Chapter 228
The short-haired girl was about to close the computer and persuade her classmates, but Xiao Jin held her down.

The next moment, Xiao Jin grabbed the mouse and directly clicked on the graphic news on the webpage.

"The spring show, stunning the audience, the new season spokesperson of Fenden Kou Niqi"

The huge news headlines were on the top of the webpage, and Xiao Jin began to operate the mouse to slide down the webpage.

The high-definition unedited pictures of the spring show appeared on the screen one after another. They were the snapshots of Ren Shuai entering the show wearing a suit, and the moment he was captured by the photographer when he was sitting in the audience watching the show.

"What are you looking at this for?"

The short-haired girl recognized at a glance that this was the handsome guy who appeared in the floating advertisement just now.

"Yes, it's him, it's him!"

The more Xiao Jin talked, the more excited he became, pointing to the small words under the photo, he said, "I just said, the photo looks so familiar just now, it's Teacher Li!"

The short-haired girl stretched her head to look suspiciously, and found that under the photo was written: "Li Laifu is wearing Fendenko Niqi's new spring suit to watch the show".

'Li, Li Laifu?This man, he is 6, 60 years old? "

The short-haired girl stuttered a little, pointing to the photo and said, "You, are you sure that it was him you saw today?"

Xiao Jin nodded fiercely and said: "That's right, although Mr. Li came to see the group without makeup today, I'm sure it's him in the photo!"

"This, also, is too..."

After the short-haired girl said these words, she suddenly realized that her position was skewed.

She wanted to persuade Xiao Jin not to jump into the fire pit, how could she be overwhelmed by Li Laifu's appearance.

The most indispensable thing in their entertainment industry is handsome men and beautiful women. Although this Li Laifu has a unique temperament, it is not a reason to become his assistant.

"Xiao Jin, calm down, don't be fooled by his appearance, he is 60 years old after all." The short-haired girl tried her best to persuade her.

"I'm very calm."

There was a burst of joy in Xiaojin's heart. In the afternoon, she just felt very comfortable chatting with Ren Shuai, so she decided to become an assistant. Now seeing Ren Shuai's radiant appearance, she became more confident.

Who wouldn't want to work with pleasing people every day?

The short-haired girl couldn't be persuaded when she saw it, so she quickly closed the web page and said, "You can't just look at the appearance. Although he can represent Fendenko Nikki, I heard that such a big brand also has a small number of spokespersons, and the fees are generally not high. In the entertainment industry, there must be works to speak for, and that is the capital to settle down."

Xiao Jin's position at this time had already shifted to Ren Shuai's side. When he heard his classmates say that he was wrong, he immediately wanted to defend him.

"Ms. Li has a work. Isn't "Nine Lives and Nine Worlds" currently on the air?"

"However, he is not the protagonist, he is so old and not well-known, it's probably because of his acting skills." The short-haired girl speculated.

Xiao Jin refused to accept it, and thought that if he met the group today, Ren Shuai would directly crush the people in the repertory troupe, and his acting skills would definitely be nothing to say.

She flipped through the webpage, found a video clip, and clicked in immediately.

In the screen is the scene of the old fairy played by Ren Shuai. I saw him fluttering in white, and when he appeared, he suppressed everyone in the fairy world, with an unruly detachment in every gesture, perfectly presenting the role of the old fairy.

The short-haired girl originally planned to refute without thinking, but she just looked into it, even a little bit unfinished.

Below the video, many netizens left messages praising Ren Shuai's acting skills, saying that he brought the original characters to life.

Xiao Jin felt that his unintentional choice seemed to be a big bet.

The short-haired girl thought to herself, Ren Shuai has good looks, good temperament, and excellent acting skills, why he is not popular until now, then there must be something wrong with his life.

She immediately found a reason, and persuaded: "The so-called knowing people, knowing their faces, but not their hearts, he must have a bad temper and easily offend others, otherwise why would he not be famous all his life?"

Xiao Jin was the first to disagree with this statement.

She had personally communicated with Ren Shuai all day, and she knew best what the other party was talking about.

Even if he is a bit black-bellied, he is definitely not bad-tempered and has a great sense of humor.

You can't let your friends continue to slander Ren Shuai. Although it's for her sake, Xiao Jin feels bad when he says that Ren Shuai is not good.

"Mr. Li still has two variety shows, let's see what he says and does."

Xiao Jin directly clicked on the webpage and searched for Ren Shuai's variety show videos.

The short-haired girl didn't speak. She was also a little curious about Ren Shuai at this time, but she kept a persuasive attitude because she was worried that her friend would step into the trap.

As a result, the two saw Ren Shuai's dubbing skills.

"Wow, my God..."

The short-haired girl felt that she had become a fan, and he urged Xiao Jin to say, "Quick search, isn't there another variety show?"

Xiao Jin covered her mouth and snickered, and obediently helped her search for "Us Once".

This time, the two were surprised to find that Ren Shuai turned out to be a concierge of Meiying, no wonder he is not well-known in the show business circle.

It turned out that he had been developing in another circle.

The short-haired girl didn't know whether she should continue to persuade her. In fact, she was completely fancied by Ren Shuai, but the showbiz valued her background very much. Actors who are not from a professional background are easy to be attacked if they have any flaws.

Especially Ren Shuai only crossed the border at this age, which is a bit late.

Xiao Jin became more interested in Ren Shuai, and said with a smile, "It's so inspiring for the concierge to be an actor. Teacher Li is my role model."

She became even more curious about Ren Shuai's past experience, so she added the word Meiying after the search term Li Laifu.

This search doesn't matter, the top piece of news is the statement issued by Meiying.

The big red stamp on it, with black and white letters, proves that Ren Shuai is Meiying's teacher.


The girl with short hair is completely messed up.

However, she looked at Xiao Jin sincerely and asked, "When you send out your resume, can you bring mine as well?"

"Think beautifully!"

Ren Shuai, who was sleeping soundly, had no idea that he had gained two more fans overnight.

He was just happy thinking that he could sleep until dawn.


A pleasant bell rang, and Ren Shuai sat up on the bed with his head full of anger, hating himself for being careless last night.

Forgot to put the phone on silent.

He picked up the phone and asked sternly, "What's the matter?"

A gentle male voice came from the other end of the phone and said very politely: "Hi, I am the police station."

Ren Shuai's suppressed anger finally broke out completely.

"Damn liar!"

As soon as he hung up the phone, he lay back on the bed angrily, thinking that the liar is really a real one, so what do you do for work in the morning, don't you know that the general public has a lot of resentment for getting up early?
Just when he finally regained his sleepiness and was about to take a rest, the phone rang again.

Ren Shuai is so handsome that he directly puts his phone...

Turned off.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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