From janitor to actor

Chapter 254 Lethality

Chapter 254 Lethality
A group of people came to Ren Shuai's private room in a mighty manner.

A mole assistant pointed to the room and said, "That person is inside!"

Relying on his popularity, the actor in sunglasses walked into the private room first, thinking that if he proved himself, others would believe him, and save himself a lot of talking.

Lu Jin didn't expect that the person with the mole on his mouth just now would actually bring people here, and there were quite a few of them, four or five came at once.

Ren Shuai raised his head, looked at the few people who walked in, his face remained calm.

Director Lu Jin thought they were going to make trouble, and was going to have someone call security, but after a closer look, he recognized the director behind the actor in sunglasses.

We are all colleagues, so we naturally understand.

The director in a neat suit was about the same age as Lu Jin. After seeing Lu Jin, he also showed an expression of seeing an acquaintance.

However, although the two knew each other, their relationship was not good.

Due to the different concepts of directing the play, they can be regarded as two factions.

"Isn't this Director Jiang, who also eats here?" Lu Jin asked.

The director surnamed Jiang showed a smile, hehe said: "Yes, our movie has been a big success this time, and we are having a celebration banquet."

As he said that, he showed a hint of color, thinking that there is still a market for his own school of director style, and Lu Jin's method is destined to be a minority, and he can't make a name for himself.

"Oh, what a coincidence, our movie has also been a big success, and we are holding a celebration banquet."

Lu Jin didn't show any weakness at all. He really didn't have the confidence in the past, but this time it's different, their movie can definitely be regarded as a dark horse.

"Oh, I heard. Didn't you make a mystery film? I heard that the box office is only 10 billion. This time the ranking is No.5."

Director Jiang spoke like a hermaphrodite, with a condescending sense of superiority.

Lu Jin smiled and said: "Your data is outdated. As of now, the total box office of our movies has reached 12 billion, and it is now No.4 in the rankings."

In just one day, the box office ranking of their movie has risen by one place.

"That's really congratulations."

Director Jiang said congratulations very carelessly, then took out his mobile phone from his pocket, looked at it seriously and said, "The box office of our film seems to be 15 billion, ranking third."

After Lu Jin heard this, his expression turned ugly.

When the two confronted each other this time, he was at a disadvantage again, but this private room was their home court, so Lu Jin hurriedly changed the subject and said, "You brought so many people here just to talk about this?"

Director Jiang remembered the purpose of his trip after hearing this. After seeing his old opponent, he was so busy showing off that he almost forgot the business.

Jiang Dao turned his head to look at the mole assistant and said: "Just now my assistant passed by your room and saw a paparazzi who came to our private room to eat and drink. He kindly reminded you to pay attention. I didn't expect you to be ungrateful."

"Paparazzi, huh, we are all the main cast and crew of the crew, where are the paparazzi, you are not here to find fault, are you?" Lu Jin said with a grim expression.

This time, before Director Jiang could speak, the actor behind him took a step forward and said, "Director, we are not so bored, everyone is having a celebration banquet, so we don't want to spoil our spirits.

If the paparazzi hadn't secretly filmed something that shouldn't be filmed in our room just now, we wouldn't have found it, and it's for your own good that we remind everyone. "

Lu Jin took a look at him and recognized the actor named Mi Hang. He is a new-generation actor who has become popular recently. He has received a lot of attention because he starred in a hit drama last year.

He heard a few people swear that there are paparazzi, and it doesn't look like a fake, so he asked: "You keep saying that there are paparazzi, but where are you talking about?"

After Lu Jin finished speaking, he stepped aside to reveal everyone in the room.

Mi Hang's gaze began to scan the faces of everyone in the room, but after a circle, he found that there was no one who could match his number.

Now he was a little dumbfounded, and turned to look at the assistant with the mole.

Director Jiang and Producer Xie Ding also looked around the room, but they didn't lock onto the target.

Facing a few questioning looks, Assistant Mole pointed at Ren Shuai very firmly and said, "It's him, I remember this outfit."

As soon as this remark came out, Lu Jin suddenly became angry, stared at Director Jiang and said, "You can't even recognize people, so you let an assistant point at you, and you said you didn't come to find fault?"

Director Jiang was a little speechless. He looked at Ren Shuai who was pointed out by the assistant with a mole, and really wanted to turn around and give him a clue.

I really don't know when the assistant went blind?
Seeing that Ren Shuai is sitting in the middle of the main table, and he has both good looks and temperament, he doesn't look like the paparazzi who was eating in their room just now.

Just when he was about to say that he admitted the wrong person and quickly retreated, Mi Hang stepped forward and said, "You don't want to go to make up for the sake of disguise, do you?"

As an actor, he knows the importance of makeup best. Although he didn't see Ren Shuai's appearance clearly just now, he knows Ren Shuai's suit. Maybe that paparazzi looks like this after makeup.

It's just that Ren Shuai's handsome appearance is a bit too much, which makes him feel even more uncomfortable.

Ren Shuai felt a little guilty, he didn't dare to meet the eyes of the few people, he looked down at the lobster on the plate, and didn't speak.

At this moment, Han Wei, the producer next to Ren Shuai, stood up and said, "Although you are eager to find paparazzi, you can't identify people randomly. This Mr. Li is the main actor of our crew, how can you let you point it out for no reason."

She felt that these people were a little too impolite, even if they were competitors, they couldn't talk nonsense like that.

"main character?"

Mi Hang smiled and said, "Why don't I remember him in your movie?"

Some time ago, Mihang learned about the Spring Festival and the films he competed with in the same period, especially the main cast, which is his focus.

Among the competitors this time, there is no such person in front of him at all.

Seeing Han Wei and Lu Jin defending themselves like this, Ren Shuai felt a little embarrassed. It was indeed him who was eating in that room just now.

It's just that he has nothing to do with paparazzi at all.

Ren Shuai also noticed that the group of people who came in was not friendly to Lu Jin. In this situation, even if he took the initiative to explain the reason, it would only be a loss of face for his own people, so he might as well hold on to the end.

So Ren Shuai stood up, glanced at Mi Hangdao: "Who are you?"

Mi Hang suddenly laughed angrily, thinking that someone didn’t know him, he didn’t bother to introduce, but pointed to Ren Shuai’s clothes and said, “Your suit is Fendenko Nikki’s new spring style, I saw it just now. After a few glances, it is the clothes that are right, don’t think that you can hide by putting on makeup.”

This time, it was Lu Jin who quickly answered: "Ms. Li is the spokesperson of Fendenko Nikki. What's wrong with wearing clothes sponsored by the brand?"

What, the spokesperson of Fendenko Nickey!
Mi Hang was stunned, even he is not qualified to speak for a brand, but this person in front of him is actually the spokesperson?
Only then did Ren Shuai look at Mi Hang and said, "I don't blame you."

Mihang was speechless, thinking if I asked you to forgive me, you don't blame me.

So he quickly said: "But that person is indeed wearing the same clothes as you. Even if we recognize the wrong person, it is normal. It is reasonable to doubt that he wears makeup."

Ren Shuai showed a smile of caring for the disadvantaged and said: "After a person goes to your place to secretly shoot, if he has time to make up and style, but no time to change clothes?"

As soon as he said this, Mi Hang couldn't hold it anymore.

Looking at Ren Shuai's makeup, it will definitely not be completed in an hour or so. If you have time to change your makeup, you will naturally have time to change your clothes. There is no need to wear the same outfit to show off.

I can't even think of this, and my IQ is worrying.

Mi Hang was choked, didn't say anything, just coughed, then turned and walked out.

Director Jiang knew he was in the wrong, but he wouldn't apologize, he just said: "Since the paparazzi are not in your house, then we will leave first."

Just as they turned and walked out, Ren Shuai looked at Lu Jin and asked curiously, "Director, what is the cost of our film?"

Lu Jin didn't know why he asked this at this time, and subconsciously replied: "About 5000 million."

It's no secret, everyone knows that they are a low-budget movie, and it didn't cost too much money to hire actors, and it was even more economical to buy the script.

Director Jiang, who was walking away, paused slightly when he heard the words, his body stiffened for a moment, then he quickened his pace and left as if fleeing.

Although the movie they made had a box office of 15 billion, but the cost was as high as 4.5 million, and the profit was not as good as "Who is the real murderer".

The actor surnamed Li was really not easy to get along with, so he gave him a backstab in a few words.

At this time, Lu Jin showed a sudden smile, looked at the person and gave a thumbs up and said: "Mr. Li, it is indeed you!"

This group of people came to their private room to make a fuss, and even played a show of prestige, but they just admitted the wrong person and wanted to leave directly. How could such a good thing happen.

Ren Shuai's words were truly lethal.

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  Extended chapter, thanks to the book friends who supported the May [-] monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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