be called the uncle with the most handsome appearance.

Especially when Ren Shuai played the role of a scavenger in the crew, his martial arts skills directly scared the opponent actors to tears, and he properly practiced his family, with the demeanor of a martial arts master.

Therefore, everyone in the crew believed that people like Ren Shuai would shine in the crowd.

As long as the intern director is not too stupid, he will never pick up the wrong person.

The intern director with a cropped head was always ready, planning to trot over to greet Ren Shuai after he saw him, open the door for him, and act courteous, so that the other party could help the director with a few words of kind words in front of the director, and let him Turn right quickly.

At this moment, a bus slowly approached the station.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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