From janitor to actor

Chapter 234 Premiere

Chapter 234 Premiere

The first day of the new year.

Ren Shuai appeared at the premiere event on time, and there were already several actors doing styling in the dressing room.

Cui Shaoyu, who originally planned to come with him, was absent. The room was so lively last night that she didn't dare to sleep all night, and she was not in the mood today.

Ren Shuai decisively let her go on vacation.

Soon, the premiere began.

The host invited by the organizer was Chu Fan, whom Ren Shuai knew. He first introduced several main creators, and then began to go through the process, asking the leading actors to introduce their roles one by one.

In addition to those who bought tickets to enter today's premiere, there are also film critics specially paid for by the organizer.

Before watching a movie, many people will check the movie reviews on the Internet first, and only watch it if they are interested.

Therefore, basically for every film, professional film critics will be invited to write praises for their films, so as to attract audiences to enter the cinema to watch the film.

Xiaomi sat in the auditorium, listening to the same self-introduction of the main creative team, feeling dull.

As a professional film critic, she has many years of experience in watching movies.

Originally, she was supposed to be invited to watch the action blockbuster "Under the Misty River", but because the price of "Who is the real murderer" was too attractive, she had to come to the premiere against her will in order to make a meal.

According to her experience, this kind of small production film trying to grab cakes during the Lunar New Year is generally not of high quality.

And before the movie is released, there will be a movie viewing session, and internal personnel are invited to judge and score first. The rating of this movie is average, which shows that the market prospect is average.

But in order to have a good meal, she had to find the shining point of the film, and then exaggerated it to attract the audience to watch the film.

However, in order to maintain their credibility, film critics should not write blindly, otherwise once word of mouth is damaged, they will not be able to receive jobs in the future.

So Xiaomi has a principle of writing only on the good points and turning a blind eye to the bad points, so that even if someone wants to criticize her, she will still be telling the truth.

Xiaomi received an invitation last year, asking her to write a film review for a film made by a cross-border director, but due to the poor viewing experience, there is really no bright spot at all, and she dare not praise it. Departure, praised the director's feelings.

As a result, even this was almost sprayed to death by netizens.

One of her colleagues exaggerated the content of the film, was directly accused of being autistic, and went out of business for more than a year without work.

Later, Xiaomi got a good memory, knowing that the more money was given to the film, the worse it was, and the harder it was for film critics like them.

Chafan has risks, and you need to be cautious when writing reviews.

Sitting lazily in the auditorium, Xiaomi doesn't have any hope for this niche film, only hopes that after writing the film review, he won't be criticized too badly by netizens.

At this time, it was Ren Shuai's turn to introduce his role on the stage.

In the dressing room today, the makeup artist was a bit snobby. He heard that Ren Shuai was a supporting role, so he messed around with it while putting on makeup.

Ren Shuai looked at it and felt a little dissatisfied, so he simply used Zhang Zhuang to make a card.

After all, this was his first time participating in the premiere, so he couldn't be too sloppy.

At this moment, he took the microphone, and the media flashlights in the audience flashed "shua, shua, shua" all the time, all aimed at his face.

Many people are muttering, this actor is so superior in appearance, he is not the protagonist, what role is he playing?

"Hi everyone, I'm Li Laifu, playing the role of a scavenger in the film."

He is concise and to the point, knowing that he is just an Easter egg character, don't talk too much to steal the limelight from the protagonist.

As a result, the host, Chu Fan, didn’t want to let him go easily, and said with a warm smile, “Ms. Li, today is the second time we have met, and I have to say that you look really handsome today, and it is very similar to the image of the scavengers in our impression.” It's a far cry.

I'm curious, how did the director come up with the idea of ​​letting a handsome guy like you play the role of a scavenger? "

Ren Shuai chuckled and said, "The make-up guy used too much force today. I don't usually look like this."

Chu Fan smiled and said, "Mr. Li is really humorous. It seems that the director must have taken a fancy to your acting skills. I heard that there will be surprise performances in the play, right?"

Ren Shuai thought to himself, the lead actor had only been asked two questions, so why did he end up with three sentences?

"Well, please look forward to it."

Ren Shuai said politely, wanting to end it as soon as possible.

However, Chu Fan still didn't plan to let him go. The last time they recorded a variety show, Ren Shuai performed very well, and Chu Fan was deeply impressed by him.

He felt that this senior in the entertainment industry was different from other actors he had come into contact with, and that he might be able to make some breakthroughs, so he couldn't help but interview a few more words.

"Then can you comment on the film in one sentence?"


Chu Fan was stunned, and looked at Ren Shuai. Does that mean you are serious? Just two words in one sentence, isn't it too brief?
Ren Shuai was also speechless, looking at Chu Fan, that means you still don't go away, I'm just a supporting role, I haven't seen the whole movie at all, so don't ask me any more questions.

Chu Fan's good professionalism played a role, and he smiled naturally: "It's as clever as it is clumsy, and the sound is unremarkable. Teacher Li feels that using any words to describe this film is not as good as the word "good-looking." This film is really worth looking forward to.”

Ren Shuai admired his literary accomplishment and nodded politely with a smile.

Sitting below, Xiaomi almost laughed out loud. He felt that this actor with superior appearance was a bit interesting. When other actors were interviewed, they wished to say a few more words and let the media take more photos.

On the other hand, he didn't speak more than twenty words, and after asking a few more questions, he just played badly and answered the questions, which is called perfunctory.

Xiaomi is very curious about what kind of scavengers played by this actor.

She came here with the mentality of just bad money, but now she is a little looking forward to the video that will be played for a while.

Of course, Chu Fan saw that Ren Shuai didn't want to say more, and knew that if he continued to ask, he would seem to ignore the protagonist, so he finally let Ren Shuai go and started interviewing Tae-hsiung next to him.

"Teacher Tai, you are playing the role of Mr. Security this time, right? Can you tell me about the places that are still fresh in your memory during the filming?"

Taixiong nodded and said: "I, oh, yes, that scene is an easter egg, I can't say more, everyone will know after watching the movie."

After he finished speaking, he subconsciously looked at Ren Shuai, and what he was talking about was the scene where Ren Shuai showed his supernatural power and flew to subdue the murderer.

Seeing this, Chu Fan asked curiously, "You and Teacher Li's rivalry?"

Tae-hsiung nodded and said: "Yes, at that time, oh, no, if I talk too much, it will be a spoiler, and everyone will know after watching the feature film."

What he said really whetted everyone's appetite. The audience all looked at Ren Shuai curiously, thinking that the person who played the role of the scavenger seemed to be the protagonist of today. No matter from the appearance to the topic, everyone's They never took their eyes off him.

In contrast, the male and female protagonists standing in the center of the stage look like two little transparent ones.

 Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a recommendation!

(End of this chapter)

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