From janitor to actor

Chapter 215 Scapegoat

Chapter 215 Scapegoat

Considering that Ren Shuai is not young and it is his first contact with the show, the program team arranged for him a role with status in order to fear that he would be distracted.

So he was given the role of a civilian who has a lot of room for development, is full of doubts, and has sufficient motives to kill, commonly known as the scapegoat.

His role is like a cover to stand in front of the murderer.

It is specially used to block the real murderer, and is responsible for attracting the attention of detectives and players, confusing the public and making it impossible for people to find the real murderer in the fog.

After reading the script, Ren Shuai already knew that he was very suspicious. Not to mention that other people easily suspected him, even he himself felt that he should be the real culprit in this case.

This screenwriter may be a bit brain-dead, and the timeline and motivations arranged for him are particularly sufficient, and he is short of the step of doing it, but he just doesn't do it, which is completely inconsistent with the logic of human behavior.

It simply doesn't make sense to divert the line of sight for the sake of diverting the line of sight.

But Ren Shuai thought that it was just recording a variety show, and there was no need to be serious. Besides, when the show was broadcast, if it was because of his role that the villain failed, the audience would only scold the screenwriter, not him.

Just as he was thinking this way, a pleasant reminder sounded.

[Ding, the task is triggered, eliminate the suspicion of your own character, and reward a random item card]

Ren Shuai was stunned, thinking that the system was deliberately trying to make things difficult for him, why did it always propose some difficult tasks?

For this character, even he himself doesn't believe that he is not a murderer, who can believe it?

Moreover, according to the requirements of the crew, except for the murderer character who can lie, the other characters must tell the truth, there is no room for him to display his strength.

Not to mention, the system also said that he was required to rule out the suspicion of the role, which meant that everyone must believe that he is a good person.

Ren Shuai began to worry.

I don't know if it's too late to find a screenwriter to change the script now.

The answer was of course that it was too late. The staff of the crew had already come to him and informed him that he was ready to set off and go to the scene to record.

This program Qingti platform has attracted some investment, so some sets were built in the studio, which seems to have a trace of European medieval atmosphere.

After Ren Shuai arrived at the scene, he couldn't help admiring it a little bit, thinking that he was somewhat similar to Baker Street.

When he was young, he had also read the Sherlock Holmes collections, and was obsessed with mystery novels for a while, but later his studies were heavy, and Conan was always in elementary school, so he never exhausted him.

Just as Ren Shuai was wandering away, the director of the program team came over and said, "Mr. Li, after the recording of the program starts, there will be no downtime. The guests must also call each other by the characters in the script. You will treat it like a movie." Just the same."

Ren Shuai nodded, expressing his understanding.

The director once again lamented that this Mr. Li loves face, and he just nodded without asking anything. For the first time someone who comes into contact with the script, there is no one who can play it quickly without understanding it.

Besides, Ren Shuai is not too young, so he is definitely not as fast as young people in accepting new things. After the recording starts, maybe something will happen.

But instead of taking the initiative to popularize science for Ren Shuai, the editor and director are happy to see the results. Only by making jokes in the show can the guests make interesting material, which will boost the ratings, right?
According to the requirements of the script, Ren Shuai is the third character to appear on the scene. His family lives here and is the neighbor of the deceased.

Soon the director of the program group announced the start of recording.

The first to see the deceased were two workers, male and female, played by Zhang Xiaoxiang and Yueyue respectively. After Ren Shuai, Taixiong and Xiang Shujun appeared on the stage, and finally the actor who played the detective and the host Chu Fan.

The name of the deceased was La Clare Bucrera, referred to as Lao La. He was 50 years old this year. He was originally a local tyrant with a small estate. Because he liked to gamble and was cheated and lost most of his wealth, he could only rent a car on this street. He lives in a small house and runs a coffee bean selling business, hoping to make a comeback one day.

Today, the two people who worked under him came to look for him, ready to hand over the bill to him, but found that no one answered the door of Lao La's room, and there was blood seeping from under the crack of the door.

So Zhang Xiaoxiang kicked the door open, saw Lao La lying on the ground facing the door, with blood spilling from under him, and then called the police.

Several people began to introduce their identities to each other.

Ren Shuai and the deceased are neighbors, Yueyue and Zhang Xiaoxiang are in an employment relationship, Taixiong and the deceased are partners in the coffee bean business, and Xiang Shujun is Taixiong's assistant.

After introducing their identities, several people will introduce the timeline, and then start the work of on-site evidence collection.

The time of death of the deceased was deduced to be between 9:9 am and 30:[-] am.

Ren Shuai's timeline is very suspicious. He went out for a walk at 9 o'clock in the morning, claiming to find inspiration for painting, but no one could prove it. At this time, he usually sleeps in his room.

There was only one wall between his room and the deceased. In theory, he could hear any movement in the next room, but he happened to go out in the morning on the day the deceased was killed.

Others also began to state the timeline, and Ren Shuai listened carefully, constantly thinking about the mission.

The best way to prove your innocence is to catch the real murderer.

Fortunately, the screenwriter is not too foolish. Apart from Ren Shuai who can't prove himself, Taixiong and Xiang Shujun can't prove the timeline. Only the two who worked under the deceased can indirectly prove that between 9:9 and [-]:[-], the two of them were together. Together.

With the development of the evidence search, everyone obtained a lot of evidence, and the first round of discussion on the murderer began.

Among the few people who participated in the show, apart from Taixiong and Ren Shuai who are flying guests, the other four are permanent residents. They have recorded at least two episodes and are familiar with each other.

The four of them discussed very enthusiastically, and they went up one by one to show their evidence and reasoning.

Now Tae-hsiung is the only one staring at him. Although he has asked about the rules many times, he still doesn't understand.

So he turned his head to look at Ren Shuai, trying to find an ally.

However, Ren Shuai showed an appearance of listening carefully, and even started to take notes.

In that way, it seems that he is very good at playing.

Taixiong sighed slightly in his heart, thinking that they are all old actors, why is it too urgent to get involved, is it the same for old artists participating in variety shows now?
This is simply a game that young people like to play. If it weren't for the obligation to cooperate with the promotion in the contract signed with the crew, Tae-hsiung would never agree to this invitation.

Later, when I heard that Ren Shuai was also participating with him, I felt a little more relaxed, thinking that at least I had a companion.

Even if Lu Qi is not alone, it is good for someone to lay the corpse.

As soon as he arrived at the scene, he found that Ren Shuai had no communication with him the whole time, and they were all engrossed in participating in the plot. He was also very serious when looking for evidence, as if he played it very clearly.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

  Interested book lovers can make a blind guess, who is the murderer?

(End of this chapter)

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