From janitor to actor

Chapter 231 Dinner

Chapter 231 Dinner
Ren Shuai thought to himself, if he watched this promotional video, he would definitely remember it fresh, but it would be a shame to let him play it.

Ren Shuai wanted to refuse.

But this is an invitation from the police station. If there is no special reason, I am afraid it is inconvenient to refuse.

After Ren Shuai listened to the introduction, he could only say: "I may need to contact my agent first and see the schedule before making a decision."

Jiang Lan nodded with a smile and said: "It's okay, we know that a well-known actor like you will definitely have a very full schedule. The schedule of this promotional film is not in a hurry, and the shooting time is not very long. We can choose the time you are free to do it again." .”

When Ren Shuai heard this, he thought that Jiang Lan was determined to wait for him to make this film, and it seemed that there was no way to refuse.

He didn't know what qualities he had, which attracted the attention of the police station. If he knew, he would definitely change it.

After exchanging contact information with Jiang Lan, Ren Shuai returned to his dormitory and introduced the situation to Cui Shaoyu.

Cui Shaoyu immediately laughed out loud after hearing this, and then said: "Mr. Li, I am looking forward to the effect of this short film, and I will help you arrange the time."

Ren Shuai was speechless and wanted to hang up the phone, but Cui Shaoyu immediately said to him: "I just received a call from a director named Chi Yi. He said that he had an appointment with you before and asked if you have a schedule to participate in his Shooting for a new work?"

Ren Shuai remembered that when he and Shen Luxi were filming spy films years ago, he had indeed promised Chi Yi that he would participate in the filming of his debut film.

The last spy film was actually Chi Yi’s teacher Zhi Yizhao taking him with him, and this next work is Chi Yi’s real debut.

Ren Shuai remembered that Chi Yi introduced that this work is an urban magic love story, telling a story about the hero and heroine becoming young again.

Invite him to play the actor's middle-aged and old age.

Ren Shuai nodded and said, "He did say, is the filming going to start now?"

"Director Chi said that they have been on the phone for a while, and they delayed contacting now because of your schedule. Then I will connect with them later."

After hanging up the phone, Ren Shuai was going to go to the mobile bank to check his savings.

Before he could take out his mobile phone, the phone rang again. It was Mu Xiaoqing who hadn't contacted for a long time.

"Mr. Li, I'm done. I'm going back to school today to pack my luggage. Can I treat you to a meal?"

Ren Shuai thought that there was nothing to do at night, so he nodded and agreed.

In the evening, Ren Shuai went to the hot pot restaurant where he had dinner with Mu Xiaoqing for the first time.

After entering the private room, he found that there was not only Mu Xiaoqing alone, but also an old acquaintance Su Yu beside him.

They share the same dormitory, and they also agreed to move together.

After graduating this year, it is not so easy for the two to see each other again.

Seeing Ren Shuai coming in, the two immediately got up to say hello.

Recently, both Mu Xiaoqing and Su Yu have paid attention to Ren Shuai's developments. Not only did they know that he endorsed Fendenko Nikki, but they also knew that he would be a dubbing teacher next semester.

Especially Su Yu, "Who Is the Murderer" adapted from her script will be released in a few days. Since Ren Shuai played the role of the scavengers and shocked the crew with martial arts and acting skills, Su Yu's status has also risen accordingly.

She was originally a fledgling screenwriter with little presence in screenwriting, but because she recommended Ren Shuai to act in this movie, she was taken seriously.

No, Su Yu has received a new job, and she suggested that today's meeting be held. In addition to getting in touch with Mu Xiaoqing and Ren Shuai, she also wanted to chat about the new job.

After Ren Shuai took his seat, Su Yu quickly smiled and toasted a glass of Coke.

"Ms. Li, please take a seat. Look at what you want to order. I'll treat you to this meal."

Ren Shuai waved his hand politely and said, "You can do whatever you want, I'm not picky."

Of course he would not refuse someone to treat him.

Su Yu was not too polite, and directly called the waiter to come in and order.

Afterwards, she was thinking about how to get to the point, turned her head to look at Mu Xiaoqing, and said, "Xiaoqing, your drama is finished, do you have any plans for the future?"

Mu Xiaoqing thought for a while and said, "The company arranged a variety show for me, and there will be auditions for two crews later."

Su Yu nodded. What she really wanted to ask was Shuai Ren. After all, Shuai Ren endorsed Fendenko Nikki, and his worth and schedule must be different from before.

"Ms. Li, what about you?" She asked in a timely manner.

Ren Shuai thought for a while, Chi Yi might join the group soon, and he had agreed to Zhou Chen's invitation before, but there was no movement there for the time being.

He will participate in the filming of Wei Yan's drama next month, and the specific filming time has not yet been determined.

"A few days ago, I just recorded a variety show in conjunction with "Who is the Real Murderer". Isn't it going to be released in two days? Maybe there will be some promotional activities." Ren Shuai said.

Su Yu doesn't know much about the follow-up promotion of the film. After the filming is over, she has already completed the work.

During this time, she has been involved in the preparation of another project.

"Then do you have time later?"

Su Yu finally asked the question she was most concerned about.

Ren Shuai nodded and briefly introduced his arrangement.

Su Yu had expected this for a long time, knowing that Ren Shuai's announcement would not be too busy, but she was not in a hurry for that project.

So Su Yu said sideways: "I have a resource here, and I'm short of a male lead and a female lead. I don't know if Teacher Li and Xiao Qing have any ideas?"

Ren Shuai was stunned for a moment, thinking that this was the first time he had heard that the leading actor invited him, and all the actors who asked him to play supporting roles were supporting roles.

However, with Su Yu's qualifications, if he can find a project that both male and female protagonists are missing, then he might either be cheated or cheated.

Mu Xiaoqing was also very surprised. She didn't care about the heroine's invitation, but instead asked: "What resources, are they reliable?"

Su Yu nodded and said: "Of course, although the director is young, he is very talented. It was introduced to me by my brother. He heard that I participated in "Who Is the Real Murder", so he invited me to be a screenwriter."

After hearing this, Mu Xiaoqing felt even more unreliable.

Ren Shuai also felt the same way.

The crew that can invite her to be the screenwriter is probably a grass-roots team, maybe the salary can't be settled, and they have to pay for it.

Mu Xiaoqing sighed, "I think you're in a daze, now there are all kinds of crews, don't wait..."

Before she finished speaking, Su Yu interjected, "Don't worry, I'm smart, can I be fooled? I've watched several of the director's works, and the hits on the platform are pretty good."

Mu Xiaoqing looked at her suspiciously, and then looked at Ren Shuai with pleading eyes and said, "Mr. Li, you have rich experience, please persuade Su Yu quickly, don't be sold and be counted for money."

Ren Shuai thought to himself, I don't have any experience, I just entered the workplace after graduating from university, so I could only say: "What works does that director have, let's take a look."

Hearing this, Su Yu suddenly got stuck.

(End of this chapter)

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