From janitor to actor

Chapter 253 Catch him

Chapter 253 Catch him

Ren Shuai didn't have the nerve to mention that he went to the wrong private room, so he could only excuse that there was something wrong, he was late by accident, and he kept apologizing to the director and producer.

When the director and producer heard it, it turned out that Ren Shuai was late because he had something to do, so he quickly waved his hands and said, "It's okay, Mr. Li, you're welcome."

The two quickly made room for him at the main table.

Neither the leading actor nor the heroine next to him had any objections. Who made Ren Shuai more attention recently?

Even the box office of their movies was largely due to Ren Shuai's help.

On the contrary, the male and female protagonists are average in terms of box office appeal. Besides, Ren Shuai's age and qualifications are there, and there is nothing to fight between the two of them, so they consciously moved to the wrong side.

When the director saw the leftover dishes on the table, he quickly called the waiter to come over and remove them all, and bring a new set.

Ren Shuai waved his hand to stop him immediately when he heard the words. He had already eaten in another private room just now, and the food was still piled up near his throat. It would be really difficult to eat another meal.

But the director was not forgiving, and said: "Ms. Li finally came here, and I absolutely cannot let you go back hungry."

So he insisted on asking the waiter to serve two more big lobsters.

Ren Shuai looked at the plate of lobster that had just been brought to the table, and thought that he couldn't grab it before, but now he couldn't get his chopsticks down.

It's really hard to hold on.

He could only put two pieces of lobster meat in his mouth in a symbolic way. The lobster meat, which he usually finds delicious, really doesn't have any special taste in his mouth now.

Sure enough, things taste the most delicious only when they are rushing to eat.

He couldn't help wishing that Zhen Fugui was sitting next to him at the moment, and if he always ate with him, he would gain at least ten catties.

At this time, the director and producer in the private room next door had already noticed something was wrong.

When they went back to find Ren Shuai, they found that his chair was empty, so they could only ask the chef next to him, Zhen Fugui.

"Where did the person next to you go?"

Zhen Fugui was still attacking the last staple food, which was similar to meat and steamed buns. Hearing this, he raised his head and said, "Oh, I should have gone out to the toilet."

He ate so hard he didn't even notice.

The director and producer looked at each other, thinking that they probably guessed right, Ren Shuai is a paparazzi who sneaked into their celebration party.

When they were chatting at the table just now, the two of them didn't pay much attention, and even made a few large-scale colored jokes.

Thinking that if they were photographed by the paparazzi and released, it would definitely affect their image, so the two quickly called an assistant with a mole on their mouth.

"Quickly, chase it out and take a look, and bring back the person who was sitting here just now."

Assistant Mole didn't pay much attention to Ren Shuai's appearance just now, but he felt that he looked pretty good, after all, he was not a beauty, so he didn't pay close attention to it.

But he remembered the suit Ren Shuai was wearing, the new spring casual style of Fendenko Nickey this year, he had always wanted to buy it before, but unfortunately the clothes were too expensive, so he was reluctant to buy them.

So, Mole's assistant immediately nodded and ran out of the private room, preparing to bring Ren Shuai back.

He chased all the way to the gate of the hotel without seeing any suspicious figures. He thought that if he was a paparazzi, he would definitely find a hidden corner to leave after taking pictures of things secretly, and would not walk away ostentatiously.

The assistant Mole sighed, and could only walk back feeling a little frustrated, hoping that the director and producer would not blame him for his incompetence.

After all, everyone had already left for a while, so it was really late to chase after them now, and it was normal to not find them.

While thinking this way, Mole's assistant passed by the private room of the crew of "Who Is the Murderer". The door was half open. He subconsciously glanced inside and saw the familiar suit.

The assistant with a mole suddenly brightened his eyes.

He pushed the door open with a "snap", glanced at the people in the room, and found that they all seemed to be from the circle.

Unexpectedly, Ren Shuai, a paparazzi, candidly photographed one family, but wanted to secretly photograph another family. He was really greedy.

This time he may have been caught.

The people in the room looked at the mole assistant who broke in, showing doubts, wondering if someone in the room had drunk too much and came to them in the wrong private room.

As a result, the assistant with a mole hat had bright eyes and walked straight towards Ren Shuai.

When the others saw it, they suddenly realized, thinking that this is a fan meeting their idol.

Director Lu Jin got up very consciously, stopped the assistant with a mole, and said, "Sir, we are eating, and we don't accept autographs or group photos. Please don't disturb me."

Mole's assistant froze for a moment, quickly shook his head and said, "I'm not here to ask for autographs and group photos, I'm from the private room next door, here to catch the paparazzi!"

Paparazzi, where's the paparazzi?

Director Lu Jin glanced around the room suspiciously. These people were all from their crew, he knew everyone, and there were no paparazzi at all.

At this time, Ren Shuai looked up at the assistant Mole, who looked familiar, as if he was the person in the private room just now.

He hurriedly lowered his head guiltily, and put another chopstick of lobster into his mouth.

The mole assistant pointed at Ren Shuai and said, "That's the guy who was lurking in our private room to steal information just now, and now he came to your room to secretly take pictures, everyone must be careful.

Not only did he lie about eating and drinking, but he must also have turned on the recording and video recording function. If everyone accidentally said something and he recorded it, they would be able to see it in gossip magazines tomorrow. "

Ren Shuai paused while eating the lobster, thinking, could it be that the other party regards him as a paparazzi secretly filming gossip news.

However, no matter the image or temperament, I should not look like him, right?

These people are too impolite, how can they slander like this, isn't it just to go to your room to have a meal, at worst, let you come to this room to have a meal.

Besides, he didn't go wrong on purpose, it was the hotel staff who led him in.

Hearing this, Lu Jin smiled angrily, and said to Assistant Youmo, "I think you are the paparazzi who came to make trouble, you should get out quickly, or I will call security."

Hearing the words, the peaked cap immediately felt aggrieved enough, as if he couldn't explain why.

He could only walk out while saying: "Wait, watch this man, don't let him go, I have a witness, it's in the private room next door, we were eating with this man just now, and he ran away suddenly It must be the paparazzi coming to your house."

Although Ren Shuai was a little guilty, he didn't speak, and he was full of confidence in the effect of the makeup card.

Assistant Mole quickly returned to his private room and reported the situation to Xie Ding's producer and suit director.

The peach blossom-eyed male protagonist wearing sunglasses next to him heard the news and frowned, thinking that he had said a lot of nasty things just now. If he was secretly recorded by the paparazzi and posted on the Internet, it would have a great impact on his personal image.

You have to catch this person quickly and let him delete all the sneak shots.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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