From janitor to actor

Chapter 230 Commendation Meeting

Chapter 230 Commendation Meeting

Seeing Ren Shuai's puzzled look, the handsome policeman explained the reason in a gentle voice.

"Your heroic performance in saving lives is on the one hand. On the other hand, because you took the initiative to prevent the tragedy from happening in time, the state examination can continue to go smoothly, and the progress of the examination has not been affected by unexpected events. You have made a significant contribution, and both the education sector and the security sector are grateful for your heroic act."

Ren Shuai suddenly realized.

Although on the surface, he just saved the next candidate.

However, the incident happened during the state examination, and if there is a fatality, the relevant departments must intervene in the investigation and seal off the scene.

In that case, the arrangement of the State Examination will definitely be disrupted, at least the students in their examination room will be greatly affected and impacted.

The invigilator is also duty bound.

The department responsible for the security of the examination room and the department of the examination organization must follow suit.

The state examination itself is a hot spot of concern to the whole people. Once a life-threatening incident occurs, the follow-up impact will inevitably be huge.

Fortunately, all of this was saved by Ren Shuai in time.

However, Ren Shuai was almost scared to death by this sudden operation, he just wanted to sleep late.

Is there something wrong with shutting down?
Received a call from the police station, is it wrong to think it is a scam?
The handsome policeman saw that Ren Shuai was still a little confused, thinking that he was probably still asleep, and it was inconvenient for him to continue disturbing him, so he got up and left.

"Uncle Li, you must remember to attend the commendation meeting when the time comes, then I will leave first."

Ren Shuai should thank him for making a special trip just to give him a certificate of honor.

But his current attire, due to the actor's self-cultivation, is really inconvenient to go out to meet people.

I can only tell the truth: "It's not convenient to go out today, so I won't send it far away, thank you!"

The handsome policeman was stunned for a moment, thinking that the uncle also has a day when it is inconvenient to go out every month?

He nodded and said with a smile: "You are welcome, take a good rest."

Ren Shuai thought to himself, what does your puzzled and meaningful expression mean.

The handsome policeman turned and left, but he was always puzzled, and he didn't have the nerve to ask.

At Ren Shuai's age, is he serious about taking the state exam?

Vice President Chu, who was left behind, was also curious. When Ren Shuai said he wanted to get a graduation certificate from the acting department, he suggested that Ren Shuai take the Uniform Continental Examination.

Unexpectedly, Ren Shuai actually signed up.

And he also acted bravely during the state examination process and won glory for the school.

It was beyond his expectation.

Sure enough, the concierge who can be a teacher is not a simple actor.

"Mr. Li, then I won't disturb your rest. I will contact you when the school organizes a commendation meeting."

Ren Shuai nodded and sent him to the door before letting out a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it was a false alarm.

On the other hand, he was relieved, but Cui Shaoyu hadn't had time to get the news, and had been waiting anxiously in front of the phone.

She waited for a while, but still couldn't help turning on the computer to check the news, wondering if there was any big news, such as a certain senior in the entertainment industry was invited to tea by the relevant department for a certain reason, etc.

Just when she was ready to contact the public relations at any time, Ren Shuai called him.

Cui Shaoyu took a deep breath and had done enough mental construction before pressing the answer button.

"Mr. Li, if you have anything to say, just tell me."

Ren Shuai threw a question mark directly on his face, why did this sound so awkward?
"There is nothing to explain. The police came to me just to issue a certificate." Ren Shuai said succinctly.

Cui Shaoyu was confused, the police issued a certificate to Ren Shuai?
"What proof?"

"Certificate of heroic rescue and good citizen."

"Ying... what, you, why are you so brave?"

"I'm Ying, cough..."

Why didn't Ren Shuai realize that Cui Shaoyu was so good at chatting before?

He briefly told Cui Shaoyu about the situation, but there was a burst of exclamation from the other end of the phone.

Cui Shaoyu asked in surprise: "Mr. Li, you, you actually, really went to take the state exam?"

Is this the point? Ren Shuai feels that something is wrong with Cui Shaoyu today.

Cui Shaoyu had always thought that Ren Shuai was joking when he said that he took part in the state exam, but he didn't expect that he actually took part in it, and he even acted bravely to save a girl.

After Cui Shaoyu was excited, his mind became active, thinking that he could use this shareholder style to promote Ren Shuai again, and take the opportunity to boost his popularity.

She immediately told Ren Shuai the plan.

But Ren Shuai refused without hesitation.

He just did it for the purpose of saving people, and he didn't want to use it to hype. Once the company stopped operating, the matter of saving people would change.

He didn't even want to attend the commendation meeting, nor did he want the 10000 yuan bonus.

But if they had to give it, Ren Shuai could only reluctantly accept it.

Really struggling.

Three days later, Ren Shuai held up a certificate with four zeros written on it, smiling like a 60-year-old man.

Today is the day when the police station held a commendation meeting for him.

Many leaders whose names he couldn't name shook hands with him and took photos with him. After the end, several policewomen came forward to sign.

Before Ren Shuai came, he used a makeup card.

It's not for anything else, I just hope that I can look more energetic when participating in the commendation meeting.

After all, I am a professional actor now, so I still need to pay attention to my image when I go out.

However, the image at this time is a bit too good.

After taking a group photo with those who participated in the commendation meeting, Ren Shuai took the award certificate and prepared to leave.

At this time, a sassy policewoman in uniform appeared in front of him.

Ren Shuai stretched out his hand naturally, waiting for the other party to bring the notebook so that he could sign it for her.

As a result, the policewoman reached out her hand and shook Ren Shuai's hand.

"Mr. Li, hello."

Ren Shuai was stunned, wondering if he wanted to sign it?
"Hello." He nodded in response.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Jiang Lan, and I am the liaison officer in charge of the production of external publicity films from the Propaganda Department of the General Administration."

Ren Shuai nodded, he didn't know what the other party wanted to express.

Jiang Lan looked at Ren Shuai very politely and said with a smile: "We would like to invite you to shoot a special promotional video. I wonder if you can take the time to chat."

Ren Shuai was a little surprised. He didn't expect to come to the police station to participate in the commendation meeting, and he would find a job at his door.

Of course he would not refuse.

Ren Shuai feels very honored to be able to participate in the shooting of a film that promotes positive energy.

Jiang Lan led him into an office, gave him a glass of water, and began to introduce the situation.

Ren Shuai listened carefully with a smile, but as he listened, his smile became a little stiff.

It feels a little different from what he imagined.

In Ren Shuai's mind, the promotional videos of the police station must be the daily work of the police, or a detached action film, or a popular science film to promote public safety knowledge.

But after listening to Jiang Lan's introduction, he realized that this promotional video is a bit different.

 Ask for a monthly ticket at the end of the month!

(End of this chapter)

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