From janitor to actor

Chapter 243 Comparison

Chapter 243 Comparison
While the director was communicating with Ren Shuai, Xiang Shujun got up from the corner and quietly stood behind the director.

He wanted to see what Ren Shuai could do with this one?

Hearing the sound, Ren Shuai sprang into action. He paced quickly in front of the desk, looked up at the ceiling at a 45-degree angle with his hand on his chin, his eyes and expressions kept changing, showing that his mind was thinking fast.

The whole set of movements is very coherent and natural, which not only fully demonstrates his inner intense thinking, but also does not appear superficial and distorted.

"it is good!"

The director was very pleasantly surprised and directly shouted "Hello". He didn't expect Ren Shuai to directly express the state he wanted to present.

What a surprise!

If once is a coincidence and twice is luck, then more than three times is definitely strength.

He had always been worried that Ren Shuai had just caught a glimpse of the way by chance and couldn't perform stably. He didn't expect that Ren Shuai had entered the room so quickly and was well versed in advertising performances.

Xiang Shujun, who was standing behind watching, looked shocked. Ren Shuai's performance just now was completely beyond his expectations.

Of the first two photos taken by Ren Shuai, he didn't see one clearly, and he looked at the second one from a distance, but he didn't think there was anything special about it.

Feeling it face to face this time, Xiang Shujun couldn't help but feel a sudden jump in his heart.

This time I am afraid that I will meet my opponent.

Xiang Shujun looked at Ren Shuai, a wise light flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't help thinking, Ren Shuai's behavior just now was completely like an old man with rich advertising experience, not like the first time he was shooting an advertisement Little transparent.

He now seriously suspects that Ren Shuai's performance in that article at the beginning was playing him.

Moreover, Ren Shuai is not young anymore, maybe he has filmed commercials before, but he didn't mention it just to numb him.

It seems that this time when the young tea meets the old tea, it depends on who is better, ahem, Xiang Shujun put away his wandering thoughts.

He judged others by himself, and couldn't help but unconsciously began to think in the direction of conspiracy theories.

But no matter how you think about it, you can't change the fact that Ren Shuai's performance has surpassed him in all aspects.

Even though Xiang Shujun is very confident in his skills, he is still a little behind in Ren Shuai's strength.

No, he is not a person who easily admit defeat, especially the stronger the opponent, the more it can arouse his fighting spirit.

After watching Ren Shuai's performance just now, Xiang Shujun has already made a quick analysis.

According to his technical style, he began to judge the details of Ren Shuai's expressions and changes in his expression, and quickly absorbed and digested them.

Although Xiang Shujun has shortcomings such as hypocrisy and affectation, his biggest advantage is that he learns very quickly.

So he felt that if he watched Ren Shuai take two shots and learned a few more times, he would fully master the corresponding skills.

After all, the plot content of the two of them is similar, and the emotions they express are also similar. Xiang Shujun can follow suit.

At this time, the director looked at the script and said to Ren Shuai: "Mr. Li, these three shots are almost enough, and we will shoot two shots later."

After Xiang Shujun heard this, he was taken aback. He still wanted to continue to steal the teacher, no, just observe and learn. Didn't expect the director to ask them to shoot a two-person shot?

Xiang Shujun suspects that the director is targeting him.

It seems that you can only perform while observing.

The director called Xiang Shujun and Ren Shuai together and said, "Teachers, next time we will perform a space-time interaction. Shujun is holding a mobile phone and passing it to Teacher Li through the space-time seam between the two scenes.

Mr. Li, after you took the mobile phone, you showed the expression of seeing something new for the first time, and then you were immediately attracted by the screen of the mobile phone. Turn it over and point it at the camera. "

After the two listened, Xiang Shujun asked first, "Director, do you need to make the specified expressions and movements?"

The director smiled and said: "The two teachers can play freely. This section is mainly to show the game we endorse. It's enough to highlight the fun and attractiveness. Let's try shooting first to see the effect."

Ren Shuai nodded relaxedly.

Xiang Shujun glanced at him, then nodded, thinking, the scene of the two of them together is a stark comparison of acting skills, and he will not admit it.

Since there are no special requirements for movements and facial expressions, he doesn't hesitate to be handsome at all, and just use his best facial expressions.

Ren Shuai didn't think about it that much at all, and he didn't know that there were so many teasing and teasing inner dramas in Xiang Shujun's mind.

He just hoped to finish the filming quickly, after all, the time limit for body cards is only one hour.

Even if you are richer now than before, you still need to be diligent and frugal, and save as much as you can.

After the director announced the start, Xiang Shujun immediately picked up the prop phone and showed a sunny smile with eight teeth.

Then his hand seemed to be drawn by some inexplicable force, and the mobile phone in his hand unconsciously poked toward Ren Shuai.

Ren Shuai had already made preparations. When Xiang Shujun handed over the phone, he immediately showed the expression of a primitive man seeing a spaceship.

He didn't pick up the phone immediately, but reached out to pick it up after being curious for a second, with a mixed expression of fear, inquiry, and novelty on his face.

After Ren Shuai picked up the phone, he turned his gaze to the phone screen.

His eyes gradually focused, staring at the screen, showing a deeply attracted expression, and then nodded in approval.

Immediately afterwards, his hand also felt attracted by some inexplicable force.

With wrists on wrists, elbows on wrists, and shoulders on elbows, lean forward, turn on the phone screen, and point at the camera.

"Okay, that's fine, stop."

The director yelled to stop, then nodded in satisfaction.

He didn't expect that the two actors could cooperate so tacitly for the first time, and they had already reached the passing mark after just one shot.

Especially Ren Shuai, his whole body seems to be integrated into the performance like the facial expressions, and every movement is full of emotion and appeal.

In contrast, Xiang Shujun's performance is slightly inferior, a bit like a green leaf that sets off the protagonist.

After Xiang Shujun finished taking pictures, he subconsciously glanced at Ren Shuai, feeling that Ren Shuai's last action of his phone being sucked away just now was plagiarizing his own creativity.

But the most exasperating thing is that Ren Shuai's last action of pulling the phone is much more beautiful than what he did.

Obviously he was the original creator, but he was surpassed by the imitators, and he couldn't help feeling a little annoyed.

Ren Shuai didn't think that he had any imitative behavior, he just followed Xiang Shujun to act like the mobile phone was being pulled for the sake of unifying the whole performance style.

And the movements of his wrists, wrists, elbows, and elbows are borrowed from the sketches of a comedy star in his previous life.

This set of actions can not only achieve the purpose of displaying the mobile phone, but also bring a sense of joy, which can increase the audience's memory of the advertisement.

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(End of this chapter)

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