From janitor to actor

Chapter 238 Fans

Chapter 238 Fans
Ren Shuai's wonderful performance in the variety show immediately made the audience hooked.

No one expected that he, a flying guest, would have such an amazing performance when he participated in a script-killing variety show for the first time.

Everyone thought that Xiang Shujun's strength must have crushed the other guests, but Ren Shuai was unexpectedly able to fight back on the spot, and directly turned the suspicion back to Xiang Shujun.

"Good job!"

Xiaomi felt that Ren Shuai's reasoning was very powerful, which made her feel elated.

The show continued, and the audience could see that the real murderer, Xiao Xiang, had hidden the evidence on his body, but no one at the scene found out.

Xiaomi thought that the murderer this time was very cunning, if Ren Shuai and Xiang Shujun suspected each other, they might miss the real murderer.

Moreover, according to the program before the show, there would be no body search at all, and Xiaoxiang's hiding the evidence could basically be considered cheating.

There are not a few people who have the same worries as Xiaomi, and most of the audience are very involved in watching, and they have sent messages asking Ren Shuai to be wary of Xiaoxiang.

Ren Shuai also saw this paragraph at this time, he raised his eyes to see the rows of bullet screens flying by on the phone, and couldn't help laughing.

Fortunately, he lived up to everyone's expectations. During the second round of evidence collection and discussion, he no longer targeted Xiang Shujun, but shifted his suspicions to Xiaoxiang and Yueyue.

Now the audience finally felt relieved, and felt that although Ren Shuai acted like a novice at certain times, he was never ambiguous at critical moments, and his thinking was extremely clear.

However, after this round of pushing the murderer, the suspect was still wandering between the two, and the final suspect was not identified.

Xiaomi took a sip of Coke and waited to see if Ren Shuai could find the real murderer.

At this moment, the program crew suddenly cut a close-up of Ren Shuai and Taixiong whispering to each other.

Although Ren Shuai lowered his voice, it was faithfully amplified by the director so that all the audience could hear it clearly.

He only heard that Ren Shuai recommended Taixiong to search Xiaoxiang and Yueyue because he was going to have a private chat with the detective, and said that whoever found the clues from him was the murderer.

Now Xiaomi opened her mouth in shock, and the straw fell into the cup.

She thought to herself, Ren Shuai might have opened his eyes to think of the body search. Even a game master like Xiang Shujun didn't think of this level.

In other words, it might be because of the blessing of the so-called novice halo that made Ren Shuai quick-thinking and thought of the body search.

The subsequent development of things made people feel very comfortable. The audience watched Taixiong search out a series of suspicious things from Xiaoxiang.

Later, when Ren Shuai had a private chat with the detective, he expressed his reasoning.

At the end, the crowd voted to identify Xiao Xiang as the murderer, and the reenactment of the crime began. Only then did everyone discover that Xiao Xiang's criminal process was basically consistent with Ren Shuai's reasoning.

Xiaomi clicked his tongue twice, and said to himself: "My idol really didn't disappoint. Their appearance, acting skills, and IQ are all above the standard line."

She was content with her vision.

After Ren Shuai watched the variety show, he couldn't help but flip through the comments, wondering what everyone thought.

"Who is so sacred, Mr. Li, that he suddenly emerged with the resources of a novice, and pressed against the great god Shujun, locking the murderer in advance."

"After watching this variety show, I feel like going to the movies, what should I do?"

"Mr. Li is mighty. I have been a fan of Mr. Li since "Magnetic Charm", and I have been chasing him here. Sure enough, Mr. Li never disappoints, and he can handle all kinds of variety shows."

Ren Shuai was stunned when he saw this, he didn't know that he had fans?

And it's still the kind of following his works.

Looking back, Ren Shuai found a few sporadic people speaking, saying that they were his fans, and someone said that he had gone to the cinema to support his film.

This surprised Ren Shuai.

He always thought that some netizens would be familiar with him, or had heard of him, but he didn't expect that someone would follow him.

And looking at the performance of these fans, they are still very sticky. Not only did they follow up all the variety shows and TV dramas he participated in, but they also went to the cinema to watch movies.

Ren Shuai himself didn't expect that he would have loyal fans so quickly.

Ren Shuai didn't know much about the fandom culture in his previous life, and he didn't know the procedures for fans to chase idols. However, Uncle Li Laifu is also a setter who wants to be an actor, so he doesn't understand these things.

Therefore, Ren Shuai has no idea that fans will create exclusive topics or post bars for idols.

He only knows that Cui Shaoyu helped him set up an exclusive account, and there are about 50,000 people following him, but Ren Shuai always feels that most of these 50,000 people are zombie fans that Cui Shaoyu bought with money.

Because his system's recognition has not yet reached [-], it proves that there are only a few thousand people who really recognize his acting skills, and many of these thousands of people just recognize his acting skills, which does not mean that they are his fans.

Ren Shuai didn't know that he already had a fan group spontaneously established by fans, with more than 500 members. Many people were active in the group every day, posting various news related to him.

At this time, someone has posted their impressions of "Who is the real murderer" in the group, saying that Ren Shuai performed super well in the film, but it is not convenient to spoiler, I hope everyone can go to the theater to support.

Many people were really whetted and began to search for relevant information online.

Someone searched for several related film reviews, one of which was written by Xiaomi.

Netizens clicked in to take a look, and found that there was nothing special about the description of the film in this film review. Instead, it focused on the scavengers played by Ren Shuai, and his words were amazing, and his acting skills almost blown the sky. There will be a big surprise at the end.

This film review caught the attention of Ren Shuai's fans. They felt that the description of Ren Shuai in it was very satisfactory, so they began to spread and repost it everywhere to help Ren Shuai promote it.

After a night of fermenting, the next day, the movie reviews written by Xiaomi can be seen on many movie review-related websites.

Many people who were planning to go to the cinema to watch movies ate this Amway. On the one hand, they were curious about reasoning movies, and on the other hand, they were attracted by Ren Shuai.

It has to be said that Xiaomi's writing style is very good, unconsciously conveying various advantages of Ren Shuai to the reviewers.

There are still a small number of people who travel during the Chinese New Year. Most people go back to their hometowns for reunion, and most of their social activities choose to eat and watch movies.

Although "Who is the real murderer" does not have a lot of film schedules in mainstream cinemas, and the time is very late, but you don't have to get up early to go to work during the holidays, and it doesn't matter if you go to bed later.

Especially young people who like to watch mystery dramas, most of them have no fear of staying up late, and bought night tickets after being amwayed.

The ticket price of "Who is the real murderer" is [-]% cheaper than that of the film of the same period.

Now, even if it was a night show, the attendance rate was surprisingly good.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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