Chapter 245
In front of the monitor, the director repeatedly watched the scene where Xiang Shujun fell and flew his phone out, and was caught by Ren Shuai again, and nodded in satisfaction.

He felt that although this shot was accidental, it was brilliant.

Especially Ren Shuai's action of answering the phone is chic and smooth, without any hesitation.

Even if he designed it, he couldn't design such a good effect, so the director decided to use this one.

When Xiang Shujun heard the news, he was struck by thunder, all internal organs were burned, five labors and seven injuries.

Now he doesn't doubt that the director is targeting him, but is very sure that the director is targeting him.

The director didn't want him to take such a handsome smile, he had to fall into a dog to eat mud before the director passed.

After the two shot this shot, they shot several other pieces of content, but the following performance does not require the two to overlap, as long as they perform their own parts in their respective spaces.

There is no special action in the following shots, so the progress is relatively smooth. Xiang Shujun played well, and Ren Shuai went very smoothly every time.

An hour later, the Ren Shuai shot was successfully completed, leaving only Xiang Shujun's solo shot still unfinished.

Originally, it took a long time to shoot commercials, but Ren Shuai's efficiency was too high, the effect was too good, and the director was so satisfied.

So he finished it early.

Ren Shuai nodded politely to the director and Xiang Shujun.

Xiang Shujun looked at the back of him leaving, and the light of Cha Lemon came out of his eyes.

He originally wanted to crush Ren Shuai with his own skills, call it a day and leave early, and let Ren Shuai work here alone.

I didn't expect the plot to develop in reverse.

Ren Shuai, a cross-border talented group, left early, leaving him, a technical group relying on strength, still struggling.

But since Ren Shuai had already left, Xiang Shujun didn't care about the face, and directly proposed to the director that he wanted to watch the shots shot by Ren Shuai.

He can finally learn from it and quickly complete the shooting task.

Naturally, the director didn't want to waste time, so he readily nodded in agreement.

Looking at the first shot taken by Ren Shuai, Xiang Shujun felt something in his heart.

He found that Ren Shuai's movements and expressions didn't look very special, but the combination of the two gave an inexplicable sense of anxiety.

Xiang Shujun compared his performance, and felt that the only difference between him and Ren Shuai may be the coordination of expression and body.

So, he confidently told the director that he was ready, and then Xiang Shujun walked into the scene to shoot his own single shot.

But there is a well-known famous saying that ideals are full, but reality is skinny.

When he wanted to imitate Ren Shuai's movements to perform, he suddenly found that his arms, wrists, neck, and head couldn't be controlled anywhere.

His mind was too focused on the control of body posture, and the expression on his face lost control and appeared a little distorted.


The director immediately stopped, and looked at Xiang Shu Jun suspiciously, feeling that he was deliberately embarrassing himself.

I just promised that I was ready, but when it came time to perform, the effect was not as good as the one at the beginning, but the movements were stiff and the expression was ferocious.

People who knew him saw that he was playing a detective, but those who didn't know thought he was some kind of psychopathic murderer.

Xiang Shujun didn't dare to look up to see the director's expression, but lowered his head and began to meditate.

After a long time, he had no choice but to recognize the fact that Ren Shuai's talent seemed to be not only in acting skills, but his physical coordination ability was really terrifying.

Although Xiang Shujun has always admired the flow of technology, but in the face of the current situation, he has to admit that his lack of coordination is his talent defect.

But Xiang Shujun, who claims to be a genius, has a hard time admitting failure. He decided to fight to the end with this shooting content.

Ren Shuai did not expect that the process of filming the advertisement would be so smooth.

In just one morning, he had already finished the work.

When he told Cui Shaoyu the good news, Cui Shaoyu's face turned black.

She thought to herself that she had really underestimated Ren Shuai's ability to work. She had already arranged an announcement for him according to the full schedule, but she didn't expect him to finish the task ahead of schedule.

If Ren Shuai was really free in the afternoon, wouldn't he go to read those messy horror stories again, maybe one night he would tell her again on a whim.

No, no, absolutely not!
Cui Shaoyu had an idea and decided to add a temporary job to Ren Shuai.

"Ms. Li, are you free this afternoon?" Cui Shaoyu asked over the phone.

Ren Shuai had no doubt about him, and replied sincerely, "Yes."

He would never have thought that he would be avenged by her kindness for helping Cui Shaoyu get rid of loneliness.

Cui Shaoyu showed a fox-like smile on the phone and said, "Since this is the case, can you come to the company?"

Ren Shuai thought to himself, what can he do in the company? Could it be that Cui Shaoyu feels lonely again.

"Okay, what's the matter?"

Ren Shuai agreed first, and then asked something.

Cui Shaoyu didn't say it clearly, but put it off and said: "You will know when you come."

In the afternoon, Ren Shuai showed up at the company on time.

After seeing him coming, Cui Shaoyu immediately led Ren Shuai to a conference room.

At this time, there was a person sitting in the meeting room, it was Su Xin who had played a couple with Ren Shuai.

Seeing the two people coming in, Su Xin got up and said hello with a smile.

After Cui Shaoyu led Ren Shuai into the office, he smiled and said to Su Xin: "It just so happens that you didn't make an announcement this afternoon, and Teacher Li is also free, so let Teacher Li hurry up and train you."

Ren Shuai was confused.


What kind of training does he train?

At this time, Cui Shaoyu turned his head and said with a smile: "Ms. Li, Xiao Su has recently accepted a new role, and she is still playing the second female role, but you also know that she has not studied acting systematically, so there is still a lot of room for improvement in acting.

It just so happens that your acting skills are superb, so you can take advantage of this afternoon to help her make up lessons and make a small start. "

What classes do you make up?

What small stove?
Ren Shuai was full of doubts.

He can't act, don't let him teach acting!
At this time, Su Xin came over and introduced actively: "Mr. Li, what I received this time is a costume drama, and I need to play a vicious female counselor with a very deep mind."

After Ren Shuai listened, question marks filled his head.

I thought that a person like Su Xin is only suitable for acting as a fool, how can I let her play a vicious female counselor?

He turned his face to Cui Shaoyu, the meaning in his eyes was self-evident, he just wanted to ask why Cui Shaoyu couldn't think about it, why he would give Su Xin this kind of role.

Cui Shaoyu immediately understood, and replied with a smile: "Finally, we have the opportunity to be the second female lead. How can we choose a role? Of course we must firmly hold it in our hands."

Ren Shuai was speechless, thinking that Cui Shaoyu would not let him teach Su Xin to play a scheming female counselor, right?
Surprisingly, Cui Shaoyu did not make this request.

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(End of this chapter)

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