From janitor to actor

Chapter 227 Familiarity

Chapter 227 Familiarity

It was night, and Ren Shuai returned to his warm dormitory.

Not surprisingly, he won the role of teacher. As for the three members of the repertory troupe, he has no time to answer.

Since the end of the state exam, Ren Shuai has not slept in for two consecutive days, and he has deep resentment.

He had a vaccination with Cui Shaoyu today, saying that it is best not to contact him before tomorrow morning, but he did not forget to mention Xiao Jin's application to become an assistant.

Cui Shaoyu fully agreed, saying that he would contact Xiaojin.

On the other hand, after Xiaojin finished his day's work, he just returned to the hotel arranged by the crew when he received a contact number from Cui Shaoyu.

At this time, there was another classmate and colleague of Xiaojin in the room. The two had a good relationship, and Xiaojin didn't avoid her. He directly answered the phone and said, "Hello, who is it?"

Cui Shaoyu introduced himself to her politely.

"Hi Xiaojin, I'm Cui Shaoyu, teacher Li Laifu's manager."

Xiao Jin was very surprised. He didn't expect Ren Shuai to contact her so soon after saying that he would reply within a day.

After Cui Shaoyu introduced himself, he cut to the chase and said, "I heard from Mr. Li that you are willing to become his assistant?"

Xiao Jin nodded and said, "That's right, Mr. Li is humorous and friendly. It would be my honor to be his assistant."

Hearing this, Cui Shaoyu thought to herself that this little girl has good eyesight and judgment, she can immediately see what is special about Ren Shuai, and she knows how to seize opportunities.

In Cui Shaoyu's eyes, although Ren Shuai is not very famous now, he has a bright future. Even if he started a bit late, he has rich accumulation and a promising future.

It is naturally a wise choice to be Ren Shuai's assistant.

"Okay, then please send a resume to my email, and I will contact you later."

"No problem, I'll send it right away."

Xiao Jin was a little excited, although she didn't know why.

It stands to reason that she works as an assistant on the crew, and at least she is backed by the team and projects, and she has come into contact with a lot of people. Maybe she will have the opportunity to play some role in the future.

However, working as an assistant to Ren Shuai does not have these advantages, especially since Ren Shuai is not a famous actor, and the treatment and the like will not be better than that of the crew.

But Xiaojin is inexplicably happy, full of expectations and enthusiasm for future work.

After she hung up the phone, she quickly turned on the computer, preparing to send her resume to Cui Shaoyu's mailbox.

The short-haired girl in the room with her heard Xiao Jin's phone call, sat down next to her, and gossiped, "Are you going to quit?"

Xiao Jin nodded excitedly.

Seeing her friend's appearance, the short-haired girl couldn't help asking curiously: "Which big star is it?"

"It's not a big star, it's Teacher Li Laifu." Xiao Jin replied while operating the computer.

"Li Laifu?"

The short-haired girl frowned slightly. No matter how it sounded, the name was a bit too down-to-earth, and she didn't have the temperament of a big star at all.

"Is he a big shot in the entertainment industry?" the short-haired girl asked.

"No, uh, it shouldn't be."

As Xiao Jin said, she suddenly hesitated. She just met Ren Shuai today, and she didn't know his specific situation.

The short-haired girl was a little puzzled, and asked, "Then why do you look so happy? Who is Li Laifu?"

Xiao Jin was stopped by her question now, and it was really impulsive to say why he suddenly wanted to change jobs.

"Actually, I just met him today."

Xiao Jin usually does things more rationally, but occasionally he will suddenly become emotional and make some completely arbitrary choices without considering the consequences.

For example, this time, at a certain moment, she suddenly felt that Ren Shuai was very suitable for her, so she impulsively asked to become Ren Shuai's assistant.

If you have to explain this situation, it can only be said to be between love at first sight and impulsive consumption.

After falling in love at first sight, there may be a sweet heart, but after impulsive consumption, there may be regret and chopping. Between the two, Xiao Jin, after making a decision, is hopeful and apprehensive, and does not know what his future work will be like.

At least she's going to feel pretty good for now.

The short-haired girl was completely shocked, she was really curious, what kind of magical power does that man named Li Laifu have, he was able to abduct Xiao Jin to be his assistant after just meeting him.

Based on her understanding of her classmates, Xiao Jin is very smart and has a high EQ, and she will not change jobs just because of a few words from others.

Besides, it's hard to find a job now. Although working as an assistant on a film crew doesn't make a lot of money, it is stable and has room for improvement. It has a better future than working as an assistant to an unknown actor.

"Are you crazy? I want to find out what's so special about that Li Laifu."

After finishing speaking, she immediately pressed Xiaojin's hand that was about to send an email, snatched the computer over, and opened the search interface.

"What are you doing?"

Xiaojin was a little dissatisfied with his friend's behavior, thinking that Cui Shaoyu was still waiting for her to send her resume.

"As your classmate and colleague, I have the obligation to give you a hand when you step into a pit. Don't rush to make a decision. I'll help you check it out."

After finishing speaking, she typed the three words "Li Laifu" into the search bar and pressed Enter.

"Swipe and pull".

A large piece of press release came into view.

Before the two of them had time to take a closer look, a floating dynamic advertisement floated out.

A handsome and charming man, wearing a well-fitting suit, slowly emerged, from translucence to substance, and then a line of shining text flowed across the screen.

"Fenden Kou Niqi, classic men's suits, new spring models are available."

Xiao Jin blinked his big eyes twice, looked at the man in the advertisement, and felt a strong sense of familiarity.

The short-haired girl sighed, "As expected of a big InterContinental brand, this floating advertisement is really classy, ​​and the model is well chosen, so handsome."

After she finished speaking, she forked out the ad, and clicked on the encyclopedia to check Li Laifu's information.

Name: Li Laifu
Occupation: actor

Age: 60

When she saw this, the short-haired girl said in surprise: "You are already 60 years old, why..."

Xiao Jin was even more surprised than her, and exclaimed directly: "Impossible!"

She saw Ren Shuai himself with her own eyes, and she was still without makeup, let alone 60 years old, 50 years old is too much.

Or, she was so busy chatting with Ren Shuai that she had long ignored his age.

The short-haired girl glanced at her angrily, and sighed, "Look at you, you must be impulsive. Fortunately, I helped you rein in the precipice, or you would have fallen into a big pit."

After finishing speaking, she casually flipped through Ren Shuai's encyclopedia information.

There is not much written about his acting experience, only the popular drama "Nine Lives and Nine Worlds", and the following descriptions only include the two lines of his participation in the variety show "Once Upon a Time" and "Magnetic Charm".

"See, this old actor named Li Laifu is a loser who has spent his entire life in the show business circle but has never made a name for himself. If you work as his assistant, you are simply asking for your own death."

After she finished speaking, she directly closed the encyclopedia and returned to the page of the search information list.

Xiao Jin didn't say anything when he heard the words, instead he stared straight at a news photo in the list.

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(End of this chapter)

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