From janitor to actor

Chapter 256 Passion

Chapter 256 Passion

"Everyone, get ready."

Chi Yi began to call all departments to prepare.

Fang Shufen wanted to go forward to remind Ren Shuai to correct his attitude, but when she saw that the director was about to start the machine, she stopped her pace, thinking that when he performed later, she must let him have a longer memory.

Ren Shuai also adjusted his mood a little bit. Although he has experienced the retirement life, his experience is completely different from retirement in the true sense.

People retire and go home to enjoy life, while he retires and re-employs and continues to work as a worker.

Moreover, he has never been married, so he can't understand the feelings of husband and wife when they quarrel.

But fortunately, when Ren Shuai lived with his parents in his previous life, he had seen many bickering and quarreling scenes.

This also helped him find the character feeling.

Chi Yi looked at the monitor, took out a small speaker and said, "Ms. Li, Mr. Fang, let's start the machine."

Ren Shuai nodded, picked up the prop phone, leaned on the bed, and made a gesture of watching short videos.

Fang Shufen, on the other hand, was standing at the door of the room with a courier box, staring at Ren Shuai inside the room.

Seeing that the two were ready, Chi Yi immediately announced the start-up.

Ren Shuai began to look at the phone, showing a silly smile, obviously very absorbed in watching.

With anger in Fang Shufen's eyes, she picked up the courier in her hand and said, "What did you buy again?"

Ren Shuai glanced at it indifferently and said, "It should be health oral liquid."

Fang Shufen threw the courier box on the ground with a "snap" and said, "Another Sanwu product bought online?"

Ren Shuai put down his phone at once, got up from the bed, picked up the courier and said, "How can you throw it away? How can you drink it if it breaks?"

"Drink? You dare to drink this kind of three-no product. You are not afraid of being poisoned to death. With this money, you might as well go to the market to buy some food for me. Spending this kind of unjust money is simply a waste!"

Fang Shufen's tone rose, and she put her hands on her hips and began to scold him.

Ren Shuai showed a look that you don't understand, snorted, and sat back on the bed to watch short videos.

Fang Shufen's anger suddenly soared, and anger shot out of her eyes. Through the camera, she could feel that she was not only angry because of what happened today, but also had many complaints and grievances that had been accumulated in her heart before.

"You don't even want to talk now, do you? I don't understand anything, so you understand, right? Every day when you come back from buying some three-no products online, you don't care about big and small things at home. You just know how to sit on the bed and watch your phone! "

Ren Shuai looked at Fang Shufen, who was getting more and more excited, and said impatiently: "Isn't all the money given to you, and I will just spend a little money. Why are you arguing with me every day because of this?"

"Okay, let's not talk about it, granddaughter, you just watch. I cook and wash the dishes every day. What have you done for this family after retirement?" Fang Shufen asked with red eyes.

Hearing this, Ren Shuai took a deep breath, with a very ugly expression on his face, he threw his phone on the bed, looked up at Fang Shufen and said, "I also go to the kindergarten to pick up my granddaughter, don't I also go shopping occasionally? , besides, I have worked for this family all my life, can't I rest after retirement?"

Fang Shufen sneered when she heard the words, stepped forward and said to Ren Shuai: "You work hard for this family, don't say that I am like a housewife, I have never spent a penny from you, I also have a job, I also make money, after retirement I haven't been idle for a day, but you are fine, just like the adoptive uncle, swiping your phone on the bed every day, I see you and your phone will spend the rest of your life!"

Ren Shuai's lips trembled in anger, but he didn't raise his voice. Instead, he said angrily, "I was also a school girl back then, not because of this family. Can I become what I am now? You have no right to accuse me!"

"You pay?" Fang Shufen became very excited, her eyes were already a little wet and she said: "When I was young, I was a school belle, so many people chased me, but I didn't agree, but I just followed you. Because of giving birth to a child, I gave up my dream of being a dancer, and now I have become the yellow-faced woman I hated the most!"

Ren Shuai turned his head away from her and said angrily, "If you regret it, you can go to someone else."

"What did you say? You say it again?"

Ren Shuai's words immediately made Fang Shufen explode, and her question broke directly, as if to penetrate the ceiling.

Apparently, Ren Shuai's words hit her nails, making her go crazy instantly, and her whole body entered a state of hysteria.

Ren Shuai also felt that this sentence was too heavy, but since he said it, he would not take back the water that was spilled. He turned his head out of the window and said in a flat tone, "You can think what you like."

"This day is over!"

Fang Shufen tore off her apron, turned and left the room angrily.

"Okay, card!"

Chi Yi nodded very satisfied, and said to Ren Shuai and Fang Shufen, "The two teachers performed very well in this scene."

Just as Ren Shuai wanted to be humble, Fang Shufen spoke first: "Director Chi, you don't need to compliment us, I think the effect of the one just now is not ideal."

Chi Yi was a little puzzled, and he said, "Mr. Fang, don't be modest. I watched the whole process carefully just now. The effect is really good. Your explosive power throughout the game is very full, and your emotions are also very full."

Fang Shufen nodded calmly and said: "I know, I have been brewing emotions for a long time before the filming just started, of course I am full, but I am a shaved head and a hot head, what's the use of being full of emotions by myself, after all, it is two people Rivalry."

The implication of her words is very clear, that is, the responsible handsome is not full of emotions, and the acting in the opposite role has no passion.

Ren Shuai was a little unhappy when he said this, he thought that his acting skills were at the middle level, comparable to the actor's strength, and he was actually underestimated by others.

Chi Yi was stunned, he didn't expect Fang Shufen to speak so mercilessly, and actually accuse Li Shuai of not acting well in person.

As a director, he didn't dare to interrupt. From his point of view, there was nothing wrong with Ren Shuai's acting just now. Although compared to Fang Shufen's, his momentum was a little weaker, it was not bad.

It was Ren Shuai's decision to perform like that just now after careful consideration.

This scene seems to be a quarrel between two people, but both of them can't push the rhythm to the highest point. It takes Zhang Youchi to highlight the layering of emotional outbursts.

Out of good intentions, Ren Shuai took the initiative to lower his aura and let the focus of the scene turn to Fang Shufen, but the other party didn't appreciate it.

Moreover, he analyzed the characters' personalities and found that the male protagonist is not a person who likes to lose his temper. In most cases, he prefers to endure it, but the words he says occasionally are very choking.

Such a person, even if they quarrel, will not be in the state of being beaten up, more like an assassin, who looks indifferent, and suddenly hits the opponent with a blow that can stab people to death.

But Fang Shufen obviously didn't think about this aspect. In her opinion, Ren Shuai's acting in the quarrel scene is not hard, his attitude is not correct, and his acting skills are not good.

Ren Shuai looked at Fang Shufen and asked modestly, "Teacher Fang, what do you think is wrong with me?"

Fang Shufen glanced at him, thinking how could she act well if she didn't even know what her problem was.

She will teach the other party well today, so that Ren Shuai will not rely on his old age to sell his old age, and think that he is good at acting.

"Passion drama, as the name suggests, you have to act passionately. I don't need to teach you. You can see how I act and how you act. Show your explosive power!"

Fang Shufen raised her eyes and glared at Ren Shuai with the attitude of an expert guiding a layman. She couldn't understand a half-assed person like Ren Shuai the most.

Ren Shuai smiled slightly, thinking I'm too restrained, okay, let's fire it up.

It's just that I don't know if you can take it or not?

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(End of this chapter)

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