From janitor to actor

Chapter 244 The Gap

Chapter 244 The Gap
"The two teachers cooperated very well this time. We can optimize a little bit on this basis, and take another shot. Shujun can enrich his expressions and movements. Teacher Li can keep this state." The director said with a smile.

After hearing this, Xiang Shujun felt that although the director didn't have obvious words of praise or criticism, the meaning between the lines was that he needed adjustments, but Ren Shuai didn't.

This already reflects the gap between the two.

Xiang Shujun was a little dissatisfied, he thought to himself, that was his signature smile just now, as long as he showed this gorgeous sunny smile every time he shoots commercials, no director would not give it to him.

But for some reason, after watching the replay, he also felt that his signature smile was a little pale in front of Ren Shuai's performance.

Although he was dissatisfied in his heart, Xiang Shujun still showed a humble smile on the surface, nodded and said: "Okay, I will improve."

He did a good job on the surface, but after saying this, he still couldn't help casting a look of jealousy and comparison at Ren Shuai.

At this time, Ren Shuai was scanning around subconsciously, and happened to meet Xiang Shujun's eyes.

He felt that the meaning of Xiang Shujun's eyes was very complicated, and he couldn't successfully interpret it for a while, so he lowered his head and pondered carefully.

Ren Shuai thought to himself, it might be that the director told Xiang Shujun to adjust, but he didn't allow himself to adjust, which would seem a bit unfair.

So he suddenly nodded.

Since it needs to be adjusted, everyone has to adjust. Although the director keeps him as it is, he still has a lot of room for improvement.

There must be a breakthrough in the performance, and there will be surprises.

"Okay, ready to start again, power on."

The moment the director turned on the phone again, Ren Shuai had already assumed a meditative pose and froze in place.

It was as if someone had pressed the pause button in the space he was in.

Xiang Shujun on the other side of the camera has already started to perform, and the director did not stop Ren Shuai's design.

Although Ren Shuai might not be able to catch Ren Shuai with this shot at first, his creativity caught the director's eyes and gave him a thumbs up.

Xiang Shujun focused on his performance and didn't notice the changes in Ren Shuai.

He has already thought about it, and this time he will add a few large movements to attract attention.

Xiang Shujun may be the type with a more developed brain and relatively simple limbs. After he showed a sunny smile, he tried hard to make a new pose, but due to his own limitations, he seemed a little funny.

After making this movement, Xiang Shujun also imitated Ren Shuai's appearance, with his wrists on his wrists, his elbows on his wrists, and his shoulders on his elbows, and he stuck out his mobile phone.

But due to his talent, he raised his hand and charged forward, like a Wangxing man being led by his master.

Xiang Shujun doesn't care if his posture is handsome or not, he just needs to catch the audience's attention. Since Ren Shuai can steal his ideas, he can naturally learn Ren Shuai's posture.

This is to do other people's posture, so that others have no posture to do.

However, Xiang Shujun found that his eyes and brain were able to understand, and when he was doing the movements, his body suddenly felt uncoordinated, his center of gravity was off, and he tripped himself.

At the same time, the prop phone he was holding flew out of his hand.

Ren Shuai was standing on the spot posing, waiting to hand Xiang Shujun the phone, but he didn't expect that, out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw a large hidden weapon flying across.

It looks a bit like a cell phone.

Ren Shuai's physical coordination is very good now. The moment he saw the hidden weapon, he grabbed it hard like a reflex.

When the director found that Xiang Shujun had fallen, he already wanted to yell, but he didn't expect Ren Shuai to grab the phone steadily.

So he resisted his urge to stop and let the camera continue recording.

And Ren Shuai did not live up to the director's expectations.

The moment he picked up the phone, he was not affected by Xiang Shujun's mistake, and continued to devote himself to the performance by relying on the actor's strong professionalism.

Ren Shuai looked at the mobile phone in his hand, as if it was some kind of alien object, after looking at it for a while, he immediately showed an expression of being attracted.

Immediately, he showed a more sunny and handsome smile than Xiang Shujun's standard eight teeth.

This smile was fleeting, followed by a subconscious look of surprise, as if his hand was being pulled by the phone.

Wrist with wrist, elbow with wrist, shoulder with elbow, lean your upper body forward, and turn the phone screen to the camera.

The posture is not terrible, whoever can't do it will be embarrassed.

Ren Shuai put on a perfect ending cut.

"Okay, stop, very good."

After the director called to stop, he couldn't help but started applauding.

On the other side, when Xiang Shujun threw the phone, he had already lost his balance, his feet were churning, and he fell to the ground.

After he fell to the ground, he was still slightly thankful in his heart. Fortunately, there was a laboratory platform in front of him, so that everyone could not see his distressed appearance at the moment.

However, after a short period of inner activity, he was surprised to find that the shooting seemed to be continuing.

Why didn't the director stop?
This kind of doubt didn't last long, and before Xiang Shujun got up to see the situation, he heard the director shouting and applauding.

Xiang Shujun, who was halfway up from the ground, suddenly had a bunch of question marks in his mind.

Thinking that I fell like a dog eating shit now, the director actually applauded.

What do you mean?
He slowly got up from the back of the test bench, and saw the director nodding to Ren Shuai, with an unconcealable smile of appreciation on his face.

What happened just now, did he miss something again, what happened that he didn't know about?

Thirty thousand reasons came to Xiang Shujun's mind.

At this moment, the director finally noticed that he was protruding from the ground, and hurriedly asked warmly, "Is Shujun all right, where did he fall?"

I was only focused on the shooting effect just now, and almost forgot to pay attention to the status of the actors.

Looking at the director's warm smile full of humanistic care, Xiang Shujun felt familiar, and suddenly felt like he was looking in a mirror.

It turned out that there were more than two pieces of tea from him and Ren Shuai.

Xiang Shujun smiled back and said, "It's okay, it's okay, thank the director for his concern, I'm really sorry, I was too involved, I didn't pay attention to my feet, and it delayed everyone's shooting."

The director quickly waved his hand and said, "No delay, no delay."

"Director, shall we make another one?" Xiang Shujun offered.

"Retake? No, no, the one just now was very good, very good, there is no need to retake." The director smiled sincerely this time.

"No, no need? No, very good?"

Xiang Shujun was completely confused, he seemed to have missed the whole world with that fall just now.

But I didn't hit my head just now, so there shouldn't be hallucinations, why did the director start talking nonsense.

Xiang Shujun turned his head to look at Ren Shuai, but found that Ren Shuai was indifferent, his expression did not change at all, and he could not detect any clues at all.

Xiang Shujun thought to himself, it really is an old fox.

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(End of this chapter)

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