Chapter 247

Ren Shuai glanced at Su Xin in front of him, and felt that she should be hopeless, and Cui Shaoyu threw such a mess on his head.

Now it's a big deal, a big deal.

Seeing Su Xin looking at him sincerely, Ren Shuai suddenly thought badly, no, it should be said to be a brilliant idea.

Ren Shuai looked at Su Xin and said, "You should have heard of the experience school, right?"

Su Xin nodded and said, "I know, it's a kind of acting genre."

Ren Shuai nodded and said, "I think you are more suitable for this method. Would you like to experience it?"

He was just talking nonsense, what kind of experiential school, method school, expression school, etc., he has mastered all nine senses.

However, Su Xin obeyed Ren Shuai's words, nodded immediately and said: "I think."

Ren Shuai persuasively said, "Are you courageous?"

Su Xin thought for a while and shook her head, "I'm not very courageous."

Ren Shuai clapped his hands and said with a relaxed smile, "Okay, that's easy."

Su Xin looked puzzled.

Ren Shuai smiled and said, "Let me tell you a few stories."

After speaking, Ren Shuai began to tell Su Xin the complete collection of horror stories he had heard in his previous life.

He hadn't told Cui Shaoyu these stories before, and they were more horrifying.

Su Xin listened, and suddenly his expression was not quite right.

She quickly said: "Mr. Li, can you stop talking first, I'm a little scared."

Ren Shuai looked at Su Xin and said, "Then do you still want to play a good lunatic?"

Su Xin hesitated immediately, and asked, "Ms. Li, is it related to listening to horror stories because I play a lunatic well?"

Ren Shuai nodded sincerely and said, "How do you feel after listening to the horror story I told?"

Su Xin said without thinking, "Scared."

Ren Shuai showed a childish expression and said, "Talk more, don't be too general."

Su Xin shrank her neck and said, "I feel cold all over, as if someone is watching me from behind."

Ren Shuai waved his hands and said, "This level is not enough. You have heard too few horror stories. I will tell you a few more."

After the words fell, he continued to export horror stories to Su Xin.

For example, "Don't Look Back, Nobody", "Black Hair", "Scream in the Cold Pool" and other more straightforward horror stories.

Su Xin wanted to plug her ears, but since Ren Shuai was helping her find a feeling, he suppressed his fear and listened hard.

The more she listened, the more frightened she became, and she gradually shrank to the corner of the meeting room, and finally couldn't help but whispered: "Ms. Li, that, can you stop talking."

Ren Shuai glanced at Su Xin, and found her eyes were like a frightened deer, finally nodded and said: "Yes."

It feels almost hot.

Ren Shuai showed a gentle smile and said, "I'll go out for five minutes first. You stay in the meeting room and don't move around. When you come back, tell me how you feel."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Su Xin to refuse, Ren Shuai quickly left the meeting room and closed the door behind him.

Looking at the conference room with the door closed, Su Xin showed a hint of panic in her eyes. She really wanted to go out with Ren Shuai, but she didn't dare to leave the corner alone. She felt that only here was safer.

But as time went by, Su Xin became more and more frightened as she squatted in the corner alone, her eyes began to shoot left and right vigilantly, and then closed tightly in fear.

But doing so still couldn't give her a sense of security. Su Xin stretched out her hands to cover both ears, buried her head between her legs, and her body couldn't help shaking slightly.

In her senses, she felt that the entire meeting room was filled with a strange atmosphere.

Although she knew that she was the only one here, Su Xin couldn't restrain her fear. She always felt that there were some unclean things hidden in the air in the room.

She couldn't help it anymore, so she could only start singing in a low voice, to cheer herself up, and while singing, she was still counting the seconds in her heart, hoping that Ren Shuai would come back quickly in five minutes.

But for some reason, she always felt that time was frozen, and there was no flow at all.

During the five minutes that Su Xin stayed in the meeting room alone, she felt oppressed and scared like the end of the world.

She finally couldn't restrain the fear in her heart, stood up abruptly from the corner, gasped heavily, and then ran towards the door of the meeting room with her eyes closed.

In fact, Ren Shuai didn't go away. After closing the door of the meeting room, he stood outside the door and waited. He occasionally looked in through the crack of the door to see Su Xin's condition.

It's not that Su Xin is scared to cry by his horror story, but that Su Xin is disobedient and runs out of the house.

So when he found Su Xin running to the door of the meeting room, Ren Shuai decisively pressed his hand on the doorknob so that the door of the meeting room could not be opened.

Su Xin suppressed the urge to cry, resisted the fear in her heart, and finally ran to the door.

She reached out to hold the door of the meeting room and pulled it in.

However, the door remained motionless.

At this moment, Su Xin suddenly collapsed, cried out with a cry, shook the door with all his strength, and kept shouting: "Who will save me, who will save me."

Ren Shuai heard the crying inside and thought that the level should be almost the same, so he let go of the door.

Su Xin finally opened the door. She was going to run out, but when she saw Ren Shuai, she instantly found support for her uneasiness. She yelled out, rushed towards Ren Shuai, and hugged him.

This move was beyond Ren Shuai's expectation. After feeling a soft feeling, he was so scared that he quickly took a step back.

However, Su Xin still hugged his neck tightly, not intending to let go at all.

Fortunately, there was no one in the corridor of the company at this time, otherwise it would definitely attract onlookers.

Ren Shuai quickly comforted: "It's okay, it's okay."

Only then did Su Xin recover slowly, and found that she was hugging Ren Shuai, her face blushed, she let go of her arm, and took several steps back.

"No, I'm sorry, Teacher Li, I, I was really, too, too scared just now."

Ren Shuai showed a smile of understanding, and said warmly: "It's okay, tell me how you felt just now."

Su Xin's face became even more red when he heard this.

She lowered her head, no one dared to look at Ren Shuai, and murmured: "Just now, I was too scared just now, and I didn't pay attention to any feelings. Maybe it's just that it feels safe to hug."

Ren Shuai immediately flew out a series of question marks, thinking, I didn't ask you how it feels to hold me, hey.

After Su Xin finished speaking, she seemed to realize that something was wrong, her face was so red that it was about to smoke, and she was so shy that she almost shrank into a quail.

She murmured: "I, I'm really, too flustered, a little incoherent, don't mind me."

Ren Shuai waved his hand, walked into the conference room again, looked at Su Xin and said, "It's okay, if you don't know clearly, don't talk about it, let's perform it again."


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(End of this chapter)

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