From janitor to actor

Chapter 248 Remarkable Results

Chapter 248 Remarkable Results
Su Xin was full of doubts, wondering why Ren Shuai asked her to perform now, she was still in a state of shock, and her mind was not on the performance at all.

But she didn't dare to ask more, and nodded in agreement.

Su Xin tried hard to adjust her state, but found that her heart was in a mess, and she couldn't calm down to perform.


Seeing that she never started, Ren Shuai directly acted as a temporary director, recording with his mobile phone while announcing the start of filming.

Su Xin was startled, and her whole body tensed up, trying hard to enter the performance situation, showing a state of madness.

But she hasn't recovered from the horror intentions yet, she always feels unsafe in the conference room, and there are invisible eyes watching her secretly.

Su Xin was short of breath, her eyes kept scanning her surroundings, and she tentatively walked forward, but she couldn't help but want to look behind her.

She managed to hold back her fear and focus on the performance, but she was still a little suspicious, her whole body was still in a tense state, and she stepped forward with a very cautious look.

At the same time, Su Xin tried hard to express herself in a state of madness, her lips twitched uncontrollably, her throat cage made a heh-heh sound, and she tried her best to wave her hands in the air.

Different from her previous performances, Su Xin does not appear to have dull eyes this time, but is very flexible, and she does not appear to have a low IQ, because her whole body is in a very tense state, and she looks very energetic and energetic. It's a bit over the top.

Su Xin was in a very disturbed mood at the moment.

While worrying about something strange in the house, he tried to restrain his instinct of fear and acted like a madman.

The result was obvious. Her performance this time really looked like a lunatic with an abnormal state of mind.

Ren Shuai was very satisfied with the performance this time, and quickly called a stop.

He beckoned Su Xin to sit beside him and watch the replay on the phone together.

Before Su Xin could ask, Ren Shuai said with certainty: "The performance was very good this time, remember how you feel now, and act like this during the actual filming."

Su Xin showed a surprised expression. She didn't expect that the disordered state just now had the desired effect.

She thought to herself, thanks to Teacher Li's guidance, otherwise she would never be able to find that state.

But the experience before the performance was really bad, it really wasn't easy for a lunatic to act.

Ren Shuai instructed: "If you can't find the feeling during the actual filming, just pick the scariest horror movie, and start acting immediately after watching it. It will definitely meet the director's requirements."

Su Xin nodded. Although she was terrified by hearing the horror story, she was still very happy that Ren Shuai could help her find her acting status.

Ren Shuai glanced at the time and said, "Today's training has been successfully completed. If there is nothing else, I will leave first."

Su Xin quickly grabbed Ren Shuai and said, "Mr. Li, but I'm still very scared and dare not stay alone."

Ren Shuai saw her state of panic, smiled and comforted her: "It's okay, I know a very effective way to make you feel less lonely and helpless."

Su Xin immediately showed an expression of grabbing a life-saving straw, and asked: "What can you do, tell me quickly."

Ren Shuai moved closer and said in a low voice: "This is a secret recipe. I won't tell others easily. After telling you, please remember to keep it secret, don't say I told you."

Su Xin nodded heavily, expressing that she would keep it secret.

Ren Shuai showed a relieved smile when he saw this, and said: "Just tell others the stories you just heard, especially those who are less courageous than you, so that they won't feel so scary. "

Su Xin suddenly realized that this method should be useful, so she decided to try it right away.

Ren Shuai and Su Xin came to Cui Shaoyu's office together.

After all, it was Cui Shaoyu who arranged the work for Ren Shuai, so he should explain it to Cui Shaoyu before leaving.

Ren Shuai sent the mobile phone video to Cui Shaoyu and said, "The training work has been successfully completed, please check and accept it."

What he sent to Cui Shaoyu were two videos of Su Xin before and after training.

After watching the two videos, Cui Shaoyu was very surprised. He didn't expect that Ren Shuai could train this effect in just one afternoon.

She was surprised at first, but after thinking about it, she felt it was natural again.

She was surprised because Ren Shuai's efficiency in completing the work was too high, which was completely beyond her expectations. She did not expect that even the ultimate black hole of Su Xin's level could be trained by Ren Shuai in such a short period of time.

Of course it was because she thought to herself that Ren Shuai's acting skills are so good, it is normal for him to be able to teach Su Xin well.

Cui Shaoyu and Su Xin sent Ren Shuai out of the company together. When they returned, Su Xin grabbed Cui Shaoyu and said, "Sister Shaoyu, I have something to tell you."

Cui Shaoyu immediately nodded and said, "No problem, let's go, come to my office."

"it is good."

Su Xin smiled, but her expression was apologetic. She really had no choice. She only knew Cui Shaoyu who was less courageous than her.

Once, she and Cui Shaoyu watched a short horror film together, and Cui Shaoyu was so frightened that he didn't fall asleep for two nights.

Su Xin was so scared that she didn't fall asleep all night, so she felt that Cui Shaoyu must be more timid than her.

Ren Shuai didn't know what evil he had committed today, so he returned to the dormitory with peace of mind and started to code.

In the recent period of time, I haven't updated the novel properly, and the comment area has changed from boiling against the sky to full of mourning.

The people who said they wanted to send him blades started begging later.

Said that as long as he updates, he can do handstands live.

The main reason is that the place where Ren Shuai broke the change last time was very inappropriate, which aroused the readers' appetite, but there was no follow-up.

But Ren Shuai is also very helpless. Who made him have too full schedule and no time to code words? If you want to blame, you can blame Cui Shaoyu.

Taking advantage of the Chinese New Year, he needs to write more Braille to prepare for the next break.

After all, after the new year, he will go to Chi Yi's crew to film, and then there will be the drama introduced by Wei Yan and the horror movie Cui Shaoyu arranged for him.

The schedule is very full and there is not much time for writing.

When Ren Shuai buried his head in writing, he sneezed several times in succession. He looked up at the time, and it was almost eleven o'clock at night.

He thought to himself, who would be talking about him at this time?

At this time, in the studio where the commercial was shot, Xiang Shujun was still struggling with that lens, even though his body was so sore that he didn't feel it at all, he didn't want to give up.

Because giving up is admitting defeat, he is absolutely unwilling to bow to Ren Shuai.

But the director was speechless.

He really regrets that he made Xiang Shujun the same request as Ren Shuai. He just wants to get off work now.

At the same time, in a spacious and comfortable luxurious bedroom, Cui Shaoyu was wrapped in a quilt and hid in the corner of the bed, scanning his surroundings vigilantly.

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(End of this chapter)

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