From janitor to actor

Chapter 217 Hidden Evidence

Chapter 217 Hidden Evidence
After Ren Shuai's statement was over, everyone's judgment on the murderer changed somewhat.

The director of the program group was a little stunned. He had been waiting for Ren Shuai to make a joke, but he didn't expect to be acted.

In the face of a game master like Xiang Shujun, Ren Shuai kept in touch with him, and even gained the upper hand in the final stage of his speech.

It's not like a newbie to the game.

Xiang Shujun, who was sitting on the chair, was lost in thought. He had never encountered such an opponent since he played the game.

In his opinion, Ren Shuai is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. In the next round of evidence collection, he must have absolute evidence to suppress the other party, otherwise Ren Shuai may get away with it.

If he is toyed with by such an elderly program flying guest in the applause, he, who is known as a master of learning, might not be able to stand up.

Xiang Shujun felt a strong sense of crisis, and began to plan in his heart how to seize Ren Shuai's loopholes and make him plead guilty to the law.

At this point, it's Tae-woong's turn to show the evidence.

But with Ren Shuai's jewels in front of him, Tae-hsiung's statement seemed pale and powerless.

What he searched was Yueyue and Zhang Xiaoxiang's room. There were several evidences that could prove that the two of them were dissatisfied with the boss because the deceased owed their wages.

Other than that, Tae-hsiung had nothing to say. After glancing at Shuai Ren, he followed suit and said, "I suspect the real culprit is the assistant."

Xiang Shujun was thinking about how to testify against Ren Shuai, but suddenly he heard that the pot was falling from the sky.

He heard Taixiong talk about Yueyue and Zhang Xiaoxiang's evidence for a long time, but when he made his final statement, he pointed the finger at him without warning.

It's just off the charts.

After thinking about it for a while, Xiang Shujun realized that Taixiong was attracted by Ren Shuai.

This situation is not what he wants to see. For a rookie like Taixiong, when he joins the game for the first time, he will follow most of the choices.

In the first round of search and reasoning, Ren Shuai led the rhythm away. Not only Tae-hsiung, but the others also wavered and turned their suspicions to Xiang Shujun.

This is not a good sign. In Xiang Shujun's view, the murderer is definitely Ren Shuai, and he cannot continue to lead the rhythm.

Detective Chu Fan started the first round of summaries. He was more cautious and decided to wait and see when speculating on the murderer.

Soon the second round of evidence search will begin.

Ren Shuai decided to go to the crime scene to check again.

In fact, in the first round of reasoning, the reason why he stomped on Xiang Shujun was not because he really doubted him, but because he saw Xiang Shujun's role in the game.

Obviously, among the several resident guests, only Xiang Shujun is the calmest and the most rhythmic.

Ren Shuai must not allow a rhythmic person to draw suspicion on him, he needs to take the initiative.

The easiest way is to trample Xiang Shujun off the clouds and pour dirty water on him.

In this way, every word Xiang Shujun said would make people suspicious, instead of completely believing it like before.

The reason why Ren Shuai didn't adopt the method of winning over Xiang Shujun was because the other party was a game veteran with rigorous logic and objective analysis, it was difficult to be persuaded by others, and he only believed in the evidence in front of him.

And all the evidence and timeline are against Ren Shuai, Xiang Shujun will naturally suspect him.

Going up rashly to win him over will make Xiang Shujun think that Ren Shuai has a guilty conscience, and he will be even more convinced that he is the murderer.

It's better to attack directly and destroy Xiang Shujun first.

Ren Shuai's first move was very successful, and he had already achieved the purpose of disrupting the opponent's rhythm. Later, he will start to seriously look for the real murderer.

In the room of the deceased, there is a lot of evidence pointing to Ren Shuai, which has not been revealed in the first round, and will definitely be found in the second round of evidence search.

In order to reduce his own suspicion, Ren Shuai came here to collect evidence immediately, and concealed the evidence that was not good for him.

To avoid stepping into the hole dug for him by the brainless screenwriter.

Xiang Shujun and Ren Shuai thought of one thing and came to the scene of the death to collect evidence.

But the moment he saw Ren Shuai, he felt that he was still missing a move.

If Ren Shuai is the murderer, he will definitely destroy the unfavorable evidence. Even if he searches for the evidence together, there is no way to monitor the other party's actions throughout the process.

And Ren Shuai has a first-mover advantage. He knows the actions and arrangements of his role, so he can search for evidence and hide it in a targeted manner.

Xiang Shujun felt that it might not be fruitful to continue searching here, so he might as well go to Ren Shuai's room to search, so he turned around and left.

Seeing that the person in the way had walked away, Ren Shuai acted more freely.

Although the program stipulates that non-murderers cannot lie, it does not say that evidence cannot be hidden.

As long as the act of hiding evidence is not misunderstood as destroying evidence, otherwise it may be self-defeating.

After Ren Shuai collected some evidence, he already had a general plan in mind, and the next step is to see how the second round of pushing the murderer will be played.

Success or failure is here.

After the second round of culprit pushing, there is only one stage left to make a separate statement with the detective, and then there will be a vote.

The result of the vote is related to the success of Ren Shuai's mission.

According to the requirements, he must have no votes on him.

All assembled again for a final round of evidence presentation and reasoning.

When the second round of evidence was presented, the order was completely reversed from the first round, with the detectives starting first.

Chu Fan's analytical ability is not bad, but he is easy to hesitate. In the first round, he felt that both Ren Shuai and Xiang Shujun were suspicious.

After this round of search, he discovered something suspicious about Tae-hsiung.

"There was a business problem between the supplier and the deceased. During an audit, the supplier discovered that there was a transaction between the assistant and the deceased that he should not be aware of.

So the supplier made an appointment with the deceased, wanting to ask clearly what his assistant had done, and lured the deceased, saying that after telling him the truth, he could be exempted from the payment for this batch of goods. "

After hearing this, several people looked at Taixiong very puzzled, thinking that he is the boss, even if they want to check the evidence of his assistant's cheating, there is no need to promise him so much money.

At this time, Taixiong quickly explained: "Actually, I was just fooling him, and I didn't really want to give him that benefit."

As soon as these words came out, the rest of the people let out a meaningful "oh".

Tae-hsiung felt confused, did he say something wrong?

He unconsciously turned his head to look at Ren Shuai, wanting to ask for help.

Naturally, Ren Shuai couldn't abandon his allies at this time, so he explained to him: "If you don't really want to give him money, what means do you need to use to get rid of it? Killing him seems to be a good choice."

Taixiong immediately waved his hands and said: "No, no, I definitely don't have this idea. The script said that I don't want to really give him money, and didn't say what means to use!"

In fact, this motive for killing is not sufficient, and naturally no one would suspect Taixiong of killing because of this.

But Ren Shuai wants to use this opportunity to bring a wave of rhythm.

He looked at Taixiong, and quickly comforted him: "Perhaps, the reason why you dare to fool the deceased and not plan to give money is not because you want to kill him yourself, but because you know someone will kill him?"

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(End of this chapter)

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