From janitor to actor

Chapter 239 Box Office

Chapter 239 Box Office
In a spacious and bright office, a middle-aged obese man with a big oily hair was sitting on a sofa chair with a cigar in his hand.

His gaze was wandering around the female subordinate standing in front of him, but it was not an ambiguous gaze, but a strong disgust and anger.

"What exactly does your marketing department do for food, how much benefits did you give to those theaters, and asked them to help arrange the films. Why didn't the box office of the previous two days even rank in the top five?"

The female subordinate was a little scared, and unconsciously took half a step back.

She said aggrievedly: "Manager, we have sent people to the theater to do market research again. The main reason is that other films are indeed more powerful, and the cast and publicity are not bad."

The middle-aged man waved his hand angrily, and the ash on the cigar in his hand fell to the ground.

He said in a bad tone: "Don't tell me these useless things, the box office on the first day is fine, what happened on the second day, it was almost overtaken by a small-produced reasoning movie?

I didn't even watch that movie, and I didn't regard him as a competitor at all. Now it's good, almost passed, what are you guys eating? "

The female subordinate felt very aggrieved, thinking that the quality of the films here was mediocre. Although they made small productions, at least the plot logic was stronger than their own, and there was a surprise twist at the end of the film.

Could it be that their marketing department didn't win the movie theater market?
They can't go to the door of the audience, they go door to door and have to let people go to the cinema to watch their film.

But she didn't dare to offend her immediate leader, so she could only explain in a low voice: "We are working hard to publicize dozens of other movie theaters, and hope they can increase the number of films scheduled."

It's okay not to listen to this, but when he heard this, the middle-aged man became even more angry.

He stood up directly from the sofa, pointed to the female subordinate and said, "Don't mention the film schedule to me, you think I don't know, I have already heard people from the theater call me to complain, saying that our movie attendance rate is too low, they Already planning to lower the film schedule.”

The female subordinate hurriedly said: "We can expand the scope of the film's promotion. Before, we may focus on theaters in urban areas or commercial centers. Now we can focus on theaters in the suburbs. Maybe it will help the box office."

After hearing this, the middle-aged man waved his hands impatiently and said, "Why are you still here, don't hurry up."

The female subordinate hurriedly turned around and left the office, but she didn't know that the suburban market had already been occupied by "Who is the real murderer".

This middle-aged man is the producer of the action movie "Brave and Good at Fighting Heroes".

For this film, they invited first-line traffic stars in the industry and professional martial arts instructors. Although the actors had no martial arts foundation, under the command of the martial arts instructor, their movements were quite satisfactory.

It's a pity that their film focuses on action dramas, but the action actors are not professional, and the martial arts scenes are not beautiful enough.

People who like to watch action movies will complain about their martial arts scenes, but due to the main action, the story of the movie is not high, so the plot is a bit dumb, even too simple, like watching a children's play.

On the first day of the premiere, some people watched it because of the gimmick of the traffic star action drama. As a result, the word-of-mouth of the movie dropped sharply one day later, which seriously affected the choices of subsequent moviegoers.

Their films also hired many film critics to help them write good reviews, but the good reviews they wrote were basically praising their actors for their dedication, the action lens design is very exquisite, and so on.

However, these are dwarfed by the "Who is the real murderer" starring Ren Shuai, especially Ren Shuai's last series of difficult moves, which are even more professional than professional action movies.

Therefore, the positioning of the film "Brave and Good Warrior" has become very awkward. It is neither fish nor fowl in action movies, and it is too simple and naive in story movies. Both the box office and word of mouth are very poor, showing a downward trend.

In stark contrast, "Who is the Real Murder" starring Ren Shuai was not favored at first, because it was a niche reasoning drama, and there was no particularly high-traffic celebrity blessing.

In addition, mainstream theaters have relatively few schedules for it, and the time is not satisfactory, so other films do not regard it as a competitor.

In terms of production investment, "Brave and Good at Fighting Heroes" is very strong, focusing on traffic stars and action plots. The initial investment is not small, which is several times more than the production cost of "Who Is the Murderer".

In the later stage of publicity, they also focused on mainstream theaters. At the beginning, the market expected them to be the top three at the box office, and they wanted to keep the second and hit the first.

But I didn't expect that the Spring Festival show had only been broadcast for two days, and the box office was not as good as the next day. The overall box office ranking in the two days even fell out of the top five and temporarily ranked sixth.

And the seventh place is "Who is the real murderer", and the box office gap with it is very small.

On the other hand, the producers of "Who is the Real Murderer" are very self-aware, and they also know that it is difficult for their small-produced film to break out of the tight encirclement during the Spring Festival, which is extremely aggressive.

So I only hope to make a small profit on the basis of ensuring that the cost does not lose money.

Therefore, the publicity is the same as that of the film, mainly based on low-cost publicity, and only a small publicity variety show is made, and even the film schedule is mainly based on non-mainstream theaters in the surrounding suburbs.

But in such a situation of strong contrast, "The Brave and Good Fighter" is about to be overtaken by "Who is the Real Murder", so the producer over there is not in a hurry.

It's only the second day of the Spring Festival holiday. There are seven days of holidays. Everyone can't agree on the follow-up development.

So far, the word-of-mouth of Ren Shuai's film is fairly normal, and there has not been extreme belittling. The main reason is that everyone does not have particularly high expectations for this film, so there will be no huge gap.

On the contrary, it was Ren Shuai who appeared like an easter egg at the end, which brought surprises to everyone.

Now some theaters have begun to actively contact the producers of "Who Is the Murderer", discussing how to increase the number of films scheduled for them.

From the current point of view, the attendance rate of the night show is not bad, and they may test the waters in the daytime of the third day.

Ren Shuai didn't pay attention to this, he just hoped that the movie would sell well at the box office, so that the recognition would also increase.

In the past two days, he kept opening the system to check the changes in his recognition. On the first day of the new year, the increase in recognition was not very obvious.

By the second day of the Lunar New Year, the recognition rate was like a spring, rising continuously, and Ren Shuai was so happy that he didn't fall asleep all night.

He never expected that he would get so much recognition for just playing a supporting role.

According to the analysis of the current situation, he feels that no matter whether he plays a leading role or a supporting role, his influence on the recognition is not too great. Instead, it is the degree to which the audience pays attention to the role he plays that determines the increase in recognition.

But Ren Shuai also knows that if he only played those supporting roles, the memory point is too low, and it is easy for the audience to ignore him.

The prerequisite for generating recognition is at least the audience paying attention to him.

Then, raise your profile.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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