From janitor to actor

Chapter 216 Logical Reasoning

Chapter 216 Logical Reasoning
Ren Shuai was taking notes here, and from the corner of his eyes, he noticed that Taixiong had been staring at him, and his heart suddenly moved.

Game rookies like Taixiong are always the best at fooling around. In addition, among the guests in this issue, they are the only two of the same age, so it's better to get an ally first.

So Ren Shuai stopped taking notes and pulled the chair slightly closer.

"I listened very carefully just now. Although the clues are still unclear, if we analyze according to the rules, at least two people can be ruled out."

Ren Shuai showed a very sincere smile.

Taixiong suddenly felt as if he had found his backbone.

He thought that Ren Shuai would play by himself and not take him with him. Now it seems that he has wronged him.

The reason why he listens so hard is not to share with himself, he is definitely a good teammate of Yezhou.

Taixiong immediately attributed Ren Shuai to the hexagram of a good person in his heart, and then asked: "Who can be excluded?"

Ren Shuai whispered: "Look, it's the first time for both of us to participate in this game. We have no experience. Important characters like the murderer must not be our turn. Can we be ruled out?"

When Taixiong heard the words, he suddenly felt that it made sense.

He can empathize with this point very much. As a game rookie, the whole process is in a cloud of fog. Looking for evidence is just casually flipping through. Listening to the timeline is cloudy and foggy. At this level, if you get the murderer role, it’s not bad. You have to be exposed in minutes.

"Yes, yes, why didn't I think of it, it seems that the murderer is among the three of them."

Taixiong was quickly recruited by Ren Shuai.

Ren Shuai nodded and said: "The rest, we can only observe through words and actions. You have rich experience in acting, and you can definitely tell who is lying or acting at a glance. When the time comes, just look for evidence and identify the murderer. "

After hearing this, Taixiong immediately gained confidence.

He doesn't know anything about playing scripts, but when it comes to acting, he is still very confident.

Since he doesn't understand things like the timeline or clues, it's better to focus on observing the actors. Whoever gets the role of the murderer will have a guilty conscience, which can be seen from things like speech and actions.

After being coached by Ren Shuai, Taixiong immediately integrated into the game and began to observe carefully.

Ren Shuai, on the other hand, still listened carefully to the clues.

What he said just now may be useful if it is applied to novices, but if it is a script that kills old fritters, then the acting skills can win the statuette, and it is difficult to judge from the surface.

Inferring the murderer depends on evidence and key clues.

At this time, it was the turn of Xiang Shujun, who has always been known as a master of learning, to appear on the stage. After showing the clues, he began to name the object of suspicion.

"The painter is the most suspected. Although his motive for killing has not been found yet, he is most suspected in terms of time. Everyone else has found an alibi between 9:9 and [-]:[-], only his timeline is still very vague. .”

After finishing his final inference, he sat back in his seat with confidence.

After Xiang Shujun's reasoning was over, Ren Shuai suddenly felt that the rest of the people looked at him with suspicion.

This caused a lot of trouble for him to complete the system tasks. Ren Shuai must not sit still and immediately decided to fight back on the spot.

It just so happened that it was his turn to present evidence and reason.

Ren Shuai took the collected evidence, stepped forward, and spread it out one by one.

At this time, the director of the program group ordered through the earphones: "Cameraman pay attention, focus all the shots on Mr. Li."

He thought to himself, Mr. Li didn't ask anything in the early stage, and started the game directly. After a while, there might be some funny actions or words.

While the director was waiting to see the effect, Ren Shuai began his presentation.

"I focused on searching the assistant's room. In this case, the rest of the people, including me, had more or less relationship with the deceased, but the assistant had little connection with the deceased, as if it happened by chance, but... ..."

Everyone didn't expect Ren Shuai to be so methodical and logical as soon as he came up, so they immediately listened to his but.

"However, I found that the assistant's relationship with the deceased was unusual."

After speaking, Ren Shuai began to pick up the evidence one by one, and every time he said one piece, the assistant's suspicion became more and more serious.

This assistant role is behind the boss's back, deals with the deceased in private, and secretly takes a lot of kickbacks, which belongs to the type of eating inside and outside.

But the deceased did not change his bad habits. Recently, when he had more money, he took part in gambling again and lost a lot of money, so he threatened the assistant to give him more goods, and the payment for the goods would be postponed.

Otherwise, tell Taixiong about the affair between the assistant and him.

Yueyue and Zhang Xiaoxiang who were sitting at the bottom listened very seriously, only Taixiong was dumbfounded, feeling that Ren Shuai was better at playing than him.

At this time, Xiang Shujun, who played the role of the assistant, retorted: "But even if the matter is revealed, I will at most lose money and lose my job. There is no need to kill people. From the appearance of the deceased, we can judge that this is not a murder of passion, but a carefully planned one." Yes, so what you say just proves that I didn't kill anyone."

Ren Shuai didn't say anything, he knew why the scene presented a well-designed appearance, it was all from his handwriting.

But now is not the time to admit, otherwise the suspicion will soon fall on himself.

So Ren Shuai said: "It can only show that the motive for killing is not very sufficient, but it cannot prove that you did not kill."

"What about the timeline?

When the case happened, I was helping the boss prepare materials. The evidence search just now proved that it takes at least 1 hour to sort out the materials. The materials were collected at 8:[-] in the morning. If I ran out to kill people, I would have no time to compile the materials. . "Xiang Shujun asked logically.

Ren Shuai smiled and said, "But you can tidy up anywhere in an hour, right? The deceased died of a knife wound, and it doesn't take too much time to stab him once."

Xiang Shujun didn't expect Ren Shuai to be very logical, he didn't seem like a novice.

He didn't pay much attention to the two older guests. At least in the game, he was always invincible.

But now it seems that Ren Shuai is not a persimmon.

He just stepped on the opponent lightly just now, and he ushered in such a violent counterattack.

"However, if the deceased is killed with a knife, the blood will inevitably splash on the body. I also need to change clothes and destroy them, which will waste a lot of time."

Xiang Shujun started to get serious, and decided to argue with Ren Shuai.

But Ren Shuai said calmly: "Just now when I checked the body of the deceased, I found that he still had traces of taking medicine. It is very likely that the deceased was stabbed by a knife when he was unconscious. , Let him hit the blade himself, and there will be no blood splashing on the murderer."

Hearing the words, Xiang Shujun felt that he really had no way to prove his innocence, so he decided to turn against the army, pointing out that Shuai Ren might also commit the crime.

But before he could speak, Ren Shuai said first: "Of course, according to this inference, I am also suspected, but I know that I am a good person, so I suspect that you are the murderer."

Xiang Shujun was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect to be pre-empted.

He was immediately at a disadvantage, and the eyes of the rest of the people looking at him became a bit intriguing.

Compared with a novice who has never participated in the show, he is naturally more likely to draw the murderer.

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(End of this chapter)

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