Chapter 221
In the process of reappearing the case, a dark shadow gradually became clear.

It was the murderer Zhang Xiaoxiang.

A joyful reminder sounded in the background, "Congratulations to all the players, the push is successful!"

Everyone smiled, and Ren Shuai smiled sincerely, because in addition to winning the game, he also had systematic rewards.

Zhang Xiaoxiang began to tell the story of the case. He played the role of a thief who worked under the deceased after he had repented. But because the deceased owed wages, he had the idea of ​​going to the deceased's house to steal money.

In order to get rid of the suspicion of theft, he specially recorded a sound and placed it at the door of his house. When someone twisted the handle, it would sound.

Before he entered the room of the deceased, he knocked on the door but there was no answer. He took it for granted that there was no one in the house, so he took out the lock picking tool and entered the house to steal.

Unexpectedly, the deceased was sleeping on the sofa. He was very guilty and wanted to leave, but found that the deceased was in a deep sleep, and there was suspicious powder outside the cup next to him, so he guessed that the deceased had taken sleeping pills and woke up shortly afterwards. not come.

Then he ventured to examine cabinets and drawers.

However, after a while, he found that the deceased came to his senses and was angrily watching his theft, and even picked up the fruit knife on the table.

It's just that the deceased hadn't passed the medicine yet, so his actions were quite slow.

Zhang Xiaoxiang grabbed his neck from behind and pushed him away, intending to escape when the deceased fell down.

However, there was a coincidence. When the deceased was pushed down by him, the knife in his hand pierced into his body, and he lost too much blood and died.

Zhang Xiaoxiang was very flustered, he didn't expect the deceased to die like this, so he immediately cleaned up the traces left by himself, then closed the door and left quickly, then returned to his home through the window, joined Xiaoyue, pretended to be taking a bath at home all the time, and The appearance of not going out.

What happened was basically consistent with Ren Shuai's speculation.

The guests applauded one after another, and Taixiong applauded the most enthusiastically, thinking that it was definitely thanks to him and Ren Shuai that he and Ren Shuai were able to find the murderer.

See if these young people dare to look down on old players like themselves.

Ren Shuai didn't feel psychologically satisfied, but rather annoyed, how could his thinking be the same as that of a brain-dead screenwriter?

Zhang Xiaoxiang was quite unwilling to be locked in the small black room, and asked before leaving: "Teacher Tai, why did you think of searching your body? I managed to find evidence against myself before everyone else, and I hid it in my pocket Did you discover all of this?"

Xiang Shujun was also very curious. He has always claimed to be a master of learning and thoughtful about everything, but his thinking was restricted by the rules of the program group, and he never thought of body searches.

Tae-hsiung said as a matter of course: "Mr. Li told me."

The eyes of several people turned to Ren Shuai immediately, and various thoughts emerged in their hearts, especially Xiang Shujun, who felt that he couldn't understand Ren Shuai more and more.

If you say that Ren Shuai is a novice in the game, his logical reasoning and evidence presentation are all linked together, and he looks very skilled.

But if you say that he is a veteran, he doesn't even know the most basic rules of the game, like a pure newcomer.

Ren Shuai met the gazes of several people, and said calmly: "Isn't it always acted like this in police and gangster movies? You need to search your body before catching the bad guys."

Zhang Xiaoxiang sighed slightly, he didn't expect him to be defeated by such a simple and reasonable reason.

On the other hand, Xiang Shujun was thoughtful, with some sentiments in his heart, thinking that Ren Shuai's ignorance of the rules has the advantage of not knowing the rules. .

Sure enough, it is beneficial to cooperate more with old artists, and it will be of great benefit to the expansion of future ideas.

The editor and director of the program group was also quite inspired, thinking that when recording in the future, they can do more work.

After nightfall, the show finally ended smoothly, and Ren Shuai finally had time to check his achievements this time.

He opened the system interface and entered the item card details page.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the props and physical cards]

[Physical card, after use, it can improve physical expression ability, and the time limit is 1 hour]

Ren Shuai didn't quite understand the meaning of physical expression ability. He thought about whether to use one to try the effect.

However, when he saw the recognition of the winning bid price of 1000 in the mall, he decisively killed this idea.

Limb Card, as the name suggests, means that the coordination of the body has become better. What is there to try?

Ren Shuai took the bus back to the school dormitory.

I thought I could finally go back and sleep late.

However, as the saying goes, things don't follow people's wishes, and there are nine out of ten unsatisfactory things in life.

At 7:[-] the next morning, Ren Shuai once again enjoyed Cui Shaoyu's cordial morning call service by phone.

Ren Shuai opened his sleepy eyes, and heard that today he was going to go to the crew recommended by Wei Yan to meet the crew.

He was very puzzled, this news could have been informed to him last night, why did he say it this morning.

But Cui Shaoyu quickly explained that it was Wei Yan who contacted her suddenly very late yesterday, and wanted to ask Ren Shuai to try his best to go to the crew today for an audition.

Wei Yan's crew is in the film and television city, which is not close to Meijing City, so she needs to fly there in order to catch up on time.

Cui Shaoyu wanted to notify Ren Shuai yesterday, but he was afraid that it would be too late, so he had to call early this morning.

She has already booked a ticket for Ren Shuai, and it will take off at 10 o'clock.

Ren Shuai could only reluctantly get up, wash up and hurriedly get on the bus to the airport.

Along the way, Ren Shuai dozed off, but when he got off the plane, he saw his own poster by accident and woke up a lot.

This poster is exactly the promotional photo he took for Fenden Ko Niqi's suit.

I have to say that professional photographers and retouchers can produce good results.

Ren Shuai's unique qualities are vividly displayed in this photo.

There are many tourists in the film and television city, especially movie fans. Although Ren Shuai's popularity is not high enough, it does not hinder his good looks and fans.

Several female tourists who got off the plane with him took photos with his large poster.

Ren Shuai thought to himself that it was fortunate that he was dressed in such a tight manner that he would not be recognized by others, otherwise it would be a bit troublesome if he was pulled by fans to take a group photo.

Just as he was thinking this way, a voice of inquiry sounded.

"excuse me, you are……"

Hearing this, Ren Shuai subconsciously waved his hands and said, "No, no, you've got the wrong person."

The man was taken aback for a moment, looked carefully before continuing: "Are you here for tourism or..."

At this moment, Ren Shuai carefully looked at the short man with a professional smile in front of him, thinking that this is a black tour guide who specializes in deceiving foreigners.

So without waiting for the other party to finish speaking, he quickly said, "It's not travel, it's work."

And the second half of the man's words followed suit: "Are you here to work?"

Ren Shuai was taken aback, he didn't expect that this person was not only a black tour guide, but also a part-time job as a black intermediary.

The short man suddenly showed a more enthusiastic smile, took out a business card from his pocket and said: "I am a professional manager, and I know you must be an actor just by looking at your image and temperament. We are recruiting actors, are you interested in trying?"

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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