Chapter 223
Ren Shuai chatted with Xiao Jin for a while, knowing that although Xiao Jin is a crew assistant, he also graduated from an acting major.

However, her school is a little-known small college, and it can only be said that she barely touched the threshold of acting.

Not long after she graduated, the first job she found was to be an assistant in the crew. While practicing her interpersonal skills, she also hoped to expand her network and get some acting opportunities.

Many people who work part-time on the set have a similar idea to Xiao Jin, and if they are close to the water, they may get a chance to get ahead.

No matter how bad it is, you can also act as a double or something, maybe one day you will be able to get out of the circle.

After all, a little transparent like her who has no company and no background can only look for opportunities by herself and work hard.

Fortunately, although the income of being an assistant is not high, it is still a stable job, which can barely support her to pursue her dream of acting.

After the two chatted for a while, someone came to the lounge to inform Ren Shuai that the director invited him to audition.

Xiao Jin got up quickly and led Ren Shuai to a large performance rehearsal hall.

On the way, Xiao Jin exchanged a few words with the staff who came to inform them, then turned around and reported to Ren Shuaihui: "Mr. Li, I just asked about it, and I heard that in addition to the director and producer, there is also an investor. People are here too, our drama has recently been supported by funds from a continental project, and the representative of the investor who came today is the executive manager of that project."

Ren Shuai nodded, unexpectedly, Xiao Jin's ability to inquire about news is quite strong.

On the one hand, Xiao Jin wanted to fulfill his duties as a small assistant on the crew, and to inquire about more information might help Ren Shuai get the role smoothly.

On the other hand, she chatted with Ren Shuai for a while just now, and felt that this senior in the entertainment industry was very talkative and friendly, and she could still chat with her, so she wanted to help him more in private.

After Xiao Jin finished speaking, he lowered his voice and continued: "I also heard that this executive manager likes to pay attention to details. There are three teachers who met the group in front of her, but she rejected them because of a little problem."

Ren Shuai thought to himself, he seems to be a picky person.

He nodded and smiled and replied in a low voice: "Thank you for reminding me."

Soon a few people came to the door of the rehearsal hall. Ren Shuai knocked on the door and walked into the room, only to find that he was not the only one in the room to see the group.

Opposite the executive manager of the director, producer and investor, there was a row of benches, on which sat three middle-aged men with the air of an actor.

Ren Shuai didn't expect to see the group audition not one by one. Could it be that these people are all competing with him for the same role?
Before he was confused, the producer had already introduced with a smile: "Mr. Li, you are welcome to meet the group. These three are teachers from the drama troupe. For the convenience of organization, we invite a group of four to try out the play." , you don't mind?"

"will not."

Of course Ren Shuai didn't mind. What actors are most afraid of is crowds. The performance is for people to see, and there is no privacy.

This also proves in disguise that the casting of the crew is not tricky.

In fact, the original arrangement of the production team was to invite the actors to audition separately. After all, the actors who came to meet the production team this time are considered well-known in their respective fields. Come together.

It looks like audition.

Because there are many actors, although their wrists are not big, but they have a big spectrum, and they feel disrespectful to themselves when auditioning with other people.

However, it so happened that the representative of the investor suddenly came to participate in the interview process today, and behind the crew was a continent-level project. The project team had regulations, and the selection of roles had to be open.

No matter who comes to meet the group, they have to follow the rules step by step.

So the director and the producer discussed it, and temporarily changed it to a group of four to audition, which can satisfy the principle of openness, and will not appear too crowded, making the actors feel uncomfortable.

This time the investors are very clear, they want to make a drama, and when choosing actors, the celebrity is secondary, and the acting skills must be excellent.

Even if it is a supporting role, it must have distinctive features, and each must have its own personality, so that a hundred flowers can flourish.

This is why project execution managers are so obsessed with details.

Seeing that Ren Shuai said there was no problem, the producer pointed to the side and said, "This is the representative of the investor, Mr. Jia Shuhui, this is Mr. Niu Chuanping, the chief director of our crew, and I am the producer Gong Yuanshan. Come meet the group."

After some simple courtesies and greetings, the formal process of meeting the group began.

Taking advantage of the time just now, Ren Shuai took a little look at the three actors from the repertory theater, and found that all three actors were not looking sideways, as if no one saw him.

Ren Shuai was a little speechless, wondering if there really was a chain of contempt in the entertainment industry?
Drama actors look down on film and television actors, film and television actors look down on idol actors, idol actors look down on Internet celebrity actors, Internet celebrity actors look down on extras, and extras look down on crossover actors?
Why is it so hard to beat workers?

Ren Shuai thought wildly for a while, thinking that he really seems to be at the bottom of the food chain.

No wonder the people standing at the top simply ignored his existence.

However, Ren Shuai felt that they were a little impolite.

So he felt he had to be polite and set a good example for them.

It should be very polite to invite the people at the top to experience the feeling of bungee jumping for free, Ren Shuai thought to himself.

At this point, the producer was already calling his name.

"Mr. Li, you and Mr. Lu share the same script. Would you like to act first or later...Mr. Li?"

The producer discovered that Ren Shuai seemed to be distracted?
Seeing this, Lu Yu smiled secretly, thinking that Ren Shuai probably felt stage fright after seeing that his opponent was an actor from a repertory troupe.

Ren Shuai finally heard someone calling him. He came to his senses and opened his mouth to answer, but he heard Lu Yu next to him say: "Let me come first, and throw bricks to attract jade."

After speaking, he gave Ren Shuai a meaningful look.

Sitting behind the table, Jia Shuhui frowned slightly. She had a good first impression of Ren Shuai. After all, there is no woman who doesn't like a handsome man, but Ren Shuai's distracted performance just now made her lose a lot of impression points.

What kind of person would be distracted when meeting the group? This is completely a sign of not paying attention.

She herself likes to pick out details, so of course Ren Shuai's behavior cannot be justified to her.

On the contrary, it was Lu Yu next to him, who looked gentle and a bit noble, which fit the role of a teacher in the script.

If it wasn't for the sake of fairness, Jia Shuhui would have even decided to cast Lu Yu as the star.

Seeing Lu Yu's slightly contemptuous eyes, Ren Shuai said indifferently: "I have heard for a long time that Mr. Lu is a good actor, and this means that he has acted in a drama. If he entered the film and television industry, he would have won the award long ago." The film king is crowned, it's not appropriate for you to throw bricks and attract jade, I'll do it first."

Ren Shuai was full of praise when he came up, he just wanted to see if Lu Yu wanted to play again after he finished his performance.

Lu Yu didn't expect Ren Shuai to be quite good at it. Knowing that his skills were not as good as others, he found the steps first.

No wonder he is not well-known, but to be able to speak for such a big intercontinental brand as Fendenko Nikki, he must be a person who can not only observe words and feelings, but also know how to use both sides.

It's a pity that it's useless to be an actor to deal with these heresies, acting skills are the last word.

Lu Yu nodded indifferently, and said, "Since Mr. Li said so, then you can perform first."

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(End of this chapter)

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