From janitor to actor

Chapter 232 Myself?

Chapter 232 Myself?
Su Yu lowered his head and muttered for a long time, but didn't say a word.

Mu Xiaoqing asked: "Why are you silent? Didn't Teacher Li ask about the director's works?"

"Well, I think, the opportunity to play the leading role is very rare no matter what, and the director has an agreement with the platform, as long as this film is shot, it will definitely be broadcast."

Su Yu talked about him from left to right, but didn't answer the question directly.

Ren Shuai was a little curious by her state. Originally, he just asked casually, wanting to know how the director's works were. Unexpectedly, Su Yu hesitated for a long time and did not answer.

Mu Xiaoqing guessed: "It can't be some restricted-rated movie, right? Xiaoyu, you..."

"No, no, how is it possible, don't talk nonsense, I won't be a screenwriter for that kind of film."

"Then you're telling me, what's so shameful?"

"Well, the director's name is Xie Jiu, and he usually makes some movies that are more suitable for everyone to watch together."

Su Yu finally explained the director's information.

Mu Xiaoqing took out her phone and started searching.

What movie Ren Shuai thought would be suitable for everyone to watch together, but Su Yu didn't want to say it directly?

Soon, Xie Jiu's information was displayed on Mu Xiaoqing's phone. It seemed that he was indeed a serious director. After the information unfolded, there were also a series of videos he shot.

Su Yu glanced at Ren Shuai and Ren Shuai, silently picked up a piece of meat and dipped it in the soup.

Mu Xiaoqing continued to look down, her eyes became more exciting.

In the list of films shot by Xie Jiu, there are a series of works of the same type such as "Desolate Tomb Village", "Dark Wind and Red Rainy Night", "Curse of the Soul", "Mycelium Entangling", "Horror Lullaby" and so on.

Every work has a picture, Mu Xiaoqing just looked at the cover picture, and felt the back of her neck was chilly.

"You, you actually asked me to act in a horror movie?"

Mu Xiaoqing glared at her roommate angrily and said, "You know I'm the least timid, I don't even dare to look at horror pictures, and you actually ask me to act in a horror movie?"

Su Yu stuck out her tongue and said with a smile: "Making horror movies and watching horror movies are two different things. It shouldn't be very scary. Besides, I wrote the screenplay. There are no weird elements, just to create an atmosphere."

Ren Shuai thought to himself, no wonder Su Yu hesitated, it turned out that Mu Xiaoqing was so timid.

In fact, there is another reason why Su Yu didn't say it directly. Horror movies are usually played by niche actors, and there are also some out-of-date actors.

A floret like Mu Xiaoqing, who is on the rise, would not be willing to participate in the show at all.

Not to mention Ren Shuai, his value is rising and his popularity is gradually increasing, and he probably won't be willing to act in a horror movie.

But Su Yu attaches great importance to this film. After all, it is her first time writing a screenplay by herself, and she still hopes to make a breakthrough in the lineup.

If Ren Shuai and Mu Xiaoqing are invited to help out, she is confident that she will make a highly watchable horror film, and maybe it will be successful.

But in history, there are very few horror films that can successfully break through the circle and attract attention, so Su Yu is only full of pride and ambition, but does not dare to promise anything.

Mu Xiaoqing didn't say anything, she picked up the sliced ​​meat in the hot pot silently, and took a bite.

When Su Yu saw her friend's status, she knew it was over, but she still wanted to fight for it.

Then he persuaded: "Listen, let me analyze it for you. Although horror movies are very small, but this time I write the screenplay myself. I will definitely remove the elements of strange power and chaos, leaving some scary but reasonable content, and expand the scope as much as possible. Audience range.

What's more, you can act as the heroine, and the role is absolutely guaranteed, and the image of the character is very positive, which will never affect your future acting path and development. "

After hearing her introduction, Mu Xiaoqing was slightly moved. On the one hand, Su Yu had a good relationship with her, and she wanted to help out of friendship;

However, acting in a horror film is not the same as the market positioning given to her by the company, which may affect her follow-up dramas. Many crews choose actors not based on whether the performance is good or not, but whether the works she participates in are popular or not.

Mu Xiaoqing was hesitant, unable to make up her mind, and suddenly caught a glimpse of Ren Shuai beside him who was concentrating on eating.

Suddenly, she thought, yes, there is still Teacher Li here, and she can ask him to help make up his mind.

Su Yu could see what her friend was thinking. In fact, her main target today was Ren Shuai.

However, Su Yu and Mu Xiaoqing had a good relationship, and it was easier to start with Mu Xiaoqing, so she didn't try to persuade Ren Shuai right away.

"Mr. Li, do you want to think about it carefully? I know that your acting skills are very good and your lines are very solid. You are very suitable to play the leading role in this play." Su Yu said earnestly.

Ren Shuai thought to himself, the heroine is Mu Xiaoqing, and the hero is him, so what is the plot of this movie?

"Can you expand on that?" he asked.

Su Yu's eyes lit up, and he quickly seized the opportunity to introduce: "Our film is called "Sick Building No. 88". The plot unfolds in a sick building. When the heroine wakes up, she finds herself there. A house is filled with occupants, and it doesn't look normal.

She tries to escape, but finds herself trapped inside, and everyone keeps her from leaving until she meets her fellow patient in the next room, who you play as.

On the surface, you, like her, are the ones trapped in this sick building, but in fact, you are the lunatic manipulating everyone behind the scenes to prevent her from leaving. "

When Ren Shuai heard this, he was already a little interested, but he was more interested in the salary.

Although the production cost of horror films is generally not high, but after all, it is the protagonist, so the treatment should be different from that of supporting roles.

"How long will it take?" Ren Shuai didn't directly ask the price.

Su Yu smiled and said, "One month."

Ren Shuai thought to himself, why would he ask about the salary, but suddenly he thought of Cui Shaoyu.

Professional matters must be left to professional personnel.

"Then contact my agent." Ren Shuai said after eating a piece of meat.

"Agent?" Su Yu was very surprised. He didn't expect that Ren Shuai already had an agent.

Mu Xiaoqing was also surprised. The last time she met Ren Shuai, Ren Shuai was still working as a concierge. Unexpectedly, after more than a month of seeing each other, Ren Shuai had already signed with a brokerage company.

"Her name is Cui Shaoyu. I'll give you her contact information later."

After Ren Shuai finished speaking, Su Yu suddenly changed his expression and said, "What are you talking about, your manager is Cui Shaoyu?"

Ren Shuai had already put half of the meat in his mouth, and suddenly stopped.

Judging by Su Yu's expression, it could be that Cui Shaoyu is still famous, but he remembered that Cui Shaoyu was just a novice in the brokerage industry, and even her brokerage company had just been established.

Su Yu laughed out loud in an instant, and said, "The investor of our show is Cui Shaoyu!"

Ren Shuai: ...?
Are you sure it's not the same name?
 Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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