From janitor to actor

Chapter 235 Surprise Performance

Chapter 235 Surprise Performance
After the interview, the film starts playing.

Ren Shuai also sat in the viewing booth with other audience members. This was his first time watching a film, and he had some expectations for the content.

After all, he plays the role of the drama version of "Who is the real murderer". Now it is on the screen. Although it has been adapted, the overall plot framework has not changed. He is looking forward to the performance of the actors in it.

Ren Shuai sat next to Taixiong. On the other side of Taixiong were the male and female protagonists. One played the role of a female novelist and the other played the role of a policeman.

Although the actor playing the policeman was sitting in the middle, he felt that the eyes of the people behind him were still focused on Ren Shuai who was on the side.

He couldn't help feeling a little resentful in his heart, it wasn't all directed at Ren Shuai, but he was thinking about how the makeup artist and crew arranged, why he made a supporting role so handsome, but he was so ordinary.

And the host also, during the interview, instead of chasing after the protagonist to ask questions, he stared at Ren Shuai, a supporting character, and asked, Ren Shuai didn't even want to answer, he was still asking.

The most important thing is that the media, holding the camera and pressing the shutter, took a picture of Ren Shuai, completely ignoring the existence of him as the protagonist.

When the leading actor was filming, he didn't have any scenes with Ren Shuai, but he had heard Ren Shuai's name from all the crew members, saying that he has great skills and excellent acting skills.

Now when I saw him in person, not to mention his acting skills, even his appearance crushed him, it was outrageous.

After the filming of this film, the actor received other announcements, and did not have time to watch the feature film. This is the first time to watch the film.

He would like to see what kind of amazing performance Ren Shuai has that can be praised by others.

The movie started to play. Since it is a mystery drama, the whole movie is only 90 minutes long.

Ren Shuai appeared later, and many people watched the film because of Ren Shuai, wanting to know what kind of scavengers such a handsome guy would play.

Now that most of the movie has been played, Xiaomi's perception is average. From a professional point of view, the logic of the script is not flawed, but the acting skills of the hero and heroine are a little immature.

Except for Tae-hsiung, the acting school, the other actors can only be said to be unsatisfactory.

Xiaomi thought to himself, if he writes a movie review by himself, he can't get Tae-hsiung to write it with an acting talent. Although he has good acting skills, he doesn't have much traffic, and he doesn't have hot topics, so he can't attract the audience.

And the male and female protagonists have nothing to write about, so she can only place all her expectations on Ren Shuai.

However, Xiaomi is a little worried. An actor with good looks like Ren Shuai played a supporting role in the play, probably because his acting skills are really worrying.

Just when she was slightly distracted, Ren Shuai in the film finally appeared.

He wore a coat like a rag, had a mop-like hairstyle, and walked into the community with a pocket full of patches on his back. This scruffy image is simply a scavenger among scavengers, and there is nothing to add to his desperation.

When Xiaomi saw him for the first time, his pupils trembled instantly. He wondered why the director couldn't think about it, why did he let such a good-looking actor completely bury his face in this sloppy image.

At this time, she felt sorry for her, and whispered to herself that it was really not easy to earn money. Even the only actor who she wanted to boast about her appearance lost her greatest advantage in the play.

This made her not know where to start writing.

While thinking this way, the scavengers played by Ren Shuai began to rummage through the trash.

This shot is pushed from a long shot to a close shot, but there is no close-up, but just a back view, which perfectly interprets the image of the scavengers.

Many viewers were surprised to find that the scavengers in the film had no way to match up with Ren Shuai just now.

The difference between the two is simply too great.

The image in the film, at first glance, is a complete waste picker, and even makes people think that the crew really found a homeless man from the side of the road to play it.

In the interview just now, Ren Shuai was glamorous and humorous. No matter how you look at it, he looks like a mature actor full of grace. The image and temperament of the two are far from each other.

Such a strong contrast made many audiences not believe that this scavenger was actually played by Ren Shuai.

After Xiaomi saw the few shots of the scavengers, he was suddenly overjoyed.

Don't you have the material to write about?

Who would have thought that an actor with such an excellent appearance would play the role of a scavenger so thoroughly that people would completely forget his own image.

This is real acting.

Xiaomi is very glad that Ren Shuai brought her a surprise, and is also very grateful to Ren Shuai for making her feel at ease.

She began to pay more attention to Ren Shuai's performance in the film.

Ren Shuai was stopped by several security guards during the process of picking up trash, but at this time Taixiong came out to rescue him and continued to let him pick up trash in the community with peace of mind.

Here Ren Shuai finally has the first close-up shot. He does not look grateful to Tae-hsiung, but shows a kind of indifference.

That indifference emotion is too subtle, Xiaomi can't describe it clearly, it feels like a sense of alienation from the world.

It's just that Xiaomi couldn't understand why such a scavenger appeared in the story. Is it just to show that Taixiong is a good-tempered security guard?
Many viewers don't understand at the moment, and some people have even started whispering, wondering if it's so difficult to add such a character just to arrange easter eggs?

The audience felt that such a sum was really unnecessary.

Everyone continued to look back, and Ren Shuai interspersed with two or three scenes of picking up trash. The total time did not exceed ten seconds, which still showed Tae-hsiung's sympathy and tolerance for him, as well as his disdain for Tae-hsiung's help.

The audience didn't pay much attention to these shots, but as a professional movie viewer, Xiaomi already had some thoughts in his mind.

She feels that the role of Ren Shuai as a scavenger should not be so simple, and there may be some reversal in the future.

She couldn't help secretly looking forward to it.

The plot finally came to an end, the heroine and the hero began to make the final reasoning, and locked the murderer.

However, things changed suddenly. The murderer took out a dagger and waved it at the crowd, then took the opportunity to escape and ran out of the community.

Seeing this, the male and female protagonists followed him and chased outside. While the murderer was escaping, he happened to meet Taixiong, a security guard who was patrolling the community.

Tae-hsiung is not young anymore, if he fights with the murderer with his bare hands, he will definitely be injured.

Just at this time, the scavengers saw this scene.

I saw the scavenger played by Ren Shuai throwing away the garbage bag on his body, accelerating his feet, and rushing towards the murderer like a gentle step.

Although he was farther away from the murderer, he came first.

A volley turned over and kicked at the dagger held by the murderer.

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(End of this chapter)

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