From janitor to actor

Chapter 25 Windfall

Chapter 25 Windfall
People queuing up in the corridor looked sideways at the caller.

Seeing him coming out of the interview room, the handsome guy asked in a low voice, "Who is this, why is he so angry?"

The chubby woman half-covered her mouth with her hand and said, "He is the screenwriter Mr. Zhou. According to him, it should be that the actors who were scouted before have no schedule, and the crew didn't notify him in advance, so they were in a hurry."

"Is the role of Qian Manjin important?" the little handsome guy wondered.

Sister Lin shook her head and said, "There aren't many dramas. In the drama, there is a rich old entrepreneur who has several scenes with the female second."

At this time, the man with deep brows hung up the phone, turned his head and saw the fat woman, and immediately waved: "Xiao Lin, hurry up and get the actor information of the cooperative company, and find out the information of all actors who are suitable to play the money."

Sister Lin walked over and said in a low voice, "We did a round of screening before, and you have already selected all the suitable ones."

The screenwriter almost frowned, and said in a deep voice, "Are there just a few actors who are of the right age?"

Sister Lin nodded, and suddenly clapped her hands and said, "By the way, Teacher Zhou, just now there was an actor of the right age who came for an interview, and his temperament was not bad, but there was no suitable role at that time, so I let him go first."

Screenwriter Zhou frowned slightly, and immediately said: "Get in touch quickly, let's see the person first."

Sister Lin didn't have Ren Shuai's contact information, but fortunately, Ren Shuai just came downstairs, so there should be time to go down and look for it now.

"I'm going right now."

After she finished speaking, she quickly turned around and ran downstairs.

Screenwriter Zhou was full of doubts, didn't he ask her to contact her, why did she run away suddenly?
Downstairs, Ren Shuai did not disturb Mu Xiaoqing's interview, and sat alone in the corridor waiting.

After a while, Mu Xiaoqing came out of the room, followed by the director, screenwriter and producer.

Several people chatted happily, and the process of meeting the group was obviously very pleasant.

Mu Xiaoqing turned her head and saw Ren Shuai waiting, and walked towards him.

Director Ge Fanwei also walked over with him, and when he saw Ren Shuai, he smiled and said, "Mr. Li, thanks to your strong recommendation, our crew has the opportunity to cooperate with Xiaoqing."

Ren Shuai's obedient words and their state already knew that Mu Xiaoqing decided to participate in the filming of "The Imperial Concubine's Scheming".

"You're welcome, it's Xiaoqing's own decision."

Seeing him waiting in the corridor, Ge Fanwei asked suspiciously: "Did you go upstairs to see it just now, and it's over so soon?"

Ren Shuai nodded and said, "Look, the crew upstairs."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly saw a vigorous figure running out of the corridor, looked around, and ran straight towards him.

While running, he waved and shouted: "Teacher, teacher, come upstairs with me!"

Mu Xiaoqing and Ge Fanwei turned their heads in amazement, and saw a fat but nimble woman who quickly bypassed the queue and ran towards them.

She stopped in front of Ren Shuai and gasped, "Teacher, our screenwriter wants to see you, can you please come upstairs with me?"

Ren Shuai recognized her as Sister Lin who was in charge of calling people just now.

Just now he clearly said that there is no shortage of actors, why did he tell himself to go back in the blink of an eye?
But it seems like an opportunity.

He didn't ask carefully, nodded and said: "Okay."

Then he said to Mu Xiaoqing: "Go back first, don't wait for me."

Mu Xiaoqing nodded, thinking that Teacher Li was really good, so she went to meet a random group, and was called by the screenwriter to meet her.

Seeing the anxious look of this fat sister, the crew must have attached great importance to Mr. Li, for fear that he would leave.

Director Ge Fanwei was a little surprised. He knew that the screenwriter of the upstairs crew was Zhou Xuan, who was well-known in the industry and was known for being demanding. He didn't expect to ask to see Uncle Li.

It seems that Uncle Li has some skills, and after just a short time, he can be favored by screenwriter Zhou.

Ren Shuai didn't guess what these two people thought, and he himself felt a little puzzled.

While walking, he asked, "Why did the screenwriter see me?"

Sister Lin smiled and said, "You're really lucky. The actors originally appointed by the crew didn't have any schedules. The screenwriter was a little anxious. It happened that you came here just now and you are of the right age, so I recommended it."

Ren Shuai nodded and said, "Thank you very much."

Sister Lin waved her hand and said, "You're welcome. Our scriptwriting requirements are quite strict. You'd better make some mental preparations. Even if you meet, you may not be able to succeed."

Ren Shuai doesn't care about this, as long as he can meet the team.

Soon, they came to the door of the interview room, knocked on the door and walked in.

Screenwriter Zhou Xuan looked up and saw Sister Lin leading the people in, and took a closer look.

The age is appropriate, and the appearance is also passable, but the temperament is slightly different.

It wasn't too satisfying at first glance, but you can also try the play. After all, there is a shortage of actors, and it is better than impromptu arrests to make up the number.

Zhou Cun nodded and said, "Hello, I'm Zhou Cun, the screenwriter. Please come and have an interview with Qian Manjin in the play."

Ren Shuai also introduced himself.

Zhou Xuan was slightly taken aback when he heard his name, Li Laifu is quite distinctive.

Zhou Xuan didn't waste any time, and said directly: "Let's try the play first."

After speaking, he handed a handwritten note to Ren Shuai.

The above briefly introduces the characteristics of the role of Qian Manjin, and also sets the performance scene for Ren Shuai.

Qian Manjin is a successful entrepreneur. He is nearly 60 years old but has never been married. He is always surrounded by young and beautiful girls.

One day, when he saw the second girl, he was astonished as a man of heaven, thinking that he had met the right girl.

This scene is for Ren Shuai to perform the state when he meets the second female lead for the first time.

Sister Lin will help play the second female role temporarily.

But the line part requires Ren Shuai to play freely.

After Ren Shuai had elementary acting skills, it didn't take too long to get into the role, and he quickly signaled that he was ready.

Zhou thought and started.

Ren Shuai instantly entered the role, and a feeling that I am very rich arises spontaneously.

He set a scene for himself, walking in a high-end shopping mall, and ran into the second female shopping by chance.

As Ren Shuai was walking, he raised his head inadvertently, and caught a glimpse of Sister Lin passing by outside the window, his eyes were in a trance for a moment.

The soul of the whole person seemed to be sucked away in an instant.

He stared out of the window in a daze until Sister Lin walked away and disappeared from sight. He didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

Zhou thought watching his performance, but forgot to stop.

Ren Shuai, on the other hand, has the self-cultivation of an actor, and he is still immersed in the role and has not come out.

If the screenwriter doesn't stop, he will continue to act.

Zhou Xuan finally realized that he had entered the drama, and hurriedly called a stop, looking at Ren Shuai in surprise.

Ren Shuai withdrew from his role and turned to look at the screenwriter, waiting for the system to prompt him.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task of meeting the group experience and rewarding a charm card]

Ren Shuai was satisfied.

Today's finally not in vain.

Zhou thought that Ren Shuai looked like an ordinary uncle, but his temperament changed when he was acting.

Originally, he looked like a janitor, but after he started auditioning, he suddenly felt like he was a rich man.

The acting is pretty solid.

 Seeking recommendations!


(End of this chapter)

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