From janitor to actor

Chapter 24 Mission Obstructed

Chapter 24 Mission Obstructed
Several main creators are very satisfied with Mu Xiaoqing's appearance.

Ge Fanwei asked straight to the point: "Our crew's production platform is not big, and there must be no shortage of resources based on your conditions. Why did you come to meet the crew with us? Is it purely because you want to gain experience, or do you have the intention to cooperate?"

He spoke very directly, without beating around the bush at all.

Mu Xiaoqing didn't know whether to answer truthfully or put it in a tactful way, and looked at Ren Shuai as if asking for advice.

Although Ren Shuai gave Mu Xiaoqing some advice, he couldn't do it for him. In the end, Mu Xiaoqing had to make up his own mind.

The director looked at Ren Shuai, thinking that Mu Xiaoqing was a rookie with no experience, so he asked the seniors to help check it out.

Ge Fanwei smiled and said, "Mr. Li, what do you think?"

Ren Shuai waved his hand and said, "I'm just here to meet the crew, to see if there is any role in the crew that suits me. Xiaoqing has the final say on her own."

The director was surprised.

Mu Xiaoqing was surprised.

Uncle Li really just came to meet the group, didn't he?
She was crying in her heart, thinking that Uncle Li could help her make up her mind.

The scene fell into a brief silence, and the producer Li Kai interjected: "Mr. Li, you may not understand the situation. The overall cast of our Gongdou drama is relatively young. Maybe... there are very few roles suitable for you, and I feel a little wronged for you." gone."

He spoke tactfully, but Ren Shuai understood the meaning.

Other crews don't need actors of his age.

Ren Shuai doesn't care about success or failure, he just wants to complete the system tasks.

However, the system notification sound did not sound for a long time.

Li Kai was afraid that Ren Shuai would lose face, so he quickly added: "Our crew naturally hopes to have a teacher join us, but the script is limited, and it will be our honor to have the opportunity to cooperate in the future."

The female screenwriter named Chun Laifa has been observing Ren Shuai. After careful observation, she found that Ren Shuai has a very unique temperament. Although he looks a little old, his eyes are clear and not cloudy at all. There is a contradictory atmosphere in his whole person.

The scent is very unique.

Since he followed Mu Xiaoqing to meet the group, he obviously hoped to receive a notice.

But their crew really didn't have the right characters.

She suddenly thought of something, and said with a smile: "Mr. Li, there is another work with a big platform to meet the group here today. It's upstairs. If you are interested, you can go and see it. I heard it is a business war film." , the investment is not small."

Seeing that the system didn't respond, Ren Shuai knew that sitting here and chatting was not considered a group meeting experience, so he might as well go upstairs to complete the task.

He nodded kindly and said: "Alright, Xiaoqing will stay and chat with you in detail. I am very optimistic about the development of Gongdouju and wish you success."

Mu Xiaoqing was caught off guard when she saw him get up and leave.

She wanted to stop Uncle Li, but Uncle Li's attitude was clear, and she had to make up her own mind whether to accept the script or not.

After Mu Xiaoqing thought about it, she really shouldn't trouble Uncle Li like this. Since Uncle Li has already given advice, the rest should be her own choice, and she should decide her own affairs.

She didn't want to stay any longer and watched Ren Shuai leave.

After walking out of the room, Ren Shuai went straight upstairs and found that there were some people waiting, but not as many as downstairs.

These people lined up individually, and some still held a few pages of paper in their hands.

He walked forward along the aisle, observing the signage of each interview room.

There was a group of young and beautiful actresses, all dressed up, waiting in the passageway, and the poster at the door of the interview room was the interview room for the actresses of "Silent Business Warfare".

Beside them is a team of energetic actors, standing in line outside the actor's interview room.

The rest were a group of chattering boys and girls and their parents, and the description outside the interview room was a special role for a young actor.

Ren Shuai didn't see any other interview rooms.

He looked at the waiting people and could only stand behind the actor interview line.

The group of actors in suits and leather shoes turned their heads to look at Ren Shuai who was standing at the end of the group.

"Master, we are interviewing for "Silent Business Warfare". Do you want to go downstairs to meet the team, but you went to the wrong floor?"

A handsome young man standing in front pointed at the poster kindly.

Ren Shuai nodded and said, "I know, there is no mistake."

The little handsome guy was very surprised and asked, "Do you know what role you are interviewing for? Can someone introduce you?"

Ren Shuai shook his head.

The little handsome guy was speechless.

At this moment, the door of the interview room was pushed open, and a fat woman walked out, beckoning the next actor to come in.

She raised her eyes and saw an old man standing abruptly at the end of the line.

"Aren't you in the wrong line?" She walked over and asked.

"That's right." Ren Shuai affirmed.

The chubby woman was slightly taken aback, and said, "But the role we are interviewing for is not suitable for your age."

Ren Shuai wanted to fight for it, and asked, "Can I have a try?"

The chubby woman shook her head and said, "The actors who came to see the group today are all booked in advance."

Ren Shuai was helpless. He just wanted to complete the system tasks and experience the process of meeting the group, and he didn't intend to actually interview for the role.

Why is it so difficult to meet a group, and I can't even find an interview opportunity.

But it's all here, it would be a pity to give up the mission.

Seeing that he still didn't leave, the chubby woman said helplessly, "Master, I don't know where you heard that we are interviewing here, but the interview teachers only meet actors in a targeted manner, and even if you interview, you don't have a corresponding role."

The handsome guy standing in front smiled and said, "Sister Lin, since the uncle is here, let him go to meet him. Maybe there is a special role suitable for him?"

The fat woman looked at Ren Shuai carefully and found that he did have some characteristics, but she said with a look of embarrassment: "Today, there are a screenwriter teacher and an assistant director in the interview room. It is against the rules to suddenly add someone for an interview without an appointment in advance. I don't know. What are the benefits?"

Ren Shuai thought about it, and it was really inappropriate to force himself to meet the group.

You can't make it difficult for others to complete system tasks.

"It's okay, I'll go downstairs and have a look." Ren Shuai waved his hand.

After speaking, he didn't stay any longer, turned around and went downstairs.

Seeing him coming downstairs, the fat woman spread her hands to the handsome young man and said, "It's not that Sister Lin doesn't help, you don't know, the screenwriter Mr. Zhou is very strict, and he does things in a strict way. You have to choose the characters in the script by yourself, and you are all him too." After sifting through photos one by one, suddenly adding someone who has not been screened by him for an interview, I will definitely lose my temper."

The handsome boy nodded in understanding.

While the two were talking, the door of the interview room opened, and a middle-aged man with deep brows walked out.

He is holding a mobile phone to answer the call.

"What, Teacher Wu has no schedule, what about the other two teachers?"

As he spoke, his deep brows furrowed deeper, and he said with some dissatisfaction: "Aren't there any schedules? Why are you notifying me now? There is no role for Qian Manjin in today's interview, so don't try to find someone to make up the numbers."

His voice was getting higher and higher, obviously very dissatisfied in his heart.

 Ask for recommendation, ask for collection!


(End of this chapter)

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