From janitor to actor

Chapter 237 Stunning performance

Chapter 237 Stunning performance
As the Spring Festival holiday unfolds, people officially enter the holiday mode.

Many people go to the cinema and choose to watch movies to pass the holiday time, which is why the competition for Spring Festival movies is fierce.

The person in charge of a theater in Meijing City did not rest during the holidays, and has been sending people to monitor the box office of the movie.

Although this is the first day of the Spring Festival show, the real-time box office is also the most important data, especially the box office of the first show, which can explain certain problems.

Among the movies in their theaters, action movies and comedy movies are the main ones, and they are placed in prime time.

The remaining few niche films, including "Who is the Real Murder" starring Ren Shuai, were put in the middle of the night.

At the same time, the promotional variety show "Who is the Detective" as "Who is the real murderer" has also been broadcast to the third issue.

Although this variety show has a relatively niche theme, its novel content has attracted the attention of many young viewers.

Many people have watched the first two episodes and know that this variety show is for the promotion of the movie. Some people even went to the movie theater website to check when the movie will be shown. If you have time, you can go to support it.

It turned out that the film schedule in the cinema was too dark, and I had to choose to give up in the end.

Many netizens complained under the variety show that the movie theater schedule is really speechless. Your show is a mystery drama, not a suspense thriller. Why do you have to queue late at night?
But the producers are also helpless.

The movie theater schedule is determined by the market, and movie theaters arrange their own time. Which movie they are optimistic about will naturally arrange the movie for prime time.

Who told them that this film is a niche subject, and the producer has nothing to say about the current schedule.

Due to time constraints, many people did not go to the cinema to support this film, and chose to continue watching the third issue of "Who is the Detective" at home.

It feels like a form of support.

At this time, Ren Shuai was in the dormitory preparing to watch the latest variety show he recorded.

He used to record shows as a random guest, but this time in the variety show, he has a strong sense of participation, and he can't help but look forward to the final editing effect.

This variety show was recorded to promote the movie. If the broadcast effect is good, it may help the box office.

The number of people watching the movie determines Ren Shuai's approval. The more people watch the movie, the higher his approval will naturally be.

Since the broadcast time of this variety show is at the same time as the movie release time, the program team specially produced a special and meticulous editing, comparing the images of the participating guests with the images of the movie posters.

Undoubtedly, Ren Shuai's image contrast is the strongest.

In particular, the program team specially found a beautiful photo of him as the endorsement of Fenden Ko Niqi, and put it together with the sloppy look of the scavengers in the play.

There is a sharp contrast.

Not to mention the audience, when Ren Shuai saw the photo, he felt that it was two people.

This is a small highlight specially produced by the program group, just to arouse the curiosity of the audience and attract everyone to watch the movie in the cinema.

With Ren Shuai's beautiful photo leading the way, the audience naturally focused their attention on him.

After all, when watching variety shows, everyone is more willing to focus on the most handsome person.

Ren Shuai's appearance in the variety show is very eye-catching, with a deerstalker hat on his head, a long windbreaker, a pair of monocles on his face, and a gentleman's atmosphere all over his body.

At this time Xiaomi squatted in front of the computer, also paying attention to this variety show.

After searching for relevant news about Ren Shuai yesterday, she clicked through and read all of them, and she became a fan without knowing it.

However, when she inquired about Ren Shuai's age, she was still very surprised, and at the same time curious about how Ren Shuai took care of himself.

Because of Ren Shuai's good looks and acting skills, plus his monstrous dubbing ability, Xiaomi finally couldn't control his girlish heart and fell in love with Ren Shuai.

After learning that Ren Shuai participated in the promotional variety show of "Who is the Real Murder" at the same time, she immediately squatted in front of the computer on time and waited for the variety show to start.

Of course, she didn't forget her own job. She had already written three film reviews and posted them online. She just waited to let the bullets fly for a while to see the effect.

At this moment, Xiaomi is enjoying the happy time alone.

Holding a large glass of coke and a large bag of potato chips, she sat in front of the screen, waiting to appreciate Ren Shuai's variety performance.

Xiaomi ate a mouthful of potato chips, and after seeing Ren Shuai appearing on stage, he couldn't help but want to add chicken legs to the makeup artist.

This outfit matches Ren Shuai's temperament so well, I really want to weld the windbreaker and monocle on him, it blends perfectly with the retro background environment.

After several guests arrived, the introduction of the timeline began.

Xiaomi has played script killing several times offline, so she has some understanding of the process. After listening to Ren Shuai's timeline, she suddenly raised her eyebrows slightly, thinking that Ren Shuai might be the murderer in this issue.

No, no, no.

She was originally looking at Zong Yi with a relaxed mood, but now she suddenly became a little apprehensive.

Not for anything else, but mainly to sweat for Ren Shuai.

Because among the guests in this episode, there is Xiang Shujun, an actor known for his academic mastery, with very strong logical reasoning ability, known as the sharp eye in the show, who can detect every murderer.

Now that the show has reached the first round of intensive reasoning, what Xiaomi worried about happened.

When it was Xiang Shujun's turn to reason, he pointed the finger at Ren Shuai.

Xiaomi is very worried that Ren Shuai will be targeted.

She couldn't help but complain to the program crew, why they gave Ren Shuai such a suspicious role.

It is obvious that Taixiong and Ren Shuai are both flying guests. Why is Taixiong's story line so simple, but Ren Shuai's is so complicated.

Participating in this program itself is not friendly to the elderly, and it is a bit of a bully to put a powerful person like Xiang Shujun in the program.

After presenting the evidence to Shujun and reasoning about the time, everyone turned their suspicions to Ren Shuai.

Even if Ren Shuai was wronged, there is no way to argue.

Looking at Tae-hsiung's bewildered face next to him, one can tell that the two flying guests of this issue are noobs in the game, and they can't play it at first sight.

If the director is stupid enough to assign the murderer role to Ren Shuai, it will be a bully.

At this time, many voices of solidarity with Ren Shuai flew over the barrage.

After Xiang Shujun's reasoning was over, it was Ren Shuai's turn to appear on stage. Xiaomi was not even in the mood to eat potato chips and drink Coke, and kept his eyes on the screen, for fear that Ren Shuai would be bullied in this show.

As soon as Ren Shuai spoke, everyone's voices fell silent.

He put the evidence on the table, and then began to reason logically. He spoke clearly and logically, and directly threw the suspicion back on Xiang Shujun.

After the guests finished listening, they nodded unconsciously, and cast suspicious eyes on Xiang Shujun.

After reading this paragraph, Xiaomi suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"So handsome!"

She never expected that Ren Shuai would have such an amazing performance.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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