Chapter 220
Zhang Xiaoxiang felt weak and helpless.

He didn't know why, but Xiang Shujun and Taixiong looked at him with such malicious eyes.

"You guys, what do you want to do?"

He folded his hands on his chest, and asked pale and feeble questions with a vigilant face.

Tae-hsiung said confidently, "Search."

Zhang Xiaoxiang's face changed slightly, he subconsciously turned his head to look at Yueyue next to him, pouted and said, "Why don't you search for her?"

Taixiong's face turned black, thinking that he had never heard of men and women kissing each other?He looked at Zhang Xiaoxiang more and more like a murderer.

Xiang Shujun made a relief: "You stand up first, we can search each other."

Zhang Xiaoxiang said very unwillingly: "There is no such process in the program."

Taixiong felt that Huadian was discovered instantly, as if there was a flash of lightning in his mind, and he refused to budge: "If you dare not let us search, then you have a guilty conscience and prove that you are the real culprit."

After saying this, Tae-hsiung instantly found a thrill of being a detective. He thought to himself that it was no wonder that Ren Shuai was so devoted to playing just now. After entering the role, it turned out to be much more enjoyable than acting in a movie.

Zhang Xiaoxiang couldn't get off the tiger, so he nodded reluctantly and said: "Then search."

Xiang Shujun didn't intend to do anything, he thought that the show crew hadn't set up this link at all, and the search couldn't find anything. Taixiong, a novice, had a whim, so he thought he was trying to grab the spotlight and make the show more interesting.

When he was thinking like this, Taixiong suddenly laughed, and took out a bunch of metal things from Zhang Xiaoxiang's trouser pocket.

"What is this?" he asked.

Zhang Xiaoxiang faltered, turned his head and said at last: "I found this in Xiaoyue's dormitory."

Yueyue was still watching the excitement, but suddenly found that the flames of war were burning on her, she quickly said: "I don't have this kind of thing, besides, you found this thing, why didn't you show it during the evidence display, it's too suspicious, you It must be the murderer!"

Zhang Xiaoxiang didn't expect that the more he talked about it, the more ruthless he would be. He simply waved his hand and said, "Anyway, this thing has nothing to do with the case. The main reason is that I have a very clear timeline and I have witnesses. It can't be the murderer. The real murderer is definitely not me. Are you really the murderer?" Wronged people."

Xiang Shujun pondered for a while, thinking that Yueyue and Zhang Xiaoxiang gave each other an alibi, and they had a conversation in the morning, which really cannot be explained.

At this moment, Taixiong broke away from the joy of finding the evidence, looked at a bunch of unknown things in his hands, and began to worry, and missed his big backer Ren Shuai a little bit.

Is this thing considered key evidence?

At this moment, Ren Shuai came out of the room, and it was Zhang Xiaoxiang's turn to go in and chat alone.

Seeing Zhang Xiaoxiang enter the room, Taixiong immediately told Ren Shuai what he had just discovered as a feat, and then handed over the bunch of things in his hand.

Ren Shuai glanced at it, then smiled.

Sure, the murderer is definitely Zhang Xiaoxiang who didn't run away.

"Zhengchou couldn't find the key, so the key was delivered to the door." Ren Shuai muttered to himself.

Taixiong was very puzzled, and asked: "You said this is the key?"

Ren Shuai nodded.

At this time, Xiang Shujun seemed to have reacted, and clapped his hands and said, "So that's it, he's a thief!"

Taixiong was still in a daze, looked at the bunch of things in his hand and said: "Is this thing for unlocking?"

Although the props group didn't pay much attention, the string of ear picks was indeed a complete set of lockpicking tools.

Xiang Shujun said: "No wonder when I was searching for evidence, I saw a news article about a burglary case in the newspaper on the wall. I didn't pay much attention to it at the time. It turned out that the foreshadowing was hidden here, but..."

He didn't understand something, subconsciously looked at Ren Shuai and said, "Xiao Xiang has an alibi, besides, he is a thief, so there is no need to kill people for stealing things, right?"

Ren Shuai thought to himself, since you asked sincerely, then I will reluctantly give you a wild guess.

After all, Ren Shuai couldn't grasp the brain circuit of a brain-dead screenwriter.

"I think his absence in the morning proved to be false. Xiaoyue just talked with him across the door. It is likely that he used something like a tape recorder to set the playback in advance."

After Ren Shuai finished speaking, Yueyue suddenly nodded and said, "It's possible. I went to find him in the morning, but I knocked on the door for a long time and there was no response. When I tried to turn his doorknob, there was a voice of inquiry coming from the room, saying Not sure, it just triggered the switch to play the recording.

Later he said he was taking a shower and asked me to wait for him outside the door, so I sat at the door and waited until 9:15 when he opened the door in the house with his hair wet. "

Xiang Shujun raised his eyebrows slightly, and asked, "Then why is there a lady's earring in the collar of the dead man? Have you ever been to the dead man's room?"

Yueyue shook her head and said: "No, I lost my earrings last week. Since Xiaoxiang is a thief, maybe he stole it and then planted it on me."

Ren Shuai thought to himself, everyone agrees, which is very good.

It was only a matter of time before he completed the task to vote.

Soon, the detective private chat session ended, and the players began to enter the voting room one by one to lock the murderer.

After the voting, the six guests gathered together, showing relaxed smiles, waiting for the results to be announced.

The director held the microphone and said through a voiceover: "Now, announce the players who have won one vote."

Although Ren Shuai had the bottom line in his heart, he still held his breath unconsciously, for fear that someone with cramp would vote for him.

"Assistant Xiao Xiang and coffee merchant Lao Tai, congratulations to both of you for winning one vote."

When Taixiong heard this, he looked around in surprise, thinking who would be so careless to vote for himself, a new player in the game?

Zhang Xiaoxiang looked up at the ceiling at a 45-degree angle and did not dare to meet his gaze.

But Xiang Shujun turned his suspicious eyes to Chu Fan, thinking that only detectives can vote twice, and his own vote is probably due to Ren Shuai's rhythm in the first round.

Chu Fan laughed dryly, patted Xiang Shujun on the shoulder and said, "Don't blame me, it's all for winning."

After the director announced a vote of players, he glanced at the rest of the players meaningfully, and deliberately delayed for a long time. Just when Ren Shuai couldn't bear it and wanted to go up to leave some souvenirs for the director, he finally spoke.

"Congratulations to Painter Li and Mistress Xiaoyue for getting zero votes!"

Ren Shuai finally breathed a sigh of relief, and a pleasant task completion reminder sounded in his mind at the right time.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task of eliminating the suspicion of his own character, rewarding a random item card]

After listening to the reminder, Ren Shuai couldn't wait to see what item card he got, but since the program was still being recorded, he could only hold back for the time being and watch it after the end.

After the editor and director finished talking about the players with zero votes, they naturally began to announce the winners of the highest votes.

"Xiao Xiang, the beater, won the highest votes of 5, and he deservedly became the only suspect. Then, whether they succeeded in deceiving the murderer or not, let's see if the case reappears!"

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(End of this chapter)

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