From janitor to actor

Chapter 257 Good temper

Chapter 257 Good temper

Chi Yi didn't expect Ren Shuai to have such a good temper. If he was pointed out in front of his peers like this, he would not be able to bear the shame.

Ren Shuai smiled and said to Chi Yi: "Director Chi, let's shoot again according to Teacher Fang's wishes."

Chi Yi nodded, "Okay, those two teachers work hard, let's shoot again."

Fang Shufen sighed, looked at Ren Shuai and said, "Filming this kind of scene is a waste of energy, you must be more correct and serious this time, and don't waste my feelings."

After hearing this, Chi Yi immediately turned his attention to Ren Shuai, thinking that Fang Shufen's words were too much, and she was completely acting like a senior instructing a junior. Teacher Li would probably go crazy.

In the end, Ren Shuai smiled modestly, Fang Shufen nodded and said, "Okay, Teacher Fang, I will do my best this time."

Chi Yi's eyes were slightly opened, his eyes were full of surprise, he didn't expect Ren Shuai's self-cultivation to be so good, Fang Shufen could bear such words.

He couldn't help admiring him.

Chi Yi thought about it, and remembered the matter of turning it on, and said quickly: "Then two teachers, please prepare, turn it on!"

Ren Shuai sat on the bed with his mobile phone, Fang Shufen came in with a courier, and asked angrily.

Ren Shuai leisurely said it was a health product.

Fang Shufen angrily threw the courier on the ground and began to scold him.

At this time, she had already raised her tone, her emotions began to accumulate, and she quickly filled up her state.

Ren Shuai glanced at her, changed his low-key style of dealing with it, and stood up from the bed, his eyes showed anger, and his momentum suddenly rose.

"Didn't I give you all the money? I'll just spend a little money. Why are you arguing with me every day because of this?"

His tone of voice completely overwhelmed Fang Shufen, and he looked furious.

Fang Shufen was startled, and unconsciously took a half step back, and the energy that had just been accumulated was instantly retracted by half.

She swallowed and spat, and said weakly: "Okay, let's not talk about it, you should watch your granddaughter, I cook and wash the dishes every day, what have you done for this family after you retired? "

Ren Shuai's face became even more gloomy, and his momentum rose again, and he threw the phone directly on the bed.

Before he could speak, Fang Shufen backed up a few steps in fright, directly out of the painting, and ran out of the camera.


Chi Yi hurriedly called to stop. He looked at Fang Shufen and asked, "Teacher Fang, what's wrong with you?"

Fang Shufen took a few breaths quickly. The appearance of Ren Shuai just now really shocked her. Although she knew it was acting, she still couldn't help but backed away.

She felt like she was about to have a heart attack.

After the director yelled to stop, Ren Shuai quickly restrained his aura, showed a harmless sunny smile, stepped forward and said with concern: "Mr. Fang, this is what you are doing. Is it because the passionate drama is too physically demanding and you are a bit overwhelmed? "

Fang Shufen was a little embarrassed to get off the stage. It was the first time in her career that she was scared off by a rival actor while acting like just now.

I don't know why, but Ren Shuai is very gentle now, why did he feel so scared just now, he was shocked physically and mentally?

She smiled awkwardly and said, "Maybe I didn't sleep well last night."

"Then let's stop shooting, after all, your body is important, and you are not young at this age?" Ren Shuai asked.

Fang Shufen felt as if she had been pricked by a needle when she heard the words, and put on an air of a strong woman. Who dares to say that she is old and in poor health, we are amazing!
She raised her head to look at Chi Yi and said, "Director, I was out of shape just now, but I have adjusted it now, shall we shoot it again?"

Ren Shuai was concerned again: "Is it okay? Acting this kind of scene is very labor-intensive, so I can't shoot more. Fortunately, I usually like to exercise, otherwise it would be too much."

Fang Shufen took a look at Ren Shuai, thinking that he might be playing a hermaphrodite.

But seeing the sincere smile on Ren Shuai's face, he suddenly felt that he was thinking too much.

She taught Shuai Ren like that just now, and he also looked like he was being taught with an open mind. He looked like an honest person who was easy to bully, how could he hurt her now.

Think more.

Fang Shufen suppressed the suspicion in her heart, nodded again to confirm: "Don't worry, there will be no problem this time."

Chi Yi glanced at Ren Shuai and found that he had no objection, so he nodded.

In fact, he felt that the effect of the first shot was quite good, so there was no need to toss so many times.

It's just that Fang Shufen likes to find fault. If she feels that Ren Shuai's acting is not passionate enough, then she can only do it a few more times according to her wishes.

This time, the scene of Ren Shuai throwing the phone just now continued.

Fang Shufen thought, starting from here, Ren Shuai's aura should not be as scary as before. After all, emotions and aura need to be accumulated to reach a high point.

Ren Shuai didn't think about it at all, and raised his aura directly, looking at Fang Shufen with anger in his eyes.

This time, Fang Shufen directly exceeded Fang Shufen's expectations. She did not expect that Ren Shuai could have such expressive and explosive power, and could instantly fill up the aura.

Fang Shufen's mind was distracted at this moment, and the atmosphere of the quarrel was broken immediately, and Chi Yi immediately yelled to stop.

"Um, well, I just thought that Teacher Li didn't have to be so aggressive just now, so I hesitated for a while." Fang Shufen found a reason to explain.

"Then shoot again?" Ren Shuai asked directly.

Chi Yi was very puzzled, he could tell that Fang Shufen was making excuses, but Ren Shuai was so tolerant, he was really a good person.

Fang Shufen nodded immediately and said, "This time, don't raise your aura so high right from the start, but do it step by step."

Seeing Ren Shuai's easy-going look, she immediately assumed the posture of a senior and began to teach acting skills.

Ren Shuai still nodded gently in agreement, as if he was obedient.

Fang Shufen was very satisfied with his attitude, and thought that luckily the opponent actor this time was inexperienced and easy to fool, and he could be trained in a few words.

Ren Shuai looked at Fang Shufen, who had a bright face, and laughed in his heart.

After turning it on this time, Ren Shuai was very obedient and did not fill up his aura, but maintained a state of concealment.

Fang Shufen finally performed smoothly, and began to complain loudly with her hips on her hips.

"Go live with your phone for the rest of your life!"

When Ren Shuai heard this, he immediately sullenly said, "You have no right to accuse me!"

After hearing this, Fang Shufen finally found the feeling, completely entered the state, and began to complain continuously.

Ren Shuai remained sullen, and after hearing her say, "So many people chased me, I didn't agree, but I just followed you, and I didn't enjoy a day of peace and happiness", he ran away in an instant.

"If you regret it, you can find someone else!"

When these words came out, Ren Shuai did not show the trembling feeling of impotence and rage, but his face was very cold, but the anger in his eyes showed the turbulent waves in his dark bottom.

All these emotions shot out from his eyes, shooting towards Fang Shufen like a stormy sea.

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(End of this chapter)

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