Chapter 224
Ren Shuai took the one-page script and read it.

There are two parts in the script. The first part shows the integrity and kindness of this character as a teacher, teaching the students earnestly, and his words are full of righteousness.

Another clip is that he had a private communication with a certain benefactor, and received a thick envelope, full of enthusiasm and face, which was in stark contrast to his image as a teacher.

Ren Shuai is naturally very confident about this performance, but there are a lot of lines in the middle.

He only had 10 minutes to prepare. At the beginning, Ren Shuai wanted to memorize the general meaning, as long as he acted out his emotions.

But immediately, he saw Jia Shuhui's serious eyes, and remembered what Xiao Jin had heard before entering the door.

Since this Jia Shuhui likes to pick out details so much, she will definitely not let go of the line requirements.

Once Ren Shuai changed his words at will, he might be caught by her.

Ren Shuai thought to himself, he still can't be too arrogant, since he won the opportunity to perform first, he must block the way for the latecomers.

Lu Yu cannot be given the slightest chance to surpass, not even a small word.

Ren Shuai decisively used the line cards, instantly remembering the content of the script in his mind.

When ten minutes arrived, the producer reminded on time: "Mr. Li, how are you preparing, can we start?"

Ren Shuai nodded and gradually entered the character.

Sitting on the bench, the three members of the troupe exchanged glances with each other, thinking tacitly, fortunately this person has self-knowledge, knowing that his acting skills are average, he has to act first, otherwise, if he is ranked last, I really don???t know if there is any The face performed.

Just when several people were thinking, Ren Shuai had already spoken the first line.

"Xiao Gang, you can't rely on guessing on this question, you have to calculate it in real ways. The teacher has told you many times that even if there is a possibility of getting the answer to the multiple-choice question, you must first grasp it in your hands, and you cannot develop such a bad habit. Habit, I know that when you go to cram school, there are many teachers who teach you opportunistic methods, but that is only for the questions you don???t know, and there are helpless choices in the examination room.

But now this is an exercise, your mental attitude must be correct, even if you don't know where to start, you must calculate from the known angle.Doing a question is like being a human being, there is no shortcut, even if you get it right once or twice, it is impossible to solve the fundamental problem. "

Ren Shuai lowered his eyes slightly, looking at the air opposite, as if there was really a student listening to his teaching there.

His gaze at this time was sincere, full of expectations for the students.

Jia Shuhui, who was sitting behind the table, was a little surprised. Although the performance had just started and there was not much to see, Ren Shuai's lines were actually good.

She deliberately selected a few scenes with a lot of lines for the audition actors before, just to test the actors' ability to memorize lines, which is also one of the most important basic skills of actors.

Although some actors have good acting skills, they just don't memorize their lines and act out a few lines, which greatly delays the work of the crew and affects the emotions of the opponent actors.

As soon as Ren Shuai uttered his first line, the trio of the repertory troupe couldn't sit still, and the three exchanged glances again.

This time, there was a little surprise in their eyes. After all, laymen watched the excitement, and experts watched the doorway. They were not like Jia Shuhui, who only cared about whether the lines were correct or not.

From these lines, they heard rich emotions and full emotions, and the setbacks of each word are so just right, reflecting a teacher's earnest expectations for students.

Soon, it was the director's turn to help with the words, and he said in a student's tone: "Teacher, I actually want to finish the questions quickly so that you can leave work early. Seeing that you are helping us with free tutoring every day, and you still leave so late. We feel very uncomfortable.???

Ren Shuai smiled lightly, showing a loving father looking at a child and said: "As long as you study well, I will be happy staying in school every day. If you really want me to get off work early, you should quickly answer all these questions correctly."

After speaking, he smiled and continued to help the students check the papers.

The director added another word: "Teacher, what about your own children if you patronize us with tutoring?"

When Ren Shuai heard this, his eyes suddenly froze for a moment, and at this moment, many emotions were revealed.

He slightly frowned, with a complex helpless expression in his eyes, sighed slightly imperceptibly, and then said: "If he has half of your concentration and hard work, I will definitely give him a little trouble every day, okay, let's stop talking." , hurry up and do the questions."

After speaking, Ren Shuai calmed down all his emotions and devoted himself to tutoring the students again.

"Okay, card!"

After the director called stop, he immediately applauded: "Thank you, Mr. Li, for your performance, it's so wonderful."

Although he was only in charge of giving Ren Shuai a few words just now, he was still considered half of the opponent's actor, and he could very well appreciate the impact Ren Shuai's performance had brought to him.

Every expression and every tone of Ren Shuai is very delicate and full, vividly interpreting the image of a teacher who wholeheartedly guides students.

Not only the director applauded, but the producer and Jia Shuhui also applauded. Although these two have never studied acting, they have seen it a lot and know what is good and what is particularly good.

Ren Shuai's performance just now was definitely at the textbook level.

Jia Shuhui felt that maybe Ren Shuai's distraction was not because he didn't pay attention to the group meeting this time, but because he was so good at auditions that he didn't need to be serious at all.

Sitting on the bench, the three-person troupe couldn't sit still at all, especially Lu Yu, he felt that according to Ren Shuai's acting, he didn't need to perform, just leave.

No, he can't let Ren Shuai finish the next part, or he will lose face today.

"Teacher Li." Lu Yu showed a modest smile and looked at Ren Shuai.


Ren Shuai turned his head in doubt, thinking that the top of the food chain will express his thoughts so soon?

"Can I have a discussion with you, since your performance has reached its peak, and everyone in the audience can see that your strength is extraordinary, why don't you let me perform the next paragraph?"

Lu Yu thought to himself, if there is no comparison, there will be no harm. As long as he and Ren Shuai perform different content, there will be no gap.

And the content in the latter paragraph can reflect the acting skills very well. If he acts alone, he may not appear to be inferior to Ren Shuai.

The director and producer exchanged glances with Jia Shuhui, and they all felt that it was good to do this. Ren Shuai's strength was obvious to all. Although they still wanted to continue to appreciate Ren Shuai's performance, they still had to give Lu Yu a step down.

"That's fine, let Mr. Lu perform the next part. Mr. Li, you can take a rest by the side."

As soon as the director finished speaking, Ren Shuai immediately picked up: "That's so embarrassing, otherwise, I'll play a play for Mr. Lu."

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(End of this chapter)

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