From janitor to actor

Chapter 251 What I Forgot

Chapter 251 What I Forgot

Ren Shuai stood up holding his wine glass.

Just when he was about to make a speech, the people around the wine table all focused their eyes on him.

Several women looked at each other and whispered: "Who is this person, I haven't seen him on the set before."

"Yeah, although he looks a bit old, he looks good. If I see him, I will definitely remember him."

The director and Xiedian's producer were also very puzzled. They all knew the crew and the people invited to this banquet, but Ren Shuai was really unfamiliar.

Ren Shuai finally thought about what to say.

Although he also wants to eat quickly, since the director and producer invited him to eat for free, he can't really eat for free, and he has to say a few nice words.

So Ren Shuai said: "Thank the director for inviting me to the premiere ceremony, and also thank the director for giving me the opportunity to recommend me to endorse the co-branded mobile game, and also thank the martial arts director for helping to hang Wia."

In fact, what Ren Shuai wanted to thank the most was the female producer who gave him a mobile phone, but it was a pity that the female producer did not come.

So when he said this, he toasted and sat down.

The scene began to look at each other in blank dismay.

The male protagonist glanced at the director and thought, this person seems to be an actor in the crew. He didn't pay much attention to other supporting actors before, but why is there such an endorsement for a joint mobile game.The director didn't recommend it to him, but recommended it to a supporting role?
The director is also wondering, thinking that I haven't recommended you to endorse any mobile games.

What's more, our movie doesn't have any joint mobile games at all, and there is no such thing as martial arts guidance.

Their movie is obviously a romance movie, where did the martial arts moves come from, who would show off their prestige?
The producer glanced at the director, wondering who invited this guest, why he was already drunk and talking nonsense before he had had two drinks.

But since everyone is already sitting here, if you can't come up, ask who you are and if you came here to eat and drink.

What's more, the Fendenko Nikki casual suit on him is new this year, and it's very expensive. Who would wear such an outfit to eat and drink with them?
So, they all had doubts in their hearts, and wanted to wait until after dinner to have a private chat.

The last one to give a speech was Zhen Fugui next to Ren Shuai. He was really hungry, so he said something during his speech, so that everyone would have the opportunity to eat with his crew in the future.

After a round of speeches, the director finally asked the waiter to serve the food.

At this time, the private room on the other side also began to serve food.

Director Lu Jin originally wanted to wait for Ren Shuai to arrive at the scene before starting the meal, but they waited for half an hour and couldn't contact Cui Shaoyu, so they had no choice.

After all, there are other cast members waiting eagerly.

So the private rooms on both sides began to serve dishes at the same time, but the waiter was in a hurry and served the wrong dish in the two private rooms.

The waiter brought a steamed garlic lobster to Ren Shuai's table. Everyone saw that the director had spent a lot of money and ordered such a sumptuous dinner for them, so they all stretched out their chopsticks and ran towards the lobster.

Ren Shuai is no exception, he can't make everyone look better than others, besides, sitting next to him is a powerful Zhen Fugui.

No, only three dishes were served, and Zhen Fugui ate one and a half dishes by himself. His hands were fast and his appetite was excellent. If Ren Shuai was slower, he couldn't even pick up a scum of vegetables.

As soon as the lobster came up, everyone chopped him up and down.

This lobster dish was priced at 1088, comparable to a waiter's salary for a week. After he served this dish by mistake, he quickly thought of coming over to take it away, but he was a step too late, and only saw the lobster shell dangling on the plate.

So the waiter ran to the private room next door to explain the situation without tears.

The crew of "Who is the real murderer" next door, everyone was waiting for the director and producer to bleed, and they invited everyone to eat this lobster feast, but they waited and waited and didn't come.

Waiting for the waiter to give such an explanation.

What the waiter meant was that he couldn't afford to pay, so he could only serve them the next door's dishes. In this way, neither of them would lose.

The next door ordered abalone, and they ordered lobster. The prices of the two dishes are similar, but you have to explain clearly to the next door.

The waiter is here begging the crew of "Who is the real murderer", hoping that they can send a representative to go with him to explain the situation.

Let's see if the people in the other private room can accommodate and bring the abalone they ordered to this room.

When the director heard that it was not a big deal, he sent his young assistant to explain the situation with the waiter.

The waiter led the assistant to knock on the door of Ren Shuai's private room and walked in.

He saw the director and producer sitting at the main table who seemed to be the speaker, so he walked over and began to explain the situation.

At this time, the crew assistant standing next to the waiter looked around the room, and found that this room seemed to be full of colleagues. Among them, a man and a woman sitting at the main table looked familiar, and they were two popular entertainers in the entertainment industry.

And it seems to be an actor in a Spring Festival movie.

After watching the two people, he subconsciously glanced at the other two tables, and suddenly saw a familiar figure.

Isn't this Mr. Li who they waited in the private room for half an hour and didn't come?
It turned out to be sitting in this room and eating.

It seems that Teacher Li should have a lot of film appointments, and the configuration of this crew is much better than theirs. If the two crews hold a celebration banquet together, if it is on him, they will also choose this crew.

At this time, the waiter and him also attracted the attention of most people, and Ren Shuai subconsciously turned his gaze to the direction of the assistant and the waiter.

The assistant didn't intend to disturb Ren Shuai at first, but when he saw Ren Shuai looking over, the two of them looked at each other for a moment.He thought it would be impolite if he didn't take the initiative to say hello, so he went around behind the table and walked towards Ren Shuai.

"Mr. Li, so you are here."

Ren Shuai glanced at him, feeling that this person looked familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere, but couldn't remember, so he nodded subconsciously.

He said politely, "You come here to eat too."

As a result, the assistant took it seriously, nodded seriously, and said, "Yes, didn't I invite you to come with me? But there may be conflicts in the invitations. If you have time, you can go to the next door to say hello to everyone."

When Ren Shuai heard this, he was a little confused.

When did you invite him, when did the invitation conflict, why did you go to the next door to say hello?

At this time, the waiter finally discussed with the director.

The director thought to himself that tonight was a celebration banquet, and it was just a wrong dish, so it wasn't a big deal. Since the waiter served the wrong dish, it was the wrong one. Just give them the abalone.

Don't spoil everyone's interest.

The waiter left happily, and the assistant bid farewell to Ren Shuai when he saw this.

Ren Shuai looked at the back of the assistant leaving, thoughtful.

I always feel like I've overlooked something important.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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