Chapter 249

In a blink of an eye, the Spring Festival holiday is coming to an end, and the holiday balance is seriously insufficient.

Ren Shuai has not been as busy these days as before. For some reason, Cui Shaoyu doesn't seem to have any work status these days, and he didn't arrange announcements for him.

Naturally, Ren Shuai was also happy to be free. Although he had no money to make when he was free, he also felt that he shouldn't celebrate the Chinese New Year, so he worked hard.

Cui Shaoyu did not take the initiative to arrange a job for Ren Shuai, but it does not mean that outside companies will not take the initiative to contact Cui Shaoyu and recommend jobs to Ren Shuai.

Since Ren Shuai's dubbing was out of the circle before, several brands have already approached Cui Shaoyu, wanting Ren Shuai to take over the endorsement.

Later, because Ren Shuai took over the endorsement of Finden Ko Niqi, those small manufacturers saw the trend and retreated.

But recently, a big brand of throat medicine has taken a fancy to Ren Shuai and is in contact with Cui Shaoyu.

However, that company is more cautious and wants to observe Ren Shuai's recent development more. As for the endorsement fee, they are not stingy.

Although Ren Shuai's endorsement fee is still relatively low, after a while, if he becomes more famous, the endorsement fee will definitely increase.

However, the throat treasure brand was rich and powerful, and felt that even if Ren Shuai's endorsement fee increased, he could afford it, so to be on the safe side, he hoped to observe for a while and wait for Ren Shuai's reputation to spread further before signing the contract.

If it weren't for this, Ren Shuai would definitely not be able to get the holidays for these few days.

During the few days of rest in the dormitory, Ren Shuai worked hard to save [-] words of manuscripts. It can be said that more than [-] words are output every day, which is quite productive.

According to Ren Shuai's estimate, with another 10 words, this novel should be over.

After finishing, he can receive the system reward.

I couldn't help but look forward to it.

In addition to the system rewards, there is another point that makes Ren Shuai very motivated. He can produce more than [-] words a day, because the manuscript fee is really inspiring.

Even if it's been off for more than half a month.His manuscript fee last month was nearly 2 yuan.

Although I didn't earn as much from filming TV and acting as endorsements, it was still a considerable income.

While Ren Shuai was happy to settle his account balance, Cui Shaoyu, who hadn't bothered him for many days, finally called.

"Ms. Li, have you looked at the box office rankings for the Spring Festival recently?" Cui Shaoyu asked directly when he came up.

Ren Shuai codes every day, and the code is in the dark. How can he have time to surf the Internet and check his mobile phone, and pay attention to the ranking list.

He said bluntly: "No."

Cui Shaoyu said with excitement in his tone: "Who is the real murderer has become the biggest dark horse at the box office this year. Although it did not win the championship in one fell swoop, a low-cost reasoning movie without big-name stars broke through to the top five at the box office."

Ren Shuai has never had any idea about the box office of movies, he just nodded perfunctorily and said, "Oh, that's pretty good."

Cui Shaoyu didn't expect Ren Shuai's tone to be so calm, and couldn't help admiring his skill in nourishing Qi.

She thought to herself that Ren Shuai is worthy of being a senior with rich experience in life. Even if it is such a pleasant surprise, it is a trivial matter to him.

Cui Shaoyu looked back at herself, as an agent, she should be rational, objective and calm. She felt that she should learn more from Ren Shuai.

"The producer contacted me just now and said that they are going to hold a celebration banquet and invite all the main cast and crew to attend. I don't know if you would like to go. I took a look. You have no plans tomorrow night. Are you going to attend?" Cui Shaoyu asked road.

Ren Shuai thought to himself, it is only the top five at the box office, so is it necessary to mobilize so many people, and to hold a celebration banquet.

But if someone invites you to dinner, he is naturally happy.

"Okay, let's go." Ren Shuai agreed.

Cui Shaoyu said with a smile: "Okay, then I will reply to them, do you want to come to the company tomorrow for styling?"


Isn't it just to have a meal, and there is no media interview, so I want to do some styling.

"No need." Ren Shuai replied.

Cui Shaoyu let out a sigh and said, "Okay, I will send a car to pick you up at the school gate."

The next night, Ren Shuai was going to go out at the agreed time.

When he was about to leave, he thought about it. The people who had dinner were all from the same crew, so they should be familiar with each other, so there was no need to dress too formally.

But he also thought that he was the spokesperson of Fenden Ko Niqi, and if he took other people's money, he had to do things for them, so in the end he chose a casual suit sponsored by a brand to wear.

Ren Shuai didn't wear makeup or hairstyle, he simply washed his face and went out.

Today is the last day of the Spring Festival holiday, and everyone will return to work tomorrow.

But there are still many people eating out tonight.

The crew of "Who is the real murderer" booked two interconnected private rooms at the Meijing Seafood Restaurant, set up three tables of banquets, and prepared to reward the main cast and crew of the crew.

They originally wanted to book the largest private room in the hotel, but it was a pity that they started a bit late, and that private room had already been booked by someone else.

Ren Shuai got in the car and arrived at the hotel. Cui Shaoyu originally planned to come with him, but because Su Xin had something to do, Cui Shaoyu had no choice but to be absent.

When Ren Shuai came to the entrance of the hotel, the waiter came over to greet him immediately, and said politely, "Sir, do you have an appointment?"

It was Cui Shaoyu who was in contact with the producer before, and Ren Shuai didn't know exactly which private room he was in.

He said to the waiter: "I'm here to attend the crew's celebration banquet, and they should have already reserved a private room."

The waiter immediately nodded when he heard the words: "I know, sir, please come with me!"

Ren Shuai followed the waiter all the way to the top floor of the hotel by elevator.The waiter pointed to the luxuriously decorated private room and said, "Sir, it's right here, please come in."

Ren Shuai nodded and stepped into the private room.

At this time, several people were already sitting in the private room, but Ren Shuai didn't know him very well, but he heard from them that the director, producer and other main creative personnel were still on their way.

Ren Shuai thought to himself, it seems that he came early, so he could only sit down and drink a glass of water first, and wait.

Perhaps everyone was sitting bored, so they started chatting with the people around them.

Sitting next to Ren Shuai was a man about his age. The man turned his head to look at Ren Shuai and said, "Hi, my name is Zhen Fugui, and I'm the chef of the crew."

Ren Shuai glanced at his round belly, nodded and said hello, "Hello, my name is Li Laifu."

After the two exchanged names, they both felt that the other's name was quite blessed.

Zhen Fugui glanced at Ren Shuai's flat abs, and asked, "What do you do on the set?"

Ren Shuai participated in the filming for only one day, and most of the crew must not know him.

"I'm an actor." Ren Shuai said.

Zhen Fugui was a little surprised, but then it dawned on him, no wonder Ren Shuai, who is the same age as him, can maintain such a good figure, it turned out to be a difference in occupation.

The two chatted together, and Zhen Fugui said, "Why are the main personnel not here so late?"

He was already starving. He heard that the food at Meijing Seafood Hotel was of good quality. As the chef, he couldn't wait to test the level of the kitchen here.

Ren Shuai is not too hungry, but sitting here is a bit boring, so he just took out his phone and started typing.

But before he coded 100 characters, he heard a burst of laughter from outside the box.

Apparently the main creators have arrived.

Several young people in the private room heard the voice outside and immediately went to the door to greet them.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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