From janitor to actor

Chapter 219 Loyal Allies

Chapter 219 Loyal Allies
After Xiang Shujun finished his speech, it was Yueyue and Zhang Xiaoxiang's turn.

I don't know if it's because the last round of Ren Shujun's rhythm was too good, the two of them coincidentally pointed their finger at Xiang Shujun.

However, after Yueyue showed the evidence related to Xiang Shujun, she cast suspicious eyes on Ren Shuai, and said in thought: "Although the assistant's motive for killing the murder is sufficient, there are no clues related to him at the scene. Instead, it is the painter. There is still time for the motive, although he said that someone knocked on the door to interrupt his killing, but this is not necessarily true, after all, the murderer can lie."

After Ren Shuai heard this, he sighed slightly in his heart, thinking that he was most afraid of this kind of players who seemed to be good at playing, but they were not really good at playing, and had been messing with each other in the game.

Yueyue's speech was not good for Ren Shuai in the final presentation.

He had to find a way to reverse the situation before the vote and pick himself up completely.

After the few people finished their speeches, the one-on-one reasoning session with the detective began. The first person to enter the private room was Xiang Shujun. He felt that he had cleared his mind. between.

But who it was, he couldn't be sure.

Ren Shuai glanced at Taixiong next to him, thinking of a way to communicate with Taixiong naturally and unpretentiously, so that he can use him, no, rely on him to help him transfer his hatred.

At this moment, Taixiong suddenly took the initiative to come over and asked in a low voice: "Who is the murderer in the end? I said it was an assistant before, but after watching this round, I feel that Yueyue and Zhang Xiaoxiang are more suspicious. It seems a little deliberate, and the micro-expression when speaking is not normal."

Taixiong listened to Ren Shuai's words, took advantage of his own advantages, regardless of the timeline of evidence, clues, and just watched the actions and performances of a few people to locate the murderer.

Ren Shuai thought to himself that he was really sleepy and someone gave him a pillow, so his good ally came to his door.

He lowered his voice and replied: "Actually, I think there are still some key clues that we haven't found. Logically speaking, there should be a body search at the end. After the murderer committed the crime, he probably left the evidence with him."

What Ren Shuai said was just speculation, because in the game evidence search process, there were no important clues pointing to Yueyue or Zhang Xiaoxiang, which was very suspicious.

In his previous life, he saw that similar games had a body search step, and he didn't know if the program group here omitted it on purpose or had ulterior motives.

Ren Shuai pinned his final suspects on Yueyue and Zhang Xiaoxiang. Although the timeline and motives of the two are not too suspicious, Ren Shuai has reason to suspect that the brain-dead screenwriter just played cards in order not to follow the routine. Possibly some outlandish reason for the murderer to kill the dead.

Ren Shuai must find a way to find the key clues before the final vote, and bite the real culprit tightly, so that he can escape unscathed.

And the main reason why he didn't propose a body search himself, but encouraged Taixiong to do it, was because he was afraid of retaliation.

To put it bluntly, Taixiong is his shield.

If any important clues are found during the body search later, the murderer will be hammered to death.

Based on the principle of breaking the can and breaking the can, the real murderer will definitely throw this precious vote to the person who exposed him in the final vote, in return.

Of course, Ren Shuai wants to give this kind of publicity to his loyal allies.

After listening to Ren Shuai's words, Taixiong felt that it made sense, but he was still a little puzzled and said, "But Yueyue is a little girl, so it's not convenient to search her body?"

Ren Shuai smiled indifferently and said: "Don't worry about it, just search for Zhang Xiaoxiang alone. If you find clues, the murderer is Zhang Xiaoxiang. If you can't find any clues, you will vote for Yueyue."

Taixiong felt very reasonable, nodded and said: "Okay, then let's go over and talk about it together."

It is impossible to be together.

How could the soldiers stand in a row with the shields?

Ren Shuai glanced at the private chat room, and regretfully said: "I want to go in second to chat with Detective Shan, Xiang Shujun is coming out soon, he looks like a veteran player who is very good at playing, you call him together, maybe wrong."

Taixiong nodded in agreement when he heard the words.

I thought that I didn't lose the face of the old drama, maybe the key clues would have to be found by myself, a newcomer to the game, and these young people would not dare to underestimate me anymore.

While speaking, Xiang Shujun had already walked out of the private room, and Ren Shuai got up to greet him, nodded to him, and entered the detective's private chat room.

Taixiong also got up at the right time, walked to Xiang Shujun and said, "Xiao Xiang, should we go for a body search, I feel that the murderer might put clues on himself."

Xiang Shujun glanced at Taixiong in surprise, he didn't expect him to think of this idea.

During the recording of the first two episodes, they didn't have this link at all, and they didn't feel like they were in the setting of the program group at all.

Only a rookie like Tae-woong would be ingenious and come up with something like a body search.

But out of respect for the seniors in the entertainment industry, Xiang Shujun did not refuse, nodded and said: "Okay, then let's go and search each other."

After finishing speaking, the two walked to Zhang Xiaoxiang's side and stared at him covetously.

In the private room, Ren Shuai looked at detective Chu Fan and asked, "Who do you think the murderer is?"

Chu Fan was a little dazed. Isn't this sentence the detective should ask the suspect?

But he still replied: "Both workers Xiaoyue and Xiaoxiang are suspected, but you are also suspected."

Ren Shuai nodded, and said in an orderly manner: "First of all, I want to solemnly declare that I really want to kill the deceased, but you have also said that an attempted murder is not the real murderer, so the one who actually killed the deceased must be the one." The one who knocked."

Chu Fan nodded and said: "But, you also said that after hearing the knock on the door, you jumped out of the window and went back to your room, and then went out immediately, but you didn't meet anyone when you went out, so the person who knocked on the door Where did you go?"

Ren Shuai said with certainty: "Of course I entered the room of the dead."

Chu Fan showed a wise smile and said: "Not necessarily, there is another possibility, that is, you are lying, there is no one who knocked on the door, because the deceased was not close to the suspects, they cannot have the door of the deceased The key, and when you jumped out of the window to return to the room, the deceased was in a coma, and it was impossible to open the door for others."

Ren Shuai thought to himself, what he was most afraid of was that this point could not be explained clearly, which would lead to suspicion.

But fortunately, he has intermediate-level acting skills, and when he heard this, he immediately showed a distressed expression. Anyone who saw that look would feel wronged for him.

Seeing this, Chu Fan quickly restrained his smile, and comforted him: "I'm not suspicious of you. On the contrary, your suspicion is too obvious and you may not be the murderer. Another possibility is that Xiaoyue and Xiaoxiang, who worked under the deceased, accidentally obtained The dead man's house key, enter the room and kill the dead man."

He spoke in a hurry, afraid that if he was slow in explaining, Ren Shuai would be wronged for one more second.

When Ren Shuai heard the words, he put away his supernatural powers immediately, showed a dazed expression, nodded and said: "Then I can rest assured, that is to say, as long as I can find the key to the deceased's house, it will prove my innocence, right?"

Chu Fan nodded, thinking that it is a pity that the evidence-searching process is over. Although the suspicion is temporarily locked on Yueyue and Zhang Xiaoxiang, the voting accuracy rate is only 50%. Post ugly childhood photos of yourself on your personal homepage.

It doesn't matter, the main thing is that the murderer cannot be allowed to go unpunished.

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(End of this chapter)

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