From janitor to actor

Chapter 236 Signature

Chapter 236 Signature
Under a set of cool combos, the murderer was subdued in an instant.

Many viewers couldn't help but gasp in amazement when they saw this scene. Ren Shuai's movements were so clean and neat that he could feel his strength even through the screen.

The sudden performance of the scavengers completely exceeded everyone's expectations. Although Xiaomi had been mentally prepared, he did not expect the final reversal to be so dramatic.

From Ren Shuai's flying kick just now to subduing the murderer, it took only a dozen seconds, but he had already fully demonstrated the heroic demeanor and superb skills that a martial arts master should have.

At the beginning, Xiaomi found that Ren Shuai's acting skills were good, but he was secretly happy that there was a film review to be written, and now he couldn't help showing all the smiles on his face.

This is more than a film review, it is so full of content that it explodes.

She believes that this ingenious design of the martial arts master subduing the murderer instantly adds a lot of color to the film.

Ren Shuai, the inconspicuous character of the scavengers, brought a huge surprise to the end of the film, and also brought ups and downs and reversals to the plain plot.

Xiaomi has even thought about what to write about in film reviews and what key points to highlight.

Although the action shot just now lasted only a dozen seconds, Xiaomi can judge from a professional point of view that this is definitely not something an actor without action skills can accomplish.

In the film, the martial arts scenes of scavengers show their faces throughout, which can prove that Ren Shuai is absolutely useless as a stand-in.

Therefore, Xiaomi can conclude that Ren Shuai not only has good looks, but also has outstanding acting skills, and even his skills are very good.

Just writing about Ren Shuai alone is enough to write a long film review, and she can earn just enough food money.

Coupled with the fact that the film has some other remarkable features, Xiaomi even felt that even if he didn't charge any money, he could write a film review praising Ren Shuai from a completely objective point of view without any beautification.

If you rate this reasoning movie, although the performance of the actors is mediocre, at least one point can be improved for Ren Shuai's surprise performance at the end.

In particular, the scavenger was very indifferent and alienated in the early stage, but in the later stage he helped Taixiong who was a security guard.

This reversal not only adds points to the story of the film, but also sublimates the humanity of the characters.

Although the scavengers played by Ren Shuai seem to ignore Tae-hsiung on the surface, that is just his protective color to stay away from the crowd.

And Taixiong's care and tolerance for him, he has always kept in his heart, and finally, when Taxiong was in danger, he helped him.

This turning point instantly made the scavengers played by Ren Shuai plump and three-dimensional.

In the end, the film is a standard happy ending. The scavengers played by Ren Shuai only leave an unfathomable back figure before disappearing on the horizon filled with the afterglow of the setting sun.

After watching the film, the audience talked about Ren Shuai's performance with great enthusiasm. Even the audience who thought the film was mediocre before were not consciously satisfied with the performance at the end of the film.

The moment the ending song ended, everyone applauded unconsciously, and more eyes began to turn to Ren Shuai.

This time people looked at Ren Shuai not only for his appearance, but also for his acting skills.

The male lead was sitting on a chair at this moment thinking, at first he still had an unconvinced energy in his heart, and wanted to break his head with Ren Shuai.

However, when the film played to the end, he couldn't help but put away his comparison.

He had heard from the martial arts instructor before that Ren Shuai's martial arts level was very high, but he still didn't believe it. Now that he saw the effect of the film, he had to be convinced.

Ren Shuai's movements are not only neat and smooth, but also the effect of shooting is very chic and elegant. If he is allowed to do this, he will definitely not be able to perform this effect.

The male protagonist raised his head and quietly set his eyes on Ren Shuai, thinking that he would have an advantage in popularity.

After watching the movie, the organizer designed a movie ticket signing link for the audience, and everyone can find their favorite actors to sign before leaving.

As a result, everyone lined up to Ren Shuai's team.

In fact, Ren Shuai just came here to play soy sauce. After all, he is a supporting role with very few roles, but he did not expect to attract most of the firepower.

The male protagonist looked at the team in front of him, and then turned his head to look at the team at Ren Shuai's side, and the only sense of superiority in his heart disappeared.

He secretly vowed that in the future when he takes on a film, he must see who the supporting actors are, and he will never meet a supporting actor like Ren Shuai who overwhelms the protagonist in all aspects.

Xiaomi is also in the team of Ren Shuai at this time. As a film critic, she has a strong curiosity about the actor Ren Shuai.

She was sure that she had never seen Ren Shuai in any movie before.

If this is his big-screen debut, the expressiveness is a bit exaggerated.

Xiaomi really wanted to exchange a few words with Ren Shuai, get to know the actor, and at the same time find out some stories behind the film, so as to add color to her film reviews.

She who originally held the attitude of just bad money has completely changed her attitude at this time, becoming proactive, and even wants to promote the film spontaneously.

Not for this movie, but for Ren Shuai.

"Hello, Mr. Li, I'm Xiaomi, a film critic, and I want to..."

Before she finished speaking, Ren Shuai nodded understandingly and said, "Okay, you want me to write your blessings for you, right?"

He was already very proficient in his business at this time. In the large group of people in front, several of them asked for exclusive greetings, and Ren Shuai was already familiar with it.

"Uh, I..."

Before Xiaomi could deny it, Ren Shuai had already written the four big characters of being happy every day, and then handed the ticket back to her with a bright smile on his face.

Facing Ren Shuai's smiling face, Xiaomi couldn't say anything in denial, and could only instinctively utter two words.

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome."

Ren Shuai continued to sign the great cause, and at the same time secretly swore in his heart that if there was an autograph session at the premiere in the future, he would definitely not attend.

If he had to participate, he hoped that he could pay more.

Xiaomi, who left with his signature, took a long time to get away from Ren Shuai's smile, and found that he was so addicted to beauty that he forgot about business.

Did she line up for the autograph? No, it is undeniable that there was something in this aspect, but it was mainly to communicate with Ren Shuai about the story behind the film.

It's good now, she has already walked out of the movie theater, and the security will definitely not let her go back.

In this case, I can only... look for information on the Internet.

It's just that this actor named Li Laifu is not well-known, and I'm afraid there is not much information on the Internet, so I can only try it out.

Xiaomi turned on the phone without much hope, and entered the three words Li Laifu in the search bar.

Then, she was stunned by the news that filled her eyes.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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