From janitor to actor

Chapter 226 Snowflakes Fluttering

Chapter 226 Snowflakes Fluttering
The director saw that Ren Shuai not only has superb acting skills, but also has a good temper. He is also humble and polite in his dealings with others.

On the other hand, the three-person group of the repertory theater troupe relied on their good acting skills, so they didn't pay attention to the meeting group, they couldn't even remember the words, and they liked to criticize.

By comparing the two, it is clear at a glance who goes and who stays.

But the people in the repertory theater troupe were invited by the producers, and they were found with great difficulty.

So the director, producer, and Jia Shuhui began to discuss what roles to assign to several people.

From Jia Shuhui's point of view, the role of teacher Ren Shuai is too light. Ren Shuai's acting skills can't be faulted even by a person who likes to pick out details. In addition to her image, she has an advantage, and she can definitely play more important roles. Role.

But it's a pity that the main characters in the play have already been decided in advance.

The producer didn't expect that the actor recommended by Wei Yan was too reliable. When he contacted the repertory troupe, he was full of promises that Lu Yu could at least play the role of the teacher.

But looking at it now, Ren Shuai is simply a crushing victory.

Even without Jia Shuhui's supervision, he couldn't have given the role to Lu Yu against his will.

So he could only say: "I think the role of the parent just now has room to play, or let Lu Yu play this role."

At this time, Ren Shuai and the three-person group of the repertory troupe had all returned to their respective lounges.

Xiao Jin was very attentive and asked: "Mr. Li, how do you feel? Did the manager of the project team pick up any details?"

Ren Shuai shook his head with a smile and said, "It's okay."

"What about the people from the repertory troupe, are they doing well?" Xiao Jin seemed worried that others would take Ren Shuai's role.

Ren Shuai smiled secretly, nodded and said, "Except for forgetting words and deformed expressions, everything is fine."

Xiao Jin fell into confusion after hearing this.


In addition to the lines, the expression is the most important thing in acting. If there are problems with these two points, isn't that the performance is screwed?
Seeing Ren Shuai's sincere face, Xiao Jin couldn't help but burst out laughing. He didn't expect Teacher Li to be such a teacher.

Humor, no, it's black-bellied.

she likes.

Usually when reading novels, she likes the kind of handsome, dark-bellied people, especially men.

Xiao Jin felt that Ren Shuai really suited her temperament, and thought that it would be a good experience to cooperate with him in the crew in the future.

Or, just quit by yourself.

This thought suddenly occurred to her, and she couldn't hold back anymore.

For some reason, he asked out of nowhere, "Li, Mr. Li, me, can I ask, do you have an assistant?"

Although Xiao Jin has not been an assistant in the crew for a long time, he has seen many actors have life assistants, even young actors who are only a little famous.

For things like meeting the group, general assistants will also accompany them.

Only for those actors who are not well-known, the company does not arrange assistants, and they cannot afford to hire them, so they come alone.

Xiao Jin is dedicated to serving these actors without assistants.

Ren Shuai replied naturally: "No, what's the matter?"

Xiao Jin's heart beat faster immediately, and he asked anxiously: "Then, can I apply to be your assistant?"

Ren Shuai was stunned, he never thought that Xiao Jin would suddenly recommend himself.

Although he hasn't been in contact with the other party for a long time, Ren Shuai can feel that Xiao Jin is a delicate person and has a good way of handling things. Being an assistant is a very good choice.

And when he gets busy with work in the future, he really needs an assistant in the crew.

However, he couldn't be the master.

After all, hiring an assistant requires the company to spend money. Although the money may be deducted from his salary, it still needs to be discussed with Cui Shaoyu.

Seeing that Ren Shuai hadn't answered for a long time, Xiao Jin's heart turned cold. He asked suddenly just now because he was a little impulsive because of his sudden enthusiasm.

Just when she was about to take the initiative to say it was a joke, Ren Shuai smiled and said, "Of course I really hope to have an assistant like you, but I may have to discuss it with the company, and it will take a day to reply at the earliest. Don't you mind?" Bar?"

Xiao Jin's depressed mood suddenly became high again, and he said quickly: "I don't mind, of course I don't mind!"

Working as an actor's assistant is basically a miscellaneous job, and the income is not very rich, but Xiaojin feels that he will be very happy working in the future.

Career and development are important, but when young people are looking for a job, they often pay more attention to their mood.

On the other side, the trio of the repertory troupe were packing their things in the lounge and preparing to leave.

The slightly tall middle-aged man looked at Lu Yu, who had drooping eyebrows, and said, "Old Lu, don't be discouraged. I think your acting is pretty good, but the disadvantage is that you are a little shallower in seeing the scriptures."

Lu Yu knew that his colleague was just comforting himself. He knew in his heart that there was a gap between his acting skills and Ren Shuai, but he just refused to admit it.

As the main actor of the repertory theater troupe, he is always high above the others, after all, his acting skills are there.

Whether it is senior or junior, they will support him and let him go. Invisibly, he is put in that position, and he can't get down by himself.

Although he has met someone beyond others today, he is stubborn and refuses to admit defeat. He always feels that even if he can't do it now, he will definitely be able to surpass him in the future.

Lu Yu is a very face-saving person. Today's meeting with the team made him feel very slapped.

At this time, another person also comforted me: "I think that Li Laifu just performed well in the first paragraph, isn't it just that the lines are a little more familiar, the expressions are a little more in place, the feelings are a little fuller, the sense of hierarchy It’s just a little bit clearer, when you watched him perform the second part, he played with you, and he didn’t see anything special.”

Lu Yu had mixed feelings in his heart when he heard the words, so if he couldn't comfort others, he would say less.

No matter how you listen to these words, it feels like you are gloating, especially the second paragraph.

Originally thought that Ren Shuai was mocking him for his poor acting skills, but it turned out that he was still in the role at all, but it was his villainous heart that affected his performance.

Not to mention that he forgot his words during the performance, and Ren Shuai helped him find them.

Comparing the two, he felt that his face was hot if he stayed for a second longer.

Never see Ren Shuai again in the future, otherwise his shame will have nowhere to rest.

Just when Lu Yu was thinking this way, there was a knock on the door of the lounge, and it was the staff of the crew.

"Teachers, the results of our group meeting have come out. This is your role."

After speaking, he handed out the three envelopes, then turned and left.

The three members of the repertory troupe did not expect to see the results so quickly. It seems that the crew is really anxious to confirm the candidates so that they can start work immediately.

Lu Yu opened the envelope, looked at the characters on it, his vision went dark, and he felt thunderbolt.

There seemed to be a BGM of snowflakes fluttering around.

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(End of this chapter)

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