From janitor to actor

Chapter 225 Is it wrong?

Chapter 225 Is it wrong?

This scene happened to be a rivalry between two people, one who gave the gift and the other who received it.

When Lu Yu heard that Ren Shuai was going to act for him, he subconsciously wanted to refuse, but he quickly stopped when the words came to his lips.

If he really refuses, doesn't it mean that he will admit defeat before performing, which is not acceptable.

Lu Yu smiled reluctantly and nodded, "Then it's hard work for Mr. Li."

When Ren Shuai was preparing the script just now, Lu Yu was also memorizing the script, but he had a slight contempt for Ren Shuai, so he didn't memorize the lines too proficiently, and was ready to play on the spot.

But right now he has to perform, and he doesn't have time to memorize the lyrics.

Besides, the request for him to perform the next paragraph directly was made by himself.

"Okay, those two teachers, get ready, start."

After the director finished speaking, he sat on the chair and prepared to enjoy a good show.

Lu Yu is worthy of being an actor honed by a repertory theater troupe, and his skills are indeed profound. Although the lines are not well prepared, he quickly entered the role, and there was a huge contrast with his own temperament.

Ren Shuai naturally didn't give in.

In this scene, although Ren Shuai was just playing, he didn't have any good intentions.

If he doesn't play his opponent as autistic, he will be sorry for his mid-level acting skills.

Although Ren Shuai didn't have any lines at the beginning, he still had the gesture of handing over the red envelope. Although it was just a small gesture, it matched the expression of the former Shuai, but it fully showed his handling of the person in front of him.

Lu Yu smiled and said, "Mr. Li, look at this, it's really too polite."

After speaking, he acted to accept the red envelope, pretended to open it to look at the thickness, put it in his pocket with a smile, and continued: "This time the school district exam, the school has strengthened supervision, I can only remind you as much as possible. The content of the multiple-choice questions, as for the others, I am afraid..."

Ren Shuai showed a clear smile, and said very naturally: "Teacher, I heard that you work overtime all day and night for the children, and you are exhausted. I know there are some health supplements, etc. After the exam, I will give you supplementary supplements."

Lu Yu sneered, and then revealed a greedy smile: "That's so embarrassing. As a teacher, I should do everything for the students."

There was originally a line here, "It's normal to suffer and suffer. Even if you are sick, you don't have time to go to the doctor. Just take some medicine." But Lu Yu couldn't remember it clearly, so he could only shorten the content temporarily.

However, he didn't show any flaws in his performance, and he still maintained his role.

As a drama actor, he often encounters the situation of forgetting his words on the stage. He has rich experience in responding to situations on the spot and has a very good ability to deal with such problems.

However, Ren Shuai knew which sentence he had missed, and it was not an irrelevant content, and it served as a link between the past and the future.

The conversation between the two seems to be discussing the body and supplements, but it actually alludes to the difficulty of operation and the corresponding rewards.

So Ren Shuai was very helpful and said to him: "Our children will have to rely on you to teach us a lot at school. If you are sick and have no time to see it, it will not work, and it will definitely not work to take some medicine. I happen to have a few adults in my family. The tonic medicinal materials will definitely be able to regulate your body."

When Ren Shuai said this, his tone was very casual, but his eyes were full of meaning.

At this moment, Lu Yu instantly remembered the lines he had forgotten, and thought to himself that he was really missing a move, but he couldn't just admit defeat like this, and the later performance was his trump card.

"Then I'm here to thank you." Lu Yu lowered his head slightly, showing a hypocritical and polite smile.

Ren Shuai waved his hand and said, "I should thank you. It's getting late, so I won't disturb your rest today. Let me leave."

After Ren Shuai finished speaking, he turned and walked aside.

Lu Yu looked at the direction in which Ren Shuai was leaving, and waved politely to say goodbye, but the moment he turned around, his expression became complicated.

He reached into his arms, as if touching the envelope in his pocket, his eyes thoughtful.

Then, he casually glanced at the direction Ren Shuai left.

In this paragraph, Lu Yu wants to show the inner contradictions of this character. Although he has accepted the benefits of others, there is still a trace of the bottom line of being a teacher deep in his heart that has not disappeared.

And when he looked at Ren Shuai, Ren Shuai also looked at him, with a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

Lu Yu instantly felt that he was offended, and a trace of annoyance could not help showing in his eyes.


The director yelled to stop.

At this moment, Lu Yu suddenly realized that the effect he wanted to perform in the end had not been shown at all, but the performance was completely ruined because of that anger.

The director sitting behind the table sighed slightly, wondering if Ren Shuai's Zhuyu was in front, and felt that Lu Yu's acting was very ordinary, especially the last look, which was simply messed up.

Obviously there was a bit of complicated meaning in the last second, but later in the performance, a strange emotion suddenly appeared inexplicably, and he couldn't help but yelled to stop in advance.

Lu Yu was very annoyed, and stepped forward and said, "Director, I was affected by the one just now, can you do it again?"

The director was a little surprised when he heard the words, and asked, "What affected you?"

Lu Yu didn't have a famous saying, but just glanced at Ren Shuai's direction, thinking that Ren Shuai's expression was not because he felt that his acting skills were not as good as his, and his lines were not familiar to him, so he dared to ridicule so unscrupulously?
Although he was responsible for the interference in the performance, the sarcasm on Ren Shuai's face was too obvious, and he didn't even cover it up, which really made him a little unbearable.

The director looked at Lu Yu, thinking that if you can't act well, you should blame the other actors.

As for the three-member troupe who was sitting next to him, someone challenged him: "Director, I have a question, why did Mr. Li show that smile when he was on the stage just now?"

On the surface, he was asking questions, but in fact he was pointing out that Ren Shuai was interfering with Lu Yu's performance.

Hearing what he said, the director felt that he was making criticisms. Mr. Li kindly acted for you, and you still pick and choose so many things.

However, Ren Shuai blinked his big eyes and asked innocently: "Is my acting wrong?"

"Act?" Lu Yu looked at him suspiciously.


Ren Shuai nodded seriously and said, "Although I'm just acting for you, as an actor, I can't be negligent. I have to try my best to figure out the heart of the person who gave the gift. On the surface, he is giving the teacher a red envelope and begging the other party for help. He provided convenience for his own children during the exam, but in fact he looked down on this teacher in his heart and felt that the other party was a scum that could be spent with money, so after he went out, he put away his hypocritical smile and showed his inner mockery."

After Ren Shuai explained, he glanced at the trio of the repertory troupe and asked, "Is there anything wrong with my acting like this?"

The three members of the repertory troupe were speechless for a moment.

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(End of this chapter)

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