From janitor to actor

Chapter 218 Start the show

Chapter 218 Start the show

Taixiong was a little dazed after hearing Ren Shuai's words, and then remembered that some content was indeed mentioned in his timeline.

He immediately said: "Ah, yes, yes, I saw the assistant write a letter to a mysterious person. The letter said that the deceased did not behave properly, and said that such a scum should have died a long time ago."

This sentence immediately threw the blame on Xiang Shujun again.

Xiang Shujun hurriedly said: "I'm just talking casually to vent my dissatisfaction. I don't really intend to kill people."

Ren Shuai regained his spirit immediately upon hearing the words, and asked back, "Even if such private words are written in the letter, what does that mysterious person have to do with you?"

Xiang Shujun was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that he fell into Ren Shuai's rhythm again.

But since he was asked, Xiang Shujun could only tell the truth: "It's my girlfriend."

Among all the people present, only Yueyue is a woman, so there is no doubt that she is Xiang Shujun's mysterious girlfriend.

Yueyue smiled embarrassingly, lowered her head slightly and said, "We were neighbors when we were young, and when we grow up we work in the same city, so we got together naturally."

Ren Shuai glanced at Yueyue, thinking that she was working under the deceased and was dissatisfied with the deceased, plus her boyfriend was caught by the deceased, is it possible to kill for her boyfriend?

Ren Shuai pondered for a while, but did not speak.

After the host finished talking about the evidence, it was Taixiong's turn to appear.

This time, Taixiong listened to Ren Shuai's suggestion, went to search Xiang Shujun's room, and found several clues.

One of the more critical ones is that Xiang Shujun's family has a big problem and urgently needs a sum of money to save his life.

He also wrote a note to apply for a salary advance, and prepared to submit it to Tai Xiong.

If during this period of time, his behavior of eating inside and out was exposed by the deceased, not only would Taixiong not give him a salary, he would even lose his job, and he would have to pay the company a large sum of money.

In this way, Xiang Shujun's motive for killing people becomes sufficient.

Immediately afterwards, it was Ren Shuai's turn to introduce.

He found a lot of evidence pointing to himself at the death scene, but there were two very small evidence pointing to Zhang Xiaoxiang and Yueyue.

He was the one who poured the medicine into the deceased's cup. As a gentleman who sold paintings for a living, Ren Shuai had average physical fitness. If he wanted to kill the deceased without struggling, he had to make him lose consciousness first.

At that time, he entered the room of the deceased on the grounds of helping the portrait of the deceased, and took the opportunity to put sleeping pills in his teacup.

After the deceased sat on the sofa and fell asleep, Ren Shuai was ready to attack.

But at this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Out of a guilty conscience, he could only jump through the window and jump back to his room.

He was afraid that his murder plan would be discovered, so he quickly packed his things and went out.

Make the act of going out to collect news, pretending that you don't know it at all.

Ren Shuai had no idea what happened afterwards.

When he searched for evidence, he found that there was an adult man's palm print on the back of the neck of the deceased. It was obvious that someone had strangled the neck of the deceased from behind and lifted him up.

But the assistant was not as tall as the deceased. Only Zhang Xiaoxiang was tall and burly and could lift the deceased from behind.

And Ren Shuai also found that there was a small earring on the collar of the deceased's clothes, which was obviously left by someone accidentally.

This clue clearly points to Yueyue.

After Ren Shuai showed the evidence, he returned to his seat. This time, he did not name the suspect.

This surprised Xiang Shujun, Ren Shuai did not continue to step on him.

However, Xiang Shujun doesn't intend to just let Ren Shuai go.

It can be said that he gained a lot from the round of evidence gathering just now.

"I searched the painter's room and found that he had an irreconcilable conflict with the deceased. Before his downfall, the deceased had bullied the painter's wife, leading to her accidental death.

The reason why the painter moved here was also to get close to the deceased and wait for an opportunity to avenge his wife. "

Xiang Shujun revealed Ren Shuai's motive for killing in one go, and it was very full.

Then he continued: "I found a medicine bottle from the painter's room, and the substance inside was exactly the same as the teacup in the deceased's room, proving that the painter caused the deceased's loss of consciousness."

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of several people immediately focused on Ren Shuai.

Faced with the situation at this moment, Ren Shuai was well prepared.

There was just the right amount of panic on his face, and then he subconsciously asked a word.

"If it's an attempted murder, is it a murderer?"

His current performance is very natural and real.

Several other people immediately answered his question enthusiastically, shaking their heads and saying, "Of course not. Only the person who actually killed the deceased is the real culprit we are looking for."

Seeing Ren Shuai's performance, Xiang Shujun smiled secretly, thinking that he was still a novice, and he didn't even understand the most basic rules of the game. Like nothing more.

After hearing everyone's answers, Ren Shuai breathed a sigh of relief, as if he was worried that he was the murderer just now.

Immediately, he said frankly: "That's right, I put the medicine in the deceased's teacup. I moved to his next door to plan to kill him and avenge my wife, but"

When Ren Shuai said this, he paused.

After observing the reactions of several people for a while, he continued: "Just when I had already stunned him and planned to strangle him to death, someone suddenly knocked on the door of the deceased, interrupting my plan. In desperation, I just jumped back to my room from the window and left in a hurry."

Based on Ren Shuai's real reaction just now, Xiang Shujun already somewhat believed what he said.

For a game veteran, overly obvious clues will reduce the suspicion of the target.

What Ren Shuai said was logical and there was nothing wrong with it.

It was mainly Ren Shuai's natural expressions and reactions that made Xiang Shujun more sure of his speculation.

Ren Shuai is not the real murderer.

The person who came to the same conclusion as Xiang Shujun was detective Chu Fan.

He is also a logical person, and he didn't see any problems with Ren Shuai's speech and performance just now.

Moreover, Ren Shuai stomped on Xiang Shujun in the first round, it is entirely possible that Xiang Shujun suspected that he was the murderer, and he fought back for self-protection.

After the second round of evidence collection, Ren Shuai stopped stepping on Shujun, which just proved that Ren Shuai was not the real culprit, but was trying to find the real culprit.

Otherwise, Ren Shuai could have stepped on Xiang Shujun to the end and muddied the water.

The thoughts of the two of them had already been expected by Ren Shuai.

This wave of acting in the mid-level performance is to wash away his suspicions.

But it was limited to Xiang Shujun and Chu Fan, two people with careful logic. As for Yueyue and Zhang Xiaoxiang, Ren Shuai didn't know the effect.

But he will never allow himself to have any votes.

In order to secure a hand, Ren Shuai decided to rely on his loyal ally, Lao Tai.

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(End of this chapter)

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