From janitor to actor

Chapter 214 Who is the Great Detective

Chapter 214 Who is the Great Detective

Ren Shuai was sitting in the bus, and when he heard the sound of the station announcement, he knew that he had arrived at his destination, so he got up and walked to the door to get off the bus.

The intern choreographer who stood outside the door to greet him was still watching the cars on the road, feeling that the cars at the bus stop next to him blocked his view.

He deliberately walked a few steps further away, for fear that he would not see Ren Shuai's car immediately.

The bus door opened, Ren Shuai swiped his card and got off.

He looked towards the gate of the office building not far away, trying to find someone to pick him up.

The intern editor-director who kept his head was focused on looking at the car on the road. Ren Shuai, who got off the bus, didn't pay much attention at all. He just glanced at it from the corner of his eye and stopped paying attention.

At this time, there are not many pedestrians on the road, especially in this area, there are no residential areas, and there are fewer pedestrians.

Ren Shuai scanned for a week, and only saw a delivery boy who was about to park the car, and a young man with a cropped cut, looking at the street with his head, as if he was about to take a taxi and leave.

He took out his mobile phone, checked the time, and found that there were still ten minutes before the appointment.

Maybe he came early, so just wait.

The intern choreographer and director standing on the side of the road took out their mobile phones at the same time, and found that there were still ten minutes left, thinking that as a senior, Mr. Li, let alone arriving early, even if he was late, there was nothing to say.

He should be patient and not impatient.

Ren Shuai was so bored, he thought it would be better to use the fragmented time code to write Braille, so as not to let the readers dove again today.

I'm really going to be sent a blade when I turn back.

He was very immersed in the big business of coding, and ten minutes passed in a blink of an eye.

The takeaway guys have already finished their work and left, only Ren Shuai and the trainee director are left on the street.

Ren Shuai looked up at the editor-in-chief of Cuntou, and thought to himself, this guy really is, since he can't get a taxi on the road, he can't use the mobile phone software, and the car supply is not tight during this time period.

The intern director is also looking at Ren Shuai, but Ren Shuai has tidied up a bit before going out, dressed a little younger, and is looking down at his mobile phone, he can't see his face clearly, so he can only judge by standing posture, which makes the intern director misunderstand peers.

Although the intern director heard that Ren Shuai was easy to recognize, he also knew that the other party was 60 years old, so he ignored Ren Shuai's existence and continued to look at the car on the road.

Another 10 minutes passed, Ren Shuai felt a little tired from standing, so he sent a message to Cui Shaoyu, asking her to help inquire about the situation.

Soon, the phone of the trainee director over there rang, and he quickly answered it, explaining aggrievedly: "No, I really didn't see Mr. Li, I've been waiting here for half an hour, and there really is no one ..."

While he was talking, his gaze suddenly fell on Ren Shuai, and Ren Shuai also heard his voice and turned his head to look.

The four eyes met, and the director of Cuntou blinked, and continued to the phone: "Now there is only me and a passerby on the whole road, and I really didn't see Teacher Li."

The director on the other end of the phone was speechless, and asked directly: "Is it possible that the passer-by is Teacher Li?"

"Absolutely impossible!"

The trainee director said categorically: "He got off the bus, and his age and temperament are not the same. It seems that he is in his forties at most, and his temperament is ordinary. It must not be."

Ren Shuai: ...

He didn't know whether to be happy or not.

"Well, excuse me, I am Li Laifu."

Ren Shuai had heard what he said, knew that this was the person sent to pick him up, so he took the initiative to introduce himself.

The intern choreographer was stunned.

This is not the same as said.

He hung up the phone quickly, bowed and nodded to Shuai Ren repeatedly, and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Mr. Li, I really didn't recognize you, I didn't expect you to be in office, um, no no, I didn't expect you to see It doesn't look obvious, that, I mean you look so young."

After he finished speaking, he almost found a crack in the ground and slipped into it.

Originally, I wanted to greet him well, get a wave of goodwill, and promote my regularization.

It's good now, don't talk about becoming a regular, I'm afraid whether he can stay in the company is another matter.

Ren Shuai didn't expect that this clever-looking young man seemed to be a not-so-intelligent Yazi.

"It's okay, let's go in."

"Oh, okay, come with me."

He looked like he was in a hurry, leading the way, his feet seemed to be on a flying carpet, Ren Shuai followed, and almost ran.

The trainee editor thought to himself, this teacher Li is so good-looking, why should he come here by bus, at least take a taxi.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have made such a mistake.

He slandered, an old drama like this has a lot of eccentricities, and he is so careless when going out, why don't he come here by bike?

Little did he know that Ren Shuai had really done something about riding a bike to participate in activities.

The two soon arrived at the dressing room. At this time, other guests had already arrived, and several of them were putting on makeup.

Before coming, Cui Shaoyu had already introduced the situation of the guests to Ren Shuai. There were six people in total. In addition to him who starred in the movie, there was another person who was also in the crew. .

Both the program team and the production team considered that people of Ren Shuai's age would probably not like to participate in variety shows, and it would be lonely if he didn't have a companion.

Considering that Tae-hsiung and Ren Shuai had a rivalry scene and they were about the same age, they were arranged in the same period.

In addition to the two of them with the task of promoting the movie, among the remaining four people is Chu Fan, the host of Qingti Platform, Zhang Xiaoxiang, a variety show comedian, an unknown but good-looking actress Yueyue, and Xiang Shujun, a singer who is known for being a master of learning.

Ren Shuai thought to himself, if he participates in a variety show, there is no need to use makeup to create cards, just let the crew put on makeup.

The director greeted Ren Shuai warmly, and then began to introduce the guests.

Ren Shuai greeted them one by one.

Then the director said: "Mr. Li, hello, I'm very glad that you came to participate in our variety show recording. You should have read the script, do you need me to introduce you to the game's settings?"

Ren Shuai shook his head and said, "No, thank you."

The director thought to himself, Mr. Li is not out of face, so I am embarrassed to ask. When Tae-hsiung came before, he didn't understand many things, even if he had a script, he asked him for nearly half an hour.

Since Ren Shuai didn't need it, the director didn't have much to do. He nodded and said, "Okay, Mr. Li, you can put on your makeup here first. Someone will come here to inform you before the show starts recording."

Ren Shuai nodded and started to make up.

The character he drew this time is a gentleman, aged 45, who is engaged in painting and usually sells paintings for a living.

The look arranged by the program group for Ren Shuai is a beige long trench coat, matched with a deerstalker hat, and matched with an exquisitely crafted monocle.

Ren Shuai looked at the shape and thought that only one pipe was missing, and he could directly play Sherlock Holmes.

But the role he has drawn this time is not a detective.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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