From janitor to actor

Chapter 246 Can Ruzi Teach?

Chapter 246 Can Ruzi Teach?

Cui Shaoyu smiled and said: "The crew will start the film soon, but the first scene of the filming is the highlight. Su Xin was discovered the true face of the sinister female counselor, and then was caught and put in an underground prison.

She couldn't bear the torment of the nightmare in her heart, and finally became a female lunatic.

But you also know that for an actor, a normal person plays a lunatic, even a good actor may not be able to perform well.

For a newcomer like Su Xin, it is really too difficult, you must teach her well. "

Ren Shuai stood on the spot in a daze when he heard the words.

I don't know how to play a lunatic, or do you think I look like a lunatic?
At this time, if you want to find an excuse to shirk, I'm afraid it's too late.

It was obvious that Cui Shaoyu had dragged him into the pirate ship, and now it was impossible to leave the team.

Sure enough, Cui Shaoyu didn't give Ren Shuai any time and space to refuse.

After she finished what she wanted to say, she smiled directly at Ren Shuai and said, "Ms. Li, I will leave Su Xin to you. I won't disturb you to train her, so I'll go first."

After finishing speaking, Cui Shaoyu walked out of the meeting room quickly, and helped them close the door very intimately.

Ren Shuai stood in the room, staring at Su Xin.

However, Su Xin was very happy in her heart. After she cooperated with Ren Shuai last time, she kept thinking about cooperating with Ren Shuai again.

Later, when she heard that her agent Cui Shaoyu had actually signed Ren Shuai, she was pleasantly surprised for several days.

In her mind, it is a great honor for her to be in the same agency as Ren Shuai, a senior in the entertainment industry with excellent conduct.

Su Xin quickly recovered from the absent-minded state, looked at Ren Shuai shyly and expectantly, and said, "Mr. Li, I'm counting on you."

Please, please, please don't ask me.

Ren Shuai wanted to cry at this time, but how could he teach people how to perform.

There were several actors who wanted to share their acting skills with him before, but he used various excuses to shirk or avoid them.

But I didn't expect that one day I still didn't escape, and, moreover, I still fell into the hands of my own people.

But at this moment, it was hard to get off the tiger, Ren Shuai could only bite the bullet and nodded: "Okay, then you can act like a madman first and let me see."

Su Xin nodded when she heard the words. Although her acting skills are average, she has passed the test of liberating her nature. Even if she is acting as a lunatic in front of Ren Shuai, she can let go.

Su Xin took a few deep breaths, walked to the corner, brewed up her emotions, and turned her head to act like a lunatic.

The corners of her mouth twitched slightly, and then she showed a slightly stiff and distorted smile, her eyes flicked around, her arms waved wildly, her footsteps stumbled, and she giggled.

Ren Shuai endured it very hard. He really wanted to laugh, but it was too impolite.

So he immediately stopped Su Xin's funny, no, acting behavior.

Although he doesn't know how to teach others to perform, he can tell the good from the bad by watching others perform.

I have to say that Su Xin is not suitable for playing a lunatic, but more suitable for playing a fool.

Su Xin's appearance is very good-looking, plus she is not deeply involved in the world and has little experience in acting, so her eyes often shine with an innocent light.

Just now, the corners of her mouth twitched, she showed a smirk again, and with the way her arms waved wildly, she was exactly the same as a demented girl.

It is conceivable that if she really performed like this on the set, it would definitely attract onlookers.

Even if he liberates his nature again, facing the roar of laughter from everyone on the set, he might die in place.

But Ren Shuai really doesn't know how to teach others to play a lunatic.

After being stopped, Su Xin looked at Ren Shuai expectantly, obviously hoping to get some positive comments from him.

Facing those big flickering eyes, Ren Shuai couldn't speak the words of criticism that came to his lips.

But how can Su Xin realize that her performance is completely useless?
Ren Shuai was in a dilemma when he suddenly caught sight of the mobile phone on the table, and he had an idea: "Why don't you perform it again, and I'll record it for you first, and let's evaluate the effect while watching the video."

Su Xin immediately nodded in agreement, then walked to the corner to feel again, and performed the silly acting skills just now.

Ren Shuai was so caught off guard that he could only stop immediately.

He turned on the playback on his phone and asked Su Xin to watch it by himself first. If Su Xin discovered his shortcomings, he didn't need to open his mouth to point them out.

Su Xin looked at his performance seriously, then looked up at Ren Shuai again and said, "Mr. Li, do you think it's okay for me to perform like this?"

Ren Shuai immediately froze on the spot, thinking that Su Xin wasn't acting stupid, she was really stupid.

Acting like this, I have the nerve to ask him if it’s okay?

No wonder she looks so beautiful, all in exchange for IQ.

Ren Shuai sighed in his heart without saying a word, took out his mobile phone and searched the Internet for some videos of other people playing lunatics.

He handed the phone to Su Xin and said, "Look at the performance of other actors first, then compare with your own performance, and tell me your thoughts."

Although Ren Shuai doesn't know how to teach acting, he can use heuristic methods to let Su Xin take the initiative to find the gap to make progress.

I have to say that Su Xin is a very obedient and good student. She carefully watched the few videos that Ren Shuai found casually two or three times.

Then he raised his head and said, "Mr. Li, I've finished reading."

"Tell me about it," Ren Shuai said.

"I feel that there is actually not much difference between them and me. These actors are more introverted, and I am more extroverted. So can I just restrain my emotions a little?" Su Xin said sincerely.

Ren Shuai was noncommittal, thinking to himself that Su Xin not only had a problem with her acting skills, but also with her eyes.

But he didn't want to dampen Su Xin's enthusiasm, so he nodded and said, "Okay, then you can perform it again in a restrained way."


Su Xin nodded, got up and walked to the corner, brewing emotions again, and then gradually turned her head.

Her eyes first looked to the lower left, then moved to the lower right, then to the upper right and upper left, so that the tour wheel rotated twice, then her expression was stiff, her lips were slightly opened, showing two giggles, and she walked forward stiffly Walk.

This time, with previous experience, Ren Shuai finally held back his laughter, but he still couldn't help shouting to stop.

From Ren Shuai's point of view, the paragraph just now was like Su Xin getting up to go to work on Monday, but didn't sleep well at night. Just after waking up, he did some eyeball exercises, and then walked to the bathroom with a dull expression to prepare to brush his teeth.

He was speechless for a long time.

Ren Shuai felt that even if he was given a clever student, he might not be able to teach him how to perform, let alone a student like Su Xin.

He is so difficult.

Ren Shuai couldn't help feeling a little puzzled, so he looked at Su Xin and asked, "Have you asked other teachers to help you train performances before?"

Su Xin nodded immediately and said: "Yes, when I was filming the silent commercial battle with you, I found a teacher to learn acting suddenly."

Ren Shuai thought it might be because of the business war drama, but he didn't think Su Xin's acting skills were particularly hip.

But suddenly playing a lunatic this time exposed Su Xin's lack of acting skills.

When thinking like this, Su Xin took the initiative to say: "But then the teacher said that he had to leave first, and sister Shao Yu helped me find a new teacher. It may be a coincidence that the teacher also left later. I could only find a friend to help me guide my acting skills, and it was completed smoothly."

After Ren Shuai listened, sweat broke out on his forehead, thinking that Su Xin's friend hasn't broken up with her yet?
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(End of this chapter)

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