Chapter 250

A very fashionable young man walked in from the door. Although he was inside, he still wore a pair of sunglasses.

Walking in side by side with him was a middle-aged man in a neat suit.

Behind the two, a slim woman in a cheongsam-style evening gown and a bald old man walked into the box.

As soon as the four arrived, they elicited bursts of applause.

Several people in the room showed flattering expressions, clapped and smiled and said, "Congratulations, congratulations."

Ren Shuai glanced up and didn't care. He suddenly had an inspiration and wanted to type out all the words quickly.

Inspiration is often instantaneous, and he is afraid that it will be forgotten after a long time.

Zhen Fugui, who was sitting next to him, leaned over and said in a low voice, "Look, that's the protagonist. I used to cook in the back kitchen, so I haven't seen the hero and heroine of our film much."

Ren Shuai had no time to look at him, he just hummed and continued to type.

There were three tables in the private room. A man wearing sunglasses and a woman in a cheongsam sat at the main table, while Ren Shuai sat at a table in the corner.

At the same time, next to the private room where Ren Shuai was sitting were two other smaller private rooms, which were full of guests.

Those guests sat at the table and looked at each other, wanting to see who was coming to tonight's celebration banquet.

Especially the director and producer, their eyes kept wandering between the other two tables of guests, as if they wanted to find someone, but they couldn't find them, and there was a little disappointment in their eyes.

The director and producer began to communicate privately.

"Didn't Teacher Li promise to come to the celebration banquet?"

The producer also showed doubts, and said: "Yesterday, I contacted Mr. Li's agent, saying that he will definitely come when he has time, and I didn't hear that he asked for leave today. Maybe it's just that he came late, otherwise we will wait Wait for him, shall we?"

The director thought to himself that there might be a traffic jam at night, or that he came here from other announcements, so it's normal to be late, so he nodded and said, "Then wait a little longer, don't serve the food yet."

In another private room, Ren Shuai sat on a chair and finally tapped his thoughts into his mobile phone, and then let out a sigh of relief.

Looking up, he found that the guests in the room were basically all present.

It seemed a little strange, but he didn't think too much about it. Anyway, he didn't know most of the people in the crew.

At this time, the director in a suit stood up, raised his glass and said, "Our seven-day box office during the Spring Festival this year reached 15 billion, perfectly exceeding expectations, and successfully squeezed into the top three box office. This is inseparable from everyone's dedication and hard work. Here, I offer a toast to everyone."

After listening to Ren Shuai's brains, he thought to himself that this drama was still the top five at the box office yesterday, so why is it already the top three at the box office today, and the box office has reached 15 billion.

It's just progress by leaps and bounds.

He also raised his glass with the director, but Ren Shuai was a little puzzled, feeling that this director looked a little different from the director he remembered.

However, they only worked together for one day and didn't have many face-to-face meetings.

He also felt that the director might have dressed a little more delicately today, so he didn't recognize it.

Then it was the producer's turn to speak.

The bald old man struggled to get up, put his big belly on the table and said, "Thank you for your support, everyone has a good meal and drink today."

Ren Shuai can be sure this time that he is not the producer he has met before.

After all, Ren Shuai can still tell the difference between men and women.

The former producer was not only a beautiful woman, but also personally gave him a folding screen mobile phone, which he remembered clearly.

Ren Shuai thought to himself, it must be that the film crew was short of funds in the later stage, and another producer was changed to attract investment. This middle-aged bald man looks like he knows a lot of rich people, and he must have a lot of connections.

It is estimated that she is much more powerful than the previous female producers.

Ren Shuai still felt a little regretful, the former female producer was at least more pleasing to the eye than this old man, and they even gave him a mobile phone.

After the old man with a top hat finished speaking, it was the turn of the young man with sunglasses. He hung his sunglasses upside down on his ears, revealing a pair of long and narrow peach eyes.

All the young women around him cast enamored glances at him.

According to Ren Shuai's aesthetics, this young man does look very distinctive, with a handsome temperament.

But still more ruffian, less handsome.

He spoke with a slight accent, raised the glass of red wine in front of him and said, "Thanks to the makeup artist, to the stylist, to everyone in the crew who helped me, and to my good partner, Sister Ling." .”

As he spoke, he nodded to the woman wearing a cheongsam evening dress next to him, then looked back at the director and the producer and said with a smile: "The most important thing is, I would like to thank the director and producer for their appreciation, for giving me this Opportunity to play the male lead in this film."

Ren Shuai was a little curious when he heard the words, and asked Zhen Fugui next to him in a low voice: "Has the leading actor of our film crew had plastic surgery recently?"

He clearly remembered that during the premiere audition on New Year's Day, the leading actor didn't look like this.

I don't know where the operation was performed, but it was successful and he recovered quickly.

After hearing his question, Zhen Fugui quickly waved his hands to ask Ren Shuai to keep his voice down, and said, "This topic is very sensitive and cannot be brought up. Although everyone knows it well, no one has said it clearly."

Ren Shuai thought to himself, it's not something shameful to make a slight adjustment in the entertainment industry, so why not say it.

Zhen Fugui quickly explained to him: "When I was on the set before, although I had never seen the male and female protagonists, I heard many people promote it to me, saying that the male protagonist has always been called a natural beauty and has never used a knife. Everyone knows that he has undergone plastic surgery a long time ago, but they just don’t admit it.”


Ren Shuai was puzzled, looked at the male lead, and felt that he had nothing to do with the word beauty.

After the male lead finished speaking, everyone applauded.

Then came the heroine who was wearing a cheongsam and gave a speech. She looked about 30 years old, showing a little bit of the charm of a mature woman, with flaming red lips.

After raising her glass, she glanced at the people around her and said, "Let's toast together, this is our common success."

Ren Shuai raised his glass three times and took three sips, thinking that just drinking on an empty stomach would be bad for his stomach, and the food should be served soon.

At this time, the director suggested: "Let's give a testimonial each, and after that, we will enjoy the food to our heart's content."

Ren Shuai was speechless for a moment, feeling as if he was attending a regular meeting of the company, saying one sentence to each other, all non-nutritious words, it would be better to have a meal directly.

Zhen Fugui next to him was even more anxious than him.

After hearing the director's suggestion, his face immediately darkened three degrees.

But surely no one would please the director's kindness, so starting from the main table, everyone said auspicious words and flattered the director, producer and the two leading actors.

After talking in a circle, after more than half an hour, it was finally Ren Shuai's turn to speak.

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(End of this chapter)

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