From janitor to actor

Chapter 229 After Shutting Down

Chapter 229 After Shutting Down
In the afternoon, Ren Shuai slept in the dark, and finally woke up hungry.

It was the first time since he maintained a good work and rest habit that he slept until the afternoon.

The Zhou test had indeed consumed a lot of his brain cells, and he felt that he had finally made up for it.

Ren Shuai turned on his phone, and instantly received a bunch of missed call reminders, some of which were from an unknown number, and the other part was from Cui Shaoyu.

Looking at it like this, there might be something urgent, so Ren Shuai immediately called her back.

"Mr. Li, you finally answered the phone."

Cui Shaoyu answered in seconds, and came up with a thankful tone.

"What's wrong?" Ren Shuai asked in a daze.

"The police called in the morning and said they couldn't reach you, so they found me. But I turned off the phone when I called you. What did you do this morning?" She said with concern.

Ren Shuai suddenly woke up from his dazed state, thinking that the liar who claimed to be a policeman in the morning had actually contacted Cui Shaoyu.

Wait, Cui Shaoyu won't believe it.

"You were cheated by him and charged more money?" Ren Shuai immediately asked.


Cui Shaoyu was a little dazed, and it took him a long time to realize what Ren Shuai was talking about.

"Mr. Li, that's not a liar, it's a real policeman. He said he has something to ask for you."

Cui Shaoyu has been worrying about this all morning, fearing that something will happen to Ren Shuai, she asked the police what's the matter, but the police didn't say anything, and she couldn't get in touch with Ren Shuai, she had already bought a ticket and was going to fly to Meiying from other places Looking for someone.

Yesterday Ren Shuai told her not to arrange work or contact him today, Cui Shaoyu was a little puzzled.

Unexpectedly, the police came to the door this morning.

As an artist, the most fearful thing is damage to reputation. If something really happens, the entire acting career can be declared terminated.

"Huh? Really?"

Ren Shuai began to feel confused now.

He hasn't done anything illegal recently, so he shouldn't...

Could it be that Uncle Li Laifu did something outrageous, and now the retribution is coming?

Ren Shuai suddenly broke out in white sweat, thinking that if something happened, he wouldn't be able to save it even if he had a system.

Seeing that he didn't reply, Cui Shaoyu hurriedly asked: "If you have any secrets, you can tell me directly. There is no need to hide it. I am your manager. I will be prosperous with you, and I will be harmed by you. Just tell me the truth, morning." Why shut down?"

Ren Shuai was stunned, and said in a low voice, "I'm here, sleeping."

He always felt like he was sleeping late, as if he had made a huge mistake.

Cui Shaoyu was shocked when he heard the words, and quickly asked: "How old is the other party, is it voluntary?"

Ren Shuai suddenly became furious.

Cui Shaoyu, Cui Shaoyu, I didn't expect you to be such a manager.

Ren Shuai said in his heart, is my impression in your mind so unreliable?
He forcefully resisted the urge to hang up the phone, gritted his molars and explained: "Of course I sleep by myself!"


There was strong suspicion in Cui Shaoyu's tone.

Ren Shuai's tone became a little low, and his face was completely dark: "Is there any problem with turning off the phone after sleeping in?"

"Sleep late?"

Cui Shaoyu feels that a person of Ren Shuai's age should not sleep late, right?

Isn't that a talent reserved for young people?

Ren Shuai took a deep breath, shook his hand holding the phone, suppressed the idea of ​​changing managers, and said patiently, "Do you want to consider terminating the contract?"

Cui Shaoyu suddenly got stuck, and quickly apologized: "Mr. Li, I was wrong, no, I just care about it and it's messy. What is the police looking for you for?"

Ren Shuai thought, how do I know, he has no way of knowing whether the former Uncle Li has a criminal record or not.

While he was thinking wildly, there was a knock on the door.

Ren Shuai and Cui Shaoyu told her not to panic, wait for his news, then hung up the phone to answer the door.

"Which one?"

"Uncle Li, I am the policeman who contacted you this morning."

Ren Shuai was startled when he heard this.

I couldn't find anyone on the phone, so I came to block the door. This is a bad idea.

At this time, another voice came from outside the door: "Mr. Li, I am Chu Xingbang, please open the door."

Ren Shuai heard that the name sounded familiar, and after thinking about it for a while, he suddenly realized, isn't this the Vice President Chu?

It was the vice-principal who personally introduced him to become a teacher.

Ren Shuai hurriedly put on his coat, stepped on his slippers and went to open the door. He thought that even the school leaders were alarmed. I'm afraid the matter was serious, so he pleaded guilty quickly.

As the dormitory door opened, the police and Vice President Chu standing outside saw Ren Shuai standing at the door with a chicken nest head and a little star pajamas with a complicated expression on his head.

"Uh, Mr. Li, why are you... oh, did we interrupt your lunch break?"

After being puzzled for a second, Vice President Chu suddenly came to his senses and asked with some embarrassment.

Ren Shuai didn't expect that he would still be in the mood to mock him, Hammer let the door open in frustration and said, "Please come in."

After welcoming the two into the dormitory, Ren Shuai put his hands down in front of him, lowered his head and raised his eyes to quietly look at the handsome policeman, waiting for the trial of fate.

"You are Uncle Li, I have known you for a long time." The handsome policeman said with a smile.

Ren Shuai smiled wryly in his heart. It seemed that he had been wanted for a long time and had long been famous.

Seeing Ren Shuai's indifferent attitude, the handsome policeman immediately stretched out his left hand, grabbed Ren Shuai's arm hanging in front of him, and then put his right hand into his arms.

Ren Shuai watched his movements and lamented in his heart. He didn't expect that he would have a gold bracelet for free one day.


Ren Shuai raised his head and saw a red notebook wrapped in plastic paper in his hand.

This is……

Ren Shuai took it in doubt, and found that the book inside the plastic packaging had four large characters of honorary certificate written on it.

"Ms. Li, in view of your outstanding performance in the State Examination, the Municipal Bureau has decided to award you the honorary title of 'Heroic and Good Citizen who Saved People', and a cash reward of 10000 yuan. It will be awarded to you when the Municipal Bureau holds a commendation meeting." .” The handsome policeman said with a smile.

This is what unfolds.

Ren Shuai blinked with big eyes that were still blurred, and smiled naturally.

He was almost scared to death by this operation, didn't he just sleep late, as for scaring him like this.

Besides, it's not something to be ashamed of. Cui Shaoyu didn't say anything when he asked about the secrecy work so well, which made him frightened.

Vice President Chu said with a smile at this time: "Mr. Li, on behalf of the school, I would like to express my encouragement for your heroic behavior. The school will also hold a special commendation meeting for you and conduct publicity reports."

"This, to, that, don't need it?"

Ren Shuai wanted to ask about it.

He just casually rescued an ignorant girl who was hit by the state exam. There is no need to engage in such a big battle, and hold some commendation conference.

 Double monthly pass at the end of the month, ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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